The Invincible Corruption Manual

293 CHAPTER 292: The Trial-8 The Legacy of The Black Dragon King!

At that time, several elders and various other experts of the Secret Dragon Society began to appear around that place one by one. They all came thereafter that commotion.

One of them removed the pile of bricks, getting Chief Gou Jing out from under it. He was the Dean of Military Affairs of the Secret Dragon Society, called Gui Li.

"What is happening, Chief? And how are you in this state?" The Dean, Gui Li asked.

"I'm under the paralyzing effect of Joey's Dragon Heart Root skill. Quickly undo it. I will explain later." Chief Gou Jing replied.

The Dean Gui Li made various hand seals, using his essence qi, and tapped on Chief Gou Jing's forehead. "Unseal!" And soon the paralyzing skill got dissolved, making him able to move again.

Gui Li looked up at Joey, who was now standing in the air holding a long sword, with his hand raised towards the sky. "Chief Gou, isn't that your protegee, Joey? Is all this commotion caused by him?" He asked.

"Dean Li, it is all my fault. I should've been more careful. The boy caught me off guard, thinking he was mentally unstable." Chief Gou Jing made a wry smile and began explaining everything from the beginning.

"Hmm, this boy must have experienced hell's day after all these happenings to him. But what is with that technique?" Dean Li asked again, seeing the bizarre skill currently used by Joey.

Chief Gou Jing heaved a heavy sigh and replied, "It's the Forbidden Heart Devouring Dragon Technique."

"You mean, you mean… the Forbidden Heart Devouring Dragon Technique?!" Dean Li exclaimed. "The one your master's legacy that was passed down to you?" This frazzled him on hearing that, as this technique was one of the strongest techniques in this world. Every elder and expert in the Secret Dragon Society knew of this forbidden technique that was very extremely hard to do. Even Chief Gou Jing still didn't finish comprehending the skill and not using it, as it was really risky enough to use it.

"Yeah, it is that. I have already taught, telling him not to use it until he comprehends the Dao behind that technique. Ugh, this stubborn brat! What should I do now?" Chief Gou Jing muttered under his breath.

"Chief, why don't we stop him forcefully?" Another elder around there suggested.

"No, that will make things worse. Once this skill is activated, it is impossible to reverse. What's done is done. Now everything after this will depend on his comprehension of the law of skill and luck." Chief Gou Jing replied, shaking his head helplessly.

Chief Gou Jing announced, reverberating his voice around the headquarters, "Hello, this is your Chief speaking. Listen, everyone, because of some unavoidable circumstance, the place around the area of a 1-mile radius from this place will be under quarantine soon, so I advise all agents to get out of this place as soon as possible."

Several minutes later, all the agents were evacuated from that place. Chief Gou Jing instructed again, "Elders, get ready to activate the level 10 array formation."

Soon, 15 elders activated the area of a 1-mile radius under the guidance of Chief Gou Jing.

Inside the giant Tier-10 array formation covering the sizeable area, Joey was standing high above in the air with the sword in his hand. After the sword absorbed all the liquified colorless essence qi in the air, he began chanting a spell in an ancient Dragon tongue and finally shouted, "Sword to Dragon heart transformation, begin?" Then he released the long sword, releasing it in the air. The sword levitated in the air and began to transform slowly into a human heart. But the next second, it transformed into the sword, and the next moment, it changed back to the shape of a human heart again. The changing kept going on until it finally retained the shape of the human heart.

"Ah, good! He can easily transform the sword into a heart. Until now it has been doing good. Let's just hope that he can fuse it successfully inside his body." Chief Gou Jing said, looking up at standing Joey high above in the air.

Joey then made several hand seals with his hands and shouted again, "Come and fuse into my body!" The next moment, the beating heart, which was transformed from his sword, drifted down and entered his chest and attached to his body.

Joey sat in a lotus position in the air and began making various hand seals again, beginning the planting of the new heart. After several hours, he completed the process. He then stood up and appeared beside Chief Gou Jing and said while bowing at him slightly, "Senior Gou, sorry for causing a ruckus."

"It doesn't matter. Boy, it's good that you have successfully used that technique. Now your strength will keep raising your cultivation base until you reach the peak of this world. But you will still lose the seven human emotions. This is the drawback of this Forbidden Heart Devouring Dragon Technique."

After that day onward, Joey began to take every risky mission one after another. And soon a year passed and his name was again spread to the far and wide in the world as the infamous Joey, the bane of the Beast Tamers. During this one year, he had been taking down almost all the strongest experts of the Beast Tamer Family one by one. Everyone who had to meet Joey on the battlefields had only one outcome, which was gruesome death. And then he was promoted as the youngest ever elder of the Secret Dragon Society.

An important meeting was taking place inside the Council Room with 16 elders, 5 deans, and Chief Gou Jing present. Joey was also among those sitting inside the room.

"Listen, everyone! The forbidden ground of the Black Dragon King will appear soon in the following month. As we have the one half of the key, one member of our Secret Dragon Society could pass through the forbidden ground. Can you all suggest who do you all vouch to send from among the juniors?" Chief Gou Jing came straight to the point without beating around the bush.

"Chief, we don't need to vouch for this anymore. Why don't we just send our elder Joey? No one is good enough to send than him from among the juniors." Dean Li voiced out his mind.

" I agree with Dean Li." One of the elders spoke out first. Then all the other also voiced out, agreeing with him.

"Then it's decided. Joey will go this time." "Let's end the meeting here. Alright, everyone can leave now. Joey, you stay behind." Chief Gou Jing announced. All the elders and Deans left the Council Hall, leaving only Joey and Chief Gou Jing alone inside.

"Senior Gou, can you tell me more detail regarding this Black Dragon Forbidden Ground?" Joey asked, breaking the silence inside the Council Hall.

Chief Gou appeared beside him and sat on the nearby chair. "Alright, I'll tell you. Once there was an immortal who could even surpass the gods and asuras in the heavenly realms. He was the king of dragons, the Black Dragon King Ao Shun." "After defeating all the experts in the Heavenly Realm, he entered a long seclusion. He meditated for almost 500 years and finally got enlightenment and reached the very Zenith of creation. After that, he launched into space and transformed into the world and created life originating from his own physical blood, flesh, and soul. Boy, do you still want to know what had happened to that world?" Chief Gou Jing asked in his last statement.

Joey listened attentively. "Please, continue Senior Gou." He said.

"Our world that we are currently leaving is the very world that was formed from the creation Dao law of the Reverent Black Dragon King, Lord Ao Shun." Chief Gou Jing further spoke, "Boy, after completing the creation of our world. The heavenly realm again returned under the controlled of the Gods and Asuras. Even though these two were the bitter arch-enemy of each other, they finally joined their hands together to deal with the Black Dragon King as they learned their lesson after suffering a humiliating defeat under the hands of Black Dragon King, Ao Shun. So all the super experts from these two factions joined hands and tried to take revenge on him by destroying our world. But they failed to do so as upon reaching our world, the natural laws of the worlds suppressed all of their cultivation based. So at the end, they just seal our worlds separating from the outside world. Even so, they had an interest in the legacy of the Black Dragon King. So they began searching every nook and corner of our world and finally found a secret cave that contained the legacy of the Black Dragon King. That is how the secret of the Black Dragon Forbidden Ground came to light. They tried getting inside it but failed. After studying all the drawings at the entrance of the cave, they came to understand that they needed a key to enter inside it and found out that there were ten keys spread all around the world. A key could let 2 person pass through the barrier of the cave each. Also, only those below 20 years of age could go inside it." Chief Gou Ling paused for a bit and continued, "Then, they searched and finally got all the 10 keys. But The outsiders were still unable to pass through the barrier and later found out that two personnel from our world had to pass through it first for them to be able to get inside. Following that, expeditions to the Black Dragon Forbidden Ground were conducted every 25 years, since the cave's entrance was opened up after every 25 years. Until today, no one could successfully inherit the legacy of the Black Dragon King." "Get ready. I have high hopes for you getting the legacy this time. Boy, I have heard one more thing: that the Beast Taming Royal family will send Princess Chun Churan this time. According to our intel, her strength was at your level. No, maybe a realm above yours. So, stop trying to engage with her from the get go. " He said and disappeared from inside the Council Hall.

"So she will be there too. As a gift, I will certainly place your head on the tomb of my father in his honor." Joey muttered under his breath and disappeared from inside the hall too.

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