The Invincible Corruption Manual

Chapter 35: Fatty Xiaobo's might

When the team of Tang Mie lien, Yang Chao, and their groups reached the cave. They were greeted by the members of the other three nations.

Tang Mie lien looked around for Joey. She couldn't find him among those groups.

" Captain, the kid is not here. Does something happen to him?" Xiaobo said.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to him." Captain Chao replied to him.

They have discussed among them.

At that time, someone stood up to enter the cave.

" Now that everyone is here. Let's enter the cave." someone suggested. All nodded too.

" No, we will wait for someone here for a while. Please, go on, we will join you all later." Mie lien declared.

" Oh then, we will wait too. It's not polite of us to leave only your team behind." a sly old man from the stone nation quickly suggested.

Then, everyone from the other teams also voiced their agreements.

Afterward, another camp was also made for the new group from the Tang nation.

They also brought out dining tables and chairs from their space ring. Everyone started to continue doing their own business, doing their own things like before.

The groups from the Tang nation also started having their meals and drinking sessions while waiting for Joey.

Like that three days passed quickly. Some of them even voiced out to enter the cave. But, they still wait as Mie lien suggested.

On the morning of the fourth day, a youth wearing white and black clothes approached the cave. A little white tiger was laying on his shoulder.

" Jizhi, we are about to reach the cave. Hahaha, get ready for our next exciting journey." Joey said to the little tiger.

'Roar roar'

The white tiger responded with exciting roars at him.

When he was very near to the cave, he saw a lot of human camps around the cave.

" Oh, Jizhi. There are so many people joining the fun. Let's go there. " Then, he moved toward those camps.

When he entered there, Gao Ling first spotted him. He gnashed his teeth and reported to the goatee elder," Elder Fan that brat is here."

Elder Fan thought that Joey had already been eaten by the lvl 3 beast. But, he still had deep regret for not killing him with his own hands. So, his mood was bad these few days.

" Kkkkkk, good that he is still alive." the goatee elder replied with a peal of weird laughter. Then, he moves silently toward Joey.

From the Tang nation's camp, Mie lien and all of them also notice the arrival of Joey. All of them have an honest smile on their lips.

At that time, the goatee old man appeared behind Joey and attacked with his palm.

" Second palm print of flame god. Die brat! Hehehehe."

The palm print passed right through Joey's heart.

Tang Mie lien from a distance saw everything that was happening in a fraction of a second.

" No, " she shouted shrilly and approached Joey.

" What the hell!" the goatee elder Fan exclaimed. Not a single drop of blood came out from inside Joey's body. Instead, his body disintegrated quickly like some mirage.

Actually, when Joey felt that someone sneaked his attack from behind, he released all the constraints of +50,000kg weight and used his movement skill instantly.

After releasing that much weight, Joey's movement speed increased so fast that he could practically walk in the air. So, an afterimage leaves behind when he dodged the goatee elder's sneak attack.

" Hey, old fart. What are you looking at?" Joey said and appeared behind the elder Fan.

Seeing that he was fine, Mie lien and all her teams' breath out a heavy sigh of relief.

Elder Fan felt more embarrassed and continued attacking Joey.

"Third palm print of flame god."

This time Joey just stands there and waits for the attack. Suddenly, Fatty Xiaobo appeared in front of him and punched at the incoming fired palm. The fire palm print quickly disintegrated.

Then, Xiaobo quickly approached the goatee elder Fan and slapped on his face. The slap made the elder Fan flying motion in the air along with his broken four front teeth. Then he landed near the camp of the Fire Nation.

Another elder from the Fire nation came out to confront Xiaobo.

Then, one by one everyone from the two nations appeared before each other and was about to have a desperate fight.

The middle-aged man from the Fire nation shouted loudly," Stop this farce already! We are not here to fight each other. Yang Chao, we should solve these farces in a civilized way. What do you think? "

"I agree. But that elder of yours tried to kill our 5th prince here. Haoran, you should give a proper reason or the thing will become more bloody." Captain Yang Chao replied angrily. He had already considered Joey as a good friend and a little brother of his that he began to care about.

Afterward, they all returned back to their own camp. The atmosphere of peace and serenity quickly returned back.

Inside the camp of the Fire nation, the middle-aged man was currently investigating the elder Fan. His name is Haoran, also the current master of prince Gao Ling.

" Alright. Elder Fan, you need to tell me everything that is going on here. Why do you even go so far as to even try to kill the Tang nation's prince? " Haoran enquired him with a deep tone. His aura quickly suppressed elder Fan to his knees.

" Master, it is not the elder Fan's fault at all." Gao Ling pleaded to him.

" Prince Gao Ling, what is going on here? If you are not involved, you better keep quiet. Otherwise, the situation will worsen." Haoran reminded him and frowned slightly. As a teacher, he knew that Gao Ling was a tyrant who caused unnecessary trouble everywhere he went.

" Sorry, master. It's my fault. Sometimes after we arrived here, I along with some of my friends went out to gain some experience here alone. We met that kid near a lake. Then, we tried to kill him underestimating his poor cultivation level. But, we lost and he continuously started trashing us mercilessly. When he was about to kill me, luckily, elder Fan appeared. Then, ..." Gao Ling explained while changing a bit of his story.

" Is it true elder Fan?" he asked again.

" Yes." Elder Fan replied while kneeling on the ground.

"Alright alright. I will handle this situation." Haoran sighed.

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