The Invincible Corruption Manual

Chapter 137: Li Ming, the lvl 7 Black Panther

It quickly disintegrated into specks of yellow essence qi and vanished quickly.

"What the hell!" The youth exclaimed with surprise.

At that time, Joey appeared before him and punched him in the head.


The youth's head exploded and his lifeless body collapsed on the ground. 

All the remaining nine youths trembled with fear and they started fleeing in random directions.

At that time, Joey used his Dragon's movement skill and started killing them one by one with just a punch on each of them.

Li Chen was stunned on seeing all of his guards killed by Joey. There was fear in his eyes.

Joey slowly walked toward him.

"Wait! You are not one of these Yaksha spirits. Who are you? Please don't kill me. Our tribe can give you ten times the amount these Yaksha spirits agree to give it to you." Li Chen said quickly with fear.

"Hey, you should not talk to my women like that before. Next time you reincarnate, never try to provoke someone you can't afford to begin with. You can die now!" Joey said and punched him on his head. His head exploded and fell on the ground lifeless.

After the 10 youths were all killed, the villagers cleaned up all the messes. Joey, Rose, and Hai Yun returned to the guest house. Then, they continued drinking the rice wine again.  The old man Du Shan was also with them. 

"Young master, Joey, you need to leave now. The whole black Panther tribe will come to get revenge on you soon. That Li Chen is the only son of the Chieftain. " Old man, Du Shan said to him.

"Grandpa Du Shan, don't worry. I will wait for him here." Joey replied.

After this day onward, peace seemed to return to the Morning Dew village. While all the villagers looked at Joey as their savior with gratitude and respect. Especially the kids always came nearby him and looked at him secretly.

Joey gave them sweets and played with them. Then, ten days quickly passed.

On the morning of the 11th day, a middle-aged man stood in the air just above the village.

"Du Shan, come out. I have something to ask you."  The man spoke. His voice roared down the whole village.

Grandpa Du Shan quickly came out and bowed at the man on the ground.

"What brings you here Lord Li Ming?" Grandpa Du Shan asked politely.

"Du Shan, do my son come to your village 10 days ago?" The man asked with a deep tone.

"No, young master Li Chen never come to our village that day." Old man Du Shan replied. 

"Hey, don't lie to me. I come here after investigating where he goes exactly that day. Everyone told me that he goes to your village that place." Lord Li Ming said and raised his hand toward the direction of the kneeling old man Du Shan. Then he made a grasping motion with his palm.

"Aah! Aaah! Aaah!" Old man Du Shan choked while holding his neck. Then, he was lifted in the air slowly. 

Peng! ( Cry of bird)

A little peng bird quickly appeared and moved quickly toward the Li Ming who was currently standing in the air. Li Ming quickly dodged it and waved his palm at it and easily destroyed it.

"Who? Come out!" Lord Li Ming shouted.

"Hey, I hear that you are looking for your son. " Joey appeared on the ground just below him and said with a grin.

"Who are you? Do you have anything to do with the missing of my son?" Lord Li Ming asked and observed  Joey's body. But, he failed to trace even a bit of essence aura from Joey's body.

"Hmph! Punny human, if you don't want to die brutally then quickly tell where is my son now?" Lord Li ming threatened Joey.

"Oh, I know where your son is right now," Joey replied with a smile.

"Then, tell me." Lord Li demanded.

Joey pointed toward a region just outside the village and said, "Heeheehee, he is just below the ground at that place. You can dig up the earth and can find your son among that dirt."

"What do you mean?" The panther emperor, Li Ming asked with confusion.

"Hahaha, you also have a slow brain like your son. Hey, I have already killed your son and buried his corpse just below that spot.  " Joey laughed and spoke ridiculing him.

The panther emperor, Li Ming stepped on the air and appeared just above the spot that Joey had just pointed now. Then, he waved his palm and did a digging motion, and shouted, "Come out!" 

Then, earth and dirt were removed from that spot forming a pit. Inside he saw 10 headless corpses. Then he landed on the dirt and started searching for the corpse of his son.

Finally, he found it and hugged it and said with teary eyes, "Chen'er, Father is here. Sorry, I can't protect you." Then, he looked at Joey and said angrily, "Don't worry. Father will send you the one that kills you to keep accompanying you in the afterlife."

Then, he put his son's corpse inside his space ring. 

After that, Li Ming appeared in the air not much far from Joey.

"You devil spawn, you dare to kill my son. Today I will catch you and torture you for a week and kill you afterward.  Panther's Paw Punch, activate!" Li Ming shouted and a giant panther paw made from fire elemental essence qi appeared in the air and quickly punched toward Joey.

"Hahaha! The same skill again. " Joey laughed and kept provoking him.

Then he summoned his bow on his left hand.

After that Joey chanted a mantra in Sanskrit and shouted, "Naga Astra!" 

Then a multi-color arrow in the shape of a snake with nine heads appeared on his right hand. 

After that Joey shot it in toward the incoming Giant Panther Paw. The arrow suddenly turned into the nine-headed snake, Xiangliu. Then she shot multiple water bullets at the incoming Giant Panther Paw.

The Giant Panther Paw was made from fire elemental essence qi. So, it was easily countered by the water bullets of the nine-headed snake.

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