The Invincible Corruption Manual

303 CHAPTER 302: Spatial Teleportation Door, opened!

Meanwhile, the black dragon king, Ao Shun, opened his eyes, regaining his consciousness.

"You… you… you, what have you done to me before?"  The black dragon king asked, mile-a-minute tone, looking at Joey. This was the first time in his long life that had ever frightened him for the first time.

"Hee hee hee! So even someone like you also knows how to make those expressions. Have you learned your lesson now, old dragon? " Joey said proudly, "Humph! So you must have never tried to touch my bottom line like you did to us in the trial's name in the first place. As you sow, so shall you reap. "

"Brother Joey, don't be rude to senior Ao Shun anymore?" Chun Churan spoke with her gentlest voice, making him calm down.

The black dragon king, Ao Shun also recollected quickly and began laughing loudly. "Hahaha haha…."  "So this is the feeling of fear. It feels quite good. Boy, you are exactly the bold one and I began to like you more and more. I give you that. This is the first time I, the Black Dragon king, Ao Shun, felt defeated.  " He then turned, kneeled his head toward him on the ground and said, "So I hereby made my pledge today that I shall become your servant and fight for you until my last breath."

"Hump! Who cares?" Joey said lazily, shrugging his shoulders.

"We have already spent a lot of time in this place. Ran-Ran, let's go further up. " Joey held Chun Churan's hand and walked toward the staircase.

When they were about to take a step on the staircase to go further up , Ao Shun's hastened voice halted them. "Stop!"

"My lord, please don't take another step. That is a mere illusion, cast under a high tier magical array formation. If you take another step, then both of you will be trapped inside a timeless abyss.  " Ao Shun warned them, making the two to take a step back.

"What do you mean by that? I felt nothing wrong here. Don't tell me that the 16th platform is the last inheritance stone statue of this blood temple? I felt nothing bizarre from it," Joey asked coldly. As he himself was an array formation grandmaster and he felt nothing from those staircases.

Ao Shun's giant body transformed and downsized into a small version of the black dragon.

"My lord, everything beyond this platform is an illusion. My inheritance stone statue is the last one. Actually, there is actually one hidden small realm after this platform. But first we need to gather all the medallions of the seven sins to get inside it. '' Ao Shun, the black dragon king, explained to them.

"Medallions of the seven sins?!" Joey asked. Both Chun Churan and he looked at the miniature version of the black dragon curiously.

Ao Shun blew out the back essence qi from his mouth in the air and the next moment, it turned into seven coins with seven different colors. There were insignia of seven evil creatures' heads drawn over them.

Joey looked at them curiously.

"Eh, I have seen them before!" Chun Churan exclaimed.

Both the attention of Joey and the black dragon king turned to her.

"They are all now in the hands of the heads and patriarchs of the six super clans and one of the great Sword Sects. The information is vague too. So, I will tell you the details later." Chun Churan replied.

"Hmm." Joey breathed out heavily and said, "Then it means our journey to Redcliffe mountain has officially come to an end from here onward.  " " Fine, Ran Ran, time to go back. I kind of felt bored with this place, anyway."

Joey then looked at the miniature black dragon and asked, "Senior Ao Shun, sorry for my transgression earlier. Congratulations on waking up and getting your new body. I think it's time for us to bid farewell to you." He then cupped at him, making a sincere apology.

"My lord, please don't. And also I have finally decided to follow you."  Ao Shun, the black dragon king, responded.

Joey began to look at him in confusion. "Why would a mighty old dragon like him like to follow me?" He wondered in his head.

"I mean, I'll follow you by becoming the personal bodyguard of my lady, Chun Churan." Ao Shun added quickly.

"Oh, are you for real?" Joey became more confused at hearing his words.

"My lord, I have already discussed the matters with my lady." Ao Shun replied, looking over at Chun Churan as if asking her to help him.

"Brother Joey, senior Ao Shun, is telling the truth. We have already come to an agreement." Chun Churan said softly, further affirming him.

"Fine, then let's leave this place together." Joey said lazily, and they began to move toward the staircase that they used to come up.

"Wait, my lord!" Ao Shun, the black dragon king, spoke again abruptly, stopping them.

"What now?" Joey asked, looking at the miniature black dragon.

The miniature black dragon slightly lifted one of its limbs in the air and began drawing several inscription symbols in the air using his black essence qi.

At the same time, he began to chant a spell synchronously with the movement of his drawing in the air and he finally shouted, " Spatial Teleportation door, opened!"

The next instant, the various drawings of inscriptions in the air brightened up, dazzling their eyes. The bright light soon died down and instead a black door with the design of a terrifying black dragon materialized exactly at the spot of where the inscriptions were drawn before.

Then the door slowly opened up. Inside the door, they saw complete darkness.

"My lord, this door will lead us to the outside directly. Please, follow me." Ao Shun said, and entered the door.

Joey looked over at Chun Churan.

"Brother Joey, I believe senior Ao Shun has no evil intentions against us. Let's go inside." Chun Churan said with a smile and held his hand.

"Okay then." Joey nodded at her. Then the two also entered the giant door, walking side by side, following the black dragon.

The next moment, the two reappeared on the top of one of the three mountain ranges just above the red delta valley.

On the peak of the very same mountain, the miniature luster black dragon looked down over the red delta valley and murmured to himself, "Good, almost all of them pass the tests and inherited some of the inheritance of some hardcore experts of my era. They are doing much better than I thought. Right, it's true to say that those who are born nearer to the time of the Realm War will have better talents than those from any other time of an era. "

On the other hand, Joey raised his hands, stretching his body. He then said, " Ah, the fresh air! It feels really nice breathing it again."

"Darling, take out your carriage and get ready." He ordered, looking over at the red valley between the intersection of the three mountain ranges.

"Umm," Chun Churan nodded obediently. A red toy sized carriage appeared in her hand, taking out from her space ring.

She infused her essence qi into it and threw it up in the air lightly. The red toy sized carriage levitated in the air and began to transform into a large flying carriage. "Brother Joey, let's go inside." She said and flew up in the air. At that time , the miniature luster black dragon also flew up in the air and entered inside her space ring. Soon she had entered inside, leaving only Joey outside.

Joey also flew up toward the red flying carriage floating in the air. Just as he was near the door of the carriage, he craned his neck around, looking at the red delta valley and muttered with a smile, "It's really nice coming to this place. I'll come back here again. Until then,.."  And he boarded inside the carriage.

After entering the carriage, Joey found himself around a luxurious hall. He spotted Chun Churan sitting on a sofa in the fae corner of the hall. Chun Churan smiled at him.

Joey also smiled back and approached toward her. He then sat beside her, folded his right hand around her shoulder and asked, "Ran Ran, this carriage of your seem to be of a very higher tier. It must be really expensive. And from what I see, you also have another one."

"Umm, I have ten such flying carriages with me. If you like, then you can take this one as yours." Chun Churan responded.

"No, I'm fine with my current flying carriage. And also it should be me giving you gift instead." Joey declined.

Suddenly he began to remember something and asked, "Ran Ran, do you still remember the formula for the forbidden Heart Devouring Sword Dragon technique?"

"Umm," Chun Churan nodded.

Joey frowned slightly. After thinking deeply for a while, he insisted, "Ran Ran, I don't really like us using that skill ever again. I'll seal that particular memory of that skill. So opened that particular memory in your minds and don't resist. "

"Alright," Chun Churan replied with a charming smile, feeling his care for her.

Joey then began chanting a mantra in Sanskrit and made various hand seals at the same time.

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