The Inverted Dragon’s Scale

Chapter 882: , China Totem!

Chapter VIII, China Totem!

Li Muyang was wearing a kimono and wearing a crested crown. He rode a white-haired sweaty horse specially sent in the palace. This kind of #马脚力 is less than a thousand miles of fire horses and wind horses, but the victory is rare and rare, and it is hard to find.

"Isn't it a sedan?" Li Muyang whispered to the two "marriage" friends of Yan Xiangma and Lin Biaohai. “Don't let me ride to the palace in such a mighty way?”

"Sit the sedan?" Lin Biaohai forcibly held back the smile and said: "Da Qin is Wu Liguo, Li Muyang is a seven-foot man. How can I learn the little daughter's house and go to the car to go to a relative? You are a groom, not a bride. Besides, the world is full of curiosity about what kind of man the emperor will marry in the end. The emperor naturally wants the people of the imperial city to see the heroic heart. So it is impossible to take the sedan, you will Take a ride on this big horse to show off your style."

"You still don't know women very much." Yan Xiangma, a big brother, is a person who came to educate Li Muyang. "Women get a good-looking clothes and jewels, and they can't wait to show off to men and women around the world. Similarly, they get a man of their own kind, and naturally they have to tell the world----you look, this is me. For your choice of husband. Win-----His Royal Highness is the Queen, but the "Queen" is first a woman, then an emperor. Therefore, her psychology is the same as that of thousands of women all over the world. His Highness’s move is to show off the wishfulness to the whole world. ”

"Yan Xiangma, you are not allowed to smash my emperor, the emperor is the kind----the kind of woman who likes to show off?"

"Do not believe you ask her personally."

"How do I open this kind of thing?"

"Isn't that you? You, like Li Muyang, have no emotional experience, and you don't know anything about women's minds-----"

“What emotional experience have you had?” Li Muyang asked.

"You don't know this? I think when we were still in Jiangnan City, I went to the teahouse every day to listen to the books. The stories of those who talked about the talented scholars are like this----"

"It turns out that you are also a rich experience from the mouth of the storyteller." Li Muyang's mouth appeared a mocking smile.

"What is the meaning of Li Muyang's smile? You give me an explanation. Otherwise, I won't let you stand in the cave room today-----" Yan Xiang is angry and ruined.

"As long as you have such skills and courage." Li Muyang said with a smile.

"You poured Li Muyang, not afraid of the emperor's sword and smashed you?" Lin Haohai stood on one side to make up the knife.


"Let's go." Li Muyang said with a smile: "If I am alone in the city, it may be a little lonely. But if you two of you accompany me to visit the city, then it will be much better----the ones in the city The big girl and the little daughter-in-law will not stare at me alone. You two young men, Yingjie, are not yet married-----I am afraid that they will like them more."

Lin Biaohai and Yan Xiangma looked at each other and said, "Who said that we are going to go with you?"

After that, the two immediately rushed forward and rushed to the front of the team.

"Do not speak loyalty-----" Li Muyang screamed.

According to the etiquette and the big marriage process, he can't walk freely. There are three hundred flying feathers in front of the road, followed by a hundred insiders in the welcome team, Li Muyang behind the eight palace ladies, and then behind the eight palace ladies, one hundred inside the waiter, six hundred Fei Yujun postponed.

Together with the team that sent the pro, watch the crowds behind. Like a moving dragon, the mighty to the position of the palace.

On both sides of the street leading to the Imperial Palace, it was packed with crowds of people early.

"Li Muyang ------He is the Li Muyang who defeated the devil to save our human race-----"

"Li Langjun is really handsome, the most handsome young man I have ever seen. It is no wonder that our Queen's Highness will like to marry----"

"Can this be married? Li Langjun is the hero of the Terran, the dragon, I heard that it is the **** of heaven-----The Queen of our Majesty is married to a god-----"


At this time, the news that Li Muyang defeated the demon king's salvation has been passed through the mouth of the soldiers at the time. The people of Shenzhou can hear it. Anyone with an eye can see the hot event.

The Dragon is no longer an evil race, but a hero of the Terran world, a savior.

This time I was able to see the great hero, and the crowd was passionate and shouting.

Numerous Huachun girls threw their own hand-stitched sachets to Li Muyang, who was riding on the top of the high-headed horse. Countless old men and olds threw their own flowers, fruits and wines-----

If there are not many flying feathers surrounded by protection, I am afraid that Li Muyang will be overwhelmed by these flying gifts.

Although Lin Biaohai and Yan Xiangma ran to the front, they avoided the bridegroom's limelight far away. However, because the two men were dressed in anger and handsome, and they were wearing costumes that symbolize the sending of relatives, they were equally affected by those. The little girl's little wife likes it.

There are shampoos, flowers, and beautiful little girls from the second floor of the inn to hold the pots to Yan Yanma -----

Yan Xiang Ma Ben thought that there was a hidden weapon, and a dashing sword-like style smashed the past. The flower pot was cut into two halves, and the dust of the sky drowned him and Lin Biaohai.

Within the imperial city, it is also covered with gold and silver.

Uncle Taisheng is the matchmaker of Li Muyang. Winning no desire is the matchmaker of the Queen who wins thousands of degrees.

The Huayuan Plains battle, the uncle eternal life and the win of no desire is already the most prominent strong under the stars. The two men married a pair of young people at the same time, which is simply the glory.

At the same time, the guests of the ceremony are the stars of the moon and the moon. The former monarchs of the kingdoms, the gates of the various countries, the patrimons of Buddhism, the ministers of the generals, and the three princes and the Qing dynasty in the Daqin system, and the relatives and friends of the twelve generals, etc., crowded the entire Hongjun Temple.

It can be described as the prosperity of the scenery, there is no ancient people before, no one came after.

Under the witness of countless guests, Uncle eternal life and wins no desire to say that some of the two married are a good match, wishing them auspicious words like a white-headed old man.

Then, Li Muyang took the thousand-degree handcuffs and worshipped the matchmakers, and worshipped the heavens, the land, and the parents.

Winning a thousand degrees is a generation of empresses. According to the ancient ceremony, the date of the big marriage is not to be detained by parents, especially the parents of the man----but under the insistence of winning thousands of degrees, the Ministry of Rites can only forcibly tamper with the ancient ceremony, according to The new etiquette that the Queen asked for was a big gift.

After the worship, Li Muyang should take the bride's hand into the cave.

However, winning a thousand degrees is not an ordinary bride -----

The Xia skirt, the moon, the dignity, the noble, the glamorous, the eternal beauty, the win, the thousand hands, actively hold the hand of Li Muyang, stand on the high steps, scan the crowd, and say quietly: "Thank you for coming from afar, witnessing me and the shepherd The wedding. Being able to marry and shepherd is the happiest thing in my life. It is also something I have always been looking forward to."

"I and the shepherd have been acquainted with the Starry Academy. At first sight, they have gone through all the hardships and deaths. The shepherd is also suffering from family members and suffering for the human race.

"At this moment, whether as the owner of Daqin or as the wife of Li Muyang----I want to complain to him a few wrongs, I want to say something fair to him."

"Dragons, since ancient times, are the gods of the demigods. The mission of the dragons is the same as that of the Phoenix. They are guardian of the human race and protect the Shenzhou from aliens. For the first time, the devils and the dragons will fight against the abyss in order to protect the human race. When exhausted, they were slaughtered by the ethnic compatriots from behind -----

"After tens of thousands of years, the Terran once again suffered a disaster. A little carelessness was the death of the dead, and the catastrophe in China. This time, the dragons stood in front of the Terran and blocked their humanity with their own flesh and blood. Front----"

"Into the abyss, drive the devil, kill the devil king ----- again, Dragon, no, is the only dragon in the world, save the Terran again and again, save the state."

"When I was not married, as a friend of mine, I was wronged for him, and I was saddened by him. Now that I am married, as his wife, I will be wronged for him and I will be saddened by him. I will turn my heart to the moon. Ming Yue Zhao Ditch?"

"Human, are we treating our benefactors like this? Is it so rewarding----I have a great grace for our race again and again? I don't agree! I don't allow this to happen!"

"So, from today, I announced in the name of the Queen of Daqin: The dragons will be the totem of my people, the symbol of China. Where the palaces and temples are carved dragons, where the royal seals are carved, the dragons and robes All are inlaid with dragons, and all the paper can draw dragons-----Dragon is the **** of heaven, and the world is supreme. In this way, it can show its merits."

"God of heaven, the world is supreme!"

"God of heaven, the world is supreme!"

"God of heaven, the world is supreme!"


Li Muyang looked sideways and won thousands of degrees. Looking at this beautiful bride who has become her own wife, she is full of emotions.

At the foot of Fengcheng, she kissed her and said that she should protect herself from infringement. At the Kunlun Market, she said that she would become the owner of the human race and personally name the dragon.

She did it.

All the things she promised were done.

I want to come, then the black dragon should have no regrets, right?

Because the big ceremony was held in the palace in the morning, the agenda at night was much simpler. The VIPs in the palace went directly to Lufu, and suddenly felt a lot easier and more comfortable. Finally, you can laugh aloud, eat meat, and drink in a large bowl.

Lu Xing is physically unwell and is now rarely available. Lu Qingming was responsible for the reception of the male guest, and Gong Sunyu was responsible for the reception of the son-in-law. There are also ceremonial officials in the palace to help, so that the wedding of Lu's side is orderly and extravagant.

How many family weddings can let all court ceremonies run to help? How many more people -- can you give the emperor to your own home?

Li Si Nian, Song Chenxi and the original Xifeng little princess Chu Ning are responsible for hosting the county names who came from all over the country to attend the wedding. Everyone is very busy, everyone has countless words to say, countless things to do.

On the contrary, Li Muyang is more idle.

Yan Xiangma still remembers what he said when he sent his relatives in the morning. He was pulling Lin Hanhai and smashing Qin Han and others to find Li Muyang. Li Muyang did not refuse to come, a cup and a cup and they went on, Li Muyang is fine, but Yan Xiangma and Lin Haohai are too strong.

The original guests still have some scruples. After all, whether they are the identity of the Dragon Lord or the identity of the Queen's husband, they can make them feel the pressure and then stay away from it.

After seeing these young people screaming, some high-powered people also came to toast.

Officials hope that Li Muyang can help blow the pillows and say a few words for them in the Queen's ear.

The practitioners hope to have a good relationship with Li Muyang. If he is in a good mood to teach a half-style, or lose a half-book of the dragon cheats, how much do they have to be so powerful?

Still others simply want to take a picture with the idol hero -----

In the end, it is still uncle eternal life can not see, swearing Li Muyang quickly go back to accompany the bride, the bride's night, how can the newcomers suffer cold?

Li Muyang quickly agreed and finally got out of the sea of ​​wine.

When he was led by a few crickets to the new house, he saw a lonely figure on the roof.

Li Muyang groaned, his footsteps were slow, and he said to the eyes: "Go back first, I will go a few words on it."

"Young Master, today-----" The eyes still want to persuade.

"Go." Li Muyang said, the man had already floated up and jumped over the roof.

On the ridge, a girl in black is holding a gourd.

Purple and purple, beautiful and dazzling.

Li Muyang sat down next to the girl and looked at the sky above her head and said, "The moonlight tonight is so beautiful!"

"It’s just that the cold moon is high." Lu Qiji did not like the opening remarks of Li Muyang.

"Oh-----" Li Muyang smiled and said: "What are you going to do next?"

"I plan? I didn't think about this boring problem."

"I mean -- you will live in Taiyang #yangcheng or somewhere else?"

Lu Cheji also poured a mouthful of wine and said: "Be free. Where to go, where is it."

"You can live in Lufu, live with your father and mother-----we are a family."

"The identity of the Phoenix family is exposed. No matter where you go, others will look at you with strange eyes. I don't like it."

"Then go to the shrine----" Li Muyang said: "There is a resilience there, and it is easy for you to cultivate."

Lu Qi’s Zi Yan looked at Li Muyang with a sigh of relief and said, “Are you worried about me?”

"Yes." Li Muyang nodded. Very honestly said: "I hope you don't always be alone."

"There were two people before." Lu said: "The other is dead."


"I am talking about the black dragon."

"噢-----I know that you are talking about him." Li Muyang said: "Others want to cultivate a long life, but you are distressed for having unlimited life expectancy----if let others know, it is How angry?"

"I am not worried about longevity, but no fear after longevity. I don't care about the time of the season, I don't care about the day and night, I don't care about the backs of the distance or waiting for the return of the people----except for life, nothing can be eternal. ”

"And me----" Li Muyang said with a smile: "Now I am like you, and have an eternal life."

"Listen to you saying that it seems that life can also have a little expectation." Lu Cheji said out loud.

"That is natural----you can have a lot of expectations."

"But have you thought about it?" Lu Chuji looked at Li Muyang and said: "If you are around, all the people you love, your parents and your wife, your friends----they leave, one by one, you Say goodbye to them again and again----- At that time, what do you do?"

Li Muyang had a moment of silence, and then he said: "Yes, even if you eat more panacea, the Terran---- Compared with our eternal life, the life of the Terran is indeed very short. However, it cannot be because The time to get along is too short. When you are too sad when you are away, you don’t want to love someone. And they are so good people ------”

"So, have you insisted on marrying a human woman?"

“How is it fixed?” Li Muyang said with a smile: “Because I like her.”

"That I wish you will never be separated." Lu said the machine. "It’s late at night, go with the bride."

"Good." Li Muyang nodded. "Remember, don't leave alone."

"I will go to the Dragon Palace to see." Lu Cheji said out, it was agreed to Li Muyang's invitation.

Li Muyang nodded with a smile and said: "There is the first guest in my Dragon Palace----"


When Li Muyang returned to the small courtyard where he lived, there was a large group of people greeted in the yard.

The eyes were on the left side of the station with the rain and the snow, and the waiters around the Queen stood on the right side. When I saw Li Muyang coming back, a group of people immediately came together.

"Young Master, you are finally back -" "The eyes looked at the lights upstairs and said: "His Royal Highness has been waiting for a long time."

Li Muyang smiled and said: "Don't call your Highness in the future, just call the mother."

The eyes also felt that "His Royal Highness" was too rusty, but no one else dared to change it. When I heard Li Muyang say this, the eye immediately nodded and said, "Okay, I am going to prepare a hot bath for the young master."

"No need." Li Muyang said with a smile: "I don't have to wait for you today, I will take care of thousands of degrees."


"That's it." Li Muyang waved his hand and said, "You all go down, there are those who are hidden in the dark ------"

"Under the palace, this is a taboo, there must be guardian guard." The female officer said.

Li Muyang nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, then you should guard it."


Dragon Palace. It is also known as the Kunlun Shrine.

Li Muyang put down a thousand degrees and smiled and said: "Do you say that they have this reason? Today is the day we are overjoyed, they want to hide in the dark and listen to us----"

"The duty is, the shepherd does not blame them." Thousands of wearing a red ki, the face is even redder than the clothes on the body. Why is Li Huyang, the big bad guy, bringing himself to the shrine? Also put yourself next to a big pool ---- what does he want to do?

"I don't blame them." Li Muyang nodded and said with a serious look: "However, are they too dissatisfied with me? My lady needs someone to protect?"

"If you let them know that you took me away, you still don't know how big the trouble is."

"No matter what, here is our new home----a new house I prepared for you."


"Thousands of degrees-----Do we want to change a name?"

"Change a name?" Thousands of pretty faces are more red, bowed and said: "What do you want to change?"

"I call you a lady----you have to call me a husband." Li Muyang stretched out his hand and said: "Come, the lady, let a husband listen."

"------ husband."

"Call again."


"Call again."


"The voice of the lady called Fu Jun is really nice, and the appearance of the husband is also very cute. Today is the day we are overjoyed---" Li Muyang looked at the hot pool of soup, saying: "Come, let me dress and bathe the lady." ”

"----- husband------------" Although the thousand is expensive as a queen, she has never experienced such things. When the body receded, even the voice of the voice was picked up. "French, I-----I undress myself, you turn around quickly----"


The soup pool splashed with water and mist, and drowned the bodies of two people.

(ps: The book ends here, thank you friends for following it all the way. We will see you next time. The new book is an urban novel, prepared for a long time, I believe you will love it. The new book release time and website, I will be in Sina Weibo and WeChat public number are told to friends. In addition, the "Dragon Scale" of the "Reverse Scale" will be updated on the WeChat public account of Laoliu, and some nonsense, interested friends who want to talk to you. Can pay attention: liuxiahui28. Remember, it is 28, not 2b.)

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