The Inverted Dragon’s Scale

Chapter 865: Depth den!

Chapter 865, deep into the magic cave!

Flower plain.

If you understand the words, you can know how beautiful and rich this fertile soil is by listening to the name.

Hundreds of flowers are in full bloom, and the beasts fight for the front, that is, they are dangerous and full of vitality.

Because Huayu Plain is located at the border of various countries, it is connected to the Nujiang River, adjacent to the Red Sea, and there are many beasts and poisonous snakes inside, so it has not been exploited by the Terran. Most of the time it is just a wasteland that is idle and stands on the Great Wall. The former scenery.

When Li Muyang first stepped into the flower plain, he was attracted by the exotic flowers and animals in the plain. Although at that time he and the fat man were killed by Cui's killer to chase the same as the dog, but still inadvertently to see the scenery in front of the eyes.

When the huge unmovable Cui was collapsed, the family male died and the exile was exiled. There were not many men left in Cui. This is known as the first flower show in Shenzhou, but the grass is withered, the beasts are dead, and the dark mist haunts like death.

Things are human!

Things are human!

As Qiandu and Li Si Nian are worried about, Li Muyang is indeed in this flower plain.

He appeared in a human form, concentrating on the whole body and lurking on a small hillside.

Not far from him, there are two three-eyed demons who are devouring the bodies of some animals.

They don't eat meat, they just pick up the animal that was poisoned by the poisonous mist and put it in the nose, then the animal becomes the backbone.

The high-level three-eyed demon can absorb all things directly from a long distance. Like this low-level three-eyed demon, you need to be close to the animal to achieve the 'food' effect.

The entire flower plain is filled with black fog, like the night, the naked eye of ordinary people is difficult to see.

This harsh environment is the paradise of these three-eyed demons. They stayed in the abyss for too long, and they did not adapt to the first time in China.

Do not adapt to the glare of the sun here, do not adapt to the fresh air here, do not adapt to everything here -

If you don't take two poisons every day, you don't feel all right.

As a result, these abyss demons who invaded China were based on the Huayu Plain, and then released a large amount of abyss gas, transforming the land into a place that would make them feel comfortable and comfortable.

Seeing this situation, Li Muyang couldn't help but linger in his heart: In this case, what kind of effort does it take for you to break through the borders and go to Shenzhou to do something? Is it good to stay in your hometown? The neighbors are all acquaintances, and there is something that everyone can have a care for each other -

I ate a tiger, an antelope, and the two three-eyed demons still didn't feel full.

Like smelling something, a three-eyed demon saw it in the direction of Li Muyang. Because it has been living in the dark for a long time, its lower two eyes have long been abandoned, but the third eye in the middle of the eyebrows turned to and from here. Every turn, there is red blood tumbling, it looks 狰狞terrible.

Li Muyang was shocked and thought that he had already put away his whole body, and he did not dare to put aside a dragon.

The three-eyed demon is most sensitive to the dragons. If they let them know that the dragons have broken into the plain of flowers, they are afraid that they will be able to go out and it will be very difficult.

As for the Terran - not to mention the stereotypes of the Terran, it is an unknown number of how many people have the courage to step into the flower plain at this time.

Therefore, Li Muyang’s trip is only to explore the realities of the Mozu, the whereabouts of the demon, and try not to directly conflict with the three-eyed demon.

At least he decided in his heart.

However, the Huayu Plain is too big. The last time Li Muyang and the fat man walked for ten days to find the Starry Academy. He wanted to find the Mozu camp without revealing the traces. It was not an easy one. thing.

After the three-eyed Mozu looked at the place where Li Muyang was hiding, he even walked toward the side.

Li Muyang’s eyes instantly became fierce, and he made a fist with one hand, ready to kill him without a hit.

In any case, these two unsightly guys can't send their messages into the flower plain.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh. That is the Mozu language, even if Li Muyang and the Mozu have played a lot of dealings, and even get along with each other for a while, it is still difficult to break their language like language.

After all, the evil moon sacrifice is based on the human language. The old man of Shenzhou said that learning the Chinese language will not change the world.

Wanting immigration, language is the first difficulty to overcome.

The three-eyed demon who was heading for Li Muyang paused and glanced at the hillside where Li Muyang was hiding. Then he turned and went with the three-eyed demon to the deeper part of the jungle.

Li Muyang feels a little loose, but fortunately this time there is no such thing as a snake. I thought that it seems that I was only active in the periphery of the flower plain. I must follow these two World of Warcraft to go deeper.

Of course, the more the plain of the flower plain, the more poisonous, the place where the high-level demons gather.

Li Muyang held his breath and applied his body to the inside of the two three-eyed demons.

Because the flower plain is full of poisonous gas, breathing is a deadly thing for the Terran. All countries have sent masters to the plains of Huayu to explore the realities. Most of them have never gone out. Even if they return to the very small masters of the Great Wall Base Camp, they inhale the poisonous gas and cause the body to fail. Some of them are still insane. It is like madness.

Later, the royal family of each country was reluctant to put their masters into the place to make unnecessary sacrifices.

This is also the reason why Li Muyang wants to come in and explore the truth.

The Terran Army must know how many demons in the plain of flowers, how strong they are, and where the mysterious and terrible abyss lord went, whether it is hidden in the command of the Mozu camp -

The Anti-Devil Commander must get these important information.

If you don't know anything about your enemy, how can you fight this battle?

Li Muyang guessed that the more he went to the depths of the jungle, the more three-eyed demons he encountered. Moreover, the level of the three-eyed demon inside is also much more than the outer one. On several occasions, Li Muyang was almost found by them.

Through this dense forest, there is an open canyon in front of you.

Li Muyang just took a look and there was a feeling of scalp tingling.

Among the canyons, three-eyed demons in the mountains.

Their huge bodies are gathered together like a group of ugly monsters. It is dense, but not noisy, and there is almost no sound.

All the three-eyed demons raised their heads and looked at the ritual platform built with giant wood and big stone.

On the stage of the sacrifice, stood a three-eyed demon wearing a black robe.

It is thinner, leaner and has a humanoid outline than the other three-eyed demons.

Like the other three-eyed demons, he also has three eyes. The difference is that the other three-eyed demons are all in the body, only he is dressed in Terran clothes.

His difference made the three-eyed demons feel no discomfort, but instead filled and revered the black robe man and fear.

His hands are high, and a large amount of black gas is diffused in the center of the palm, blending with the black gas above the sky.

The other three-eyed demons are seen, and the same hands are lifted up, spreading out the abyss of their own body - and their source of strength.

The more gas, the more it condenses, and then it condenses into a black sphere.

The black crystal floats and rotates over the air. As more gas is injected, its color becomes transparent, cyan, and then red.

Red blood month!

The moon of the abyss!

When the three-eyed demon in the valley saw the blood-red moon hanging high, he couldn’t help but scream the sound of the mountain.

That is their belief, their guiding light.

Above this strange land, they finally found their destination.

"They actually made a moon by themselves -" Li Muyang thought in his heart. "With this red blood month, these three-eyed demons will be able to survive here for a long time - it seems that the Mozu also wants to fight the Terran."

When the red moon rises, the red brilliance shines on the earth, and the whistling sound of the three-eyed demon arrives again.

On the banquet stage, the three-eyed demon wearing a black robe stretched out his right hand.

Just a small movement, the three-eyed demon in the valley instantly calmed down.

Seeing this scene, Li Muyang’s heart is even more worried.

"There is a huge army and a strong leader - this is much better than the situation of the Terran."

After the silence of the audience, the black robe man began to speak. It is still the Mozu language of Lili, and Li Muyang can't really hear a word.

However, seeing the excitement of the Mozu, it is still possible to guess what he is saying, nothing more than the routines that the Terran generals will encourage morale.

Li Muyang’s gaze has been placed on the black robe man, guessing whether this person is the legendary abyss.

In the eyes of Li Muyang, most of the three-eyed demons are all the same, nothing more than the difference between tall and thin, thin or male. Just like the human race in the eyes of the Mozu.

Li Muyang knows that the Abyss has the Abyss Lord and the Three Great Sacrifices as the highest leaders, followed by the Eighteen Gods and the lower rank generals. The most mysterious and powerful evil moon sacrifice has been killed by himself, and the two rituals of the wind thief and the black star are unknown.

This time invaded China, the great demon of the abyss could not be smuggled, and the other two great sacrifices may leave one to guard the abyss, or both of them may go to China.

Li Muyang would like to release a glimpse of God, to test what the people on the ceremonial stage are. I am afraid that this will expose the target and cause the Mozu attack in this full canyon.

Although Li Muyang is proud, he is not arrogant to the extent that one person singles out a race. After all, before the entire dragons were dispatched together to expel this abyss.

However, if you can't determine the identity of the black robe, what is the significance of this adventure?

Just as Li Muyang hesitated, he suddenly felt a bit of coldness behind him.

Turning sharply, it just happened to be right with a pair of dead eyes.

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