The Inverted Dragon’s Scale

Chapter 875: Spiritual explosion!

The 875th chapter, the spirit explosion!

"Vulgar." Cui was careful not to think that Li Muyang would use this reason to refuse himself. He said with anger: "When you and I have practiced this kind of practice, we have already broken through the glory, wealth, and the skin. Besides life and death. ,nothing else needed."

"As you can be a young man, I can change the host at will. As long as you are willing, we can freely change the gender and appearance----men and women, just need a companion. Do you still Is it ugly in the accident table? Is it rough?"

"Of course!" Li Muyang said firmly. "No matter what you look like, in my heart, you are -- an ugly monster with three eyes."

"Since this is the case --" Cui was careful that the small hand that held the neck of Li Muyang began to force, and the smile on his face was even more glamorous, blowing like a blue, whispered: "You have no value." ”

She is ready to pinch the belly of Li Muyang and solve this battle, as well as the entire Terran.

As for the future - there is really not much to look forward to.

Life, loneliness like snow!

"Li Muyang-----" wins thousands of rushes and flies. Seeing that Li Muyang is in danger, he immediately takes a long sword and cautiously toward Cui.


The long sword fell into the other hand of Cui.

She just stretched out **** at random, and then caught a long sword that won a thousand full swords.

"You are just right-----" Cui carefully winks and looks at the silkworm, and glances at Li Muyang, who is about to suffocate. He said: "He killed the abyss of the deep priests for you, then use both of you. Life is burial for the evil priest-----"

The long sword is broken and wins. He wins thousands of degrees to loosen the hilt, and does not retreat. He clenches his fist and slams his head to Cui's careful head.


Win the thousand-year-old fist of the fist skull.

The whole arm also fell in the hands of Cui.

"It's too weak." Cui carefully shook his head. "Your fist----no strength. You are so-----------"

"Shepherd----" won a thousand words and shouted.

Li Muyang's eyes are red and bloody, and the voice of sorrow calls: "What are you doing----What are you doing?"

"Don't die early, die sooner or later - simply die with you-----"

"To be alive-----" Li Muyang gnawed his teeth and said: "To live, there is hope for living----the Mozu will be driven out by the Terran."

"Let the Li Shepherd-----"

"Let a thousand degrees -----"


Seeing Li Muyang and winning thousands of degrees at the same time fell into the hands of the devil, too uncle eternal life and win no desire to be anxious, screaming.

Uncle eternal life pushes the body of Lu Xing to a safe area.

Then, he and the winner did not want to look at each other, while attacking the devil.

They all saw it, the devil has already had a murderous heart, and it is impossible to let him let go of Lee Shepherd and win thousands of degrees.

The only thing that can be done is that everyone join hands to get rid of this demon-----

"It's just right!" Cui carefully held the neck of Li Muyang with one hand, and the other hand held the arm that won a thousand degrees. The other demon king next to him was incarnate for 10 million, and he took the initiative to move toward the uncle's eternal life and win the ignorance, and wrapped them in a densely packed manner.

"Li Muyang-----" Thousands of eyes with tears, crying the name of Li Muyang.

"Don't cry-----" Li Muyang smiled and tears, comforted and said: "You are a woman who wants to be a queen----remember to promise me something----"

"Li Muyang----What are you going to do?"

"How did I come, how can I go back ----" Li Muyang said with a smile.

"how did it get here?"

After Li Muyang’s dragon identity was exposed, many people knew that he and the Feng people had been killed for a long time. Finally, the body exploded, and the black dragon was born in the belly of Lu’s, which is now Li Muyang. The Phoenix body became the daughter of the same day, and it is now a well-known land opportunity.

"Li Muyang is a spiritual explosion. Does he want the spirit to explode-----"

Hearing the voice of Li Muyang as a farewell, he won a thousand grief.

Although he is ready to die, but the beloved man bids farewell to himself - the kind of disappointment is still heartbreaking, and the soul is shuddering.

"Don't be sad-----" Li Muyang's pupil is congested, and his voice is weak. "We will be able to meet soon."

"Yes, you go first, I will come later. We will be able to meet soon." Thousands of faces said firmly.

"Do not worry----"

When she spoke, Li Muyang’s body began to glow.

It is the kind of glaring silver light, like the sunlight reflected from the scales on the body surface.

His head, his facial features, his body, his whole body are wrapped in the silver light----

Li Muyang's body began to shrink, then became smaller and smaller, and finally became a silver ball of light.

The ball of light shone in the careful palm of Cui, and it looked like a dazzling night pearl.

"Shepherd-----" thousand times of sorrow.

"Li Muyang-----" A flamingo descended from the sky and shouted the name of Li Muyang.

"Brother ------" Li Si Nian also stopped the Buddhist scriptures and plunged from above the sky.

Just like being inductive, at this critical juncture, the most important women in the life of Li Muyang came over at the same time and guarded him.

Or, this is a farewell.


"It's so beautiful!" Cui carefully looked at the light ball in his hand and spoke in his mouth. "It's a masterpiece of heaven and earth!"

The silver ball of light first became faint, as if the silver light above it was peeled off from the ball at once.

In an instant, the light is more prosperous, such as the hot sun.


An earth-shattering bang came, and the brilliant light shone on the earth, like the sun in the sky suddenly fell on the flower plain, igniting the entire plain.

Because the light is too glaring, everyone - including the three-eyed Mozu closed their eyes.

The earth fell into a desperate, deadly silence.

Li Muyang turned into a ball of light and disappeared after a loud bang.

Like when he came, he went so rumbling.

However, the last time represented a new life.

This time, it is death.

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