The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 104 Small undead natural disaster and breakout!

Undead natural disaster!

Just hearing the name of the spell tells you how domineering it is.

A natural disaster caused by the undead.

How can one not be overbearing when using magic to rival natural disasters?

In the history of the heroic world, the undead have caused countless natural disasters that have swept across the continent. Many times, they have to gather the full strength of multiple camps to solve them. It is indeed more natural disasters than natural disasters.

The overbearing thing about this spell is that its power has extremely high upper and lower limits. It all depends on the user and the environment.

Generally, when used by necromancers under normal circumstances, the effect will not be that strong.

But if it is performed by a powerful necromancer, lich... and there are a lot of undead auras and corpses around, then the situation is different.

It is equivalent to the kind where the power of the spell will be increased by the environment, and the power will increase geometrically.

Therefore, a powerful necromancer can be said to be an army of one man.

The mental risks, appearance, and harsh environment have resulted in this most powerful profession.

Only in the second grade (mental illness) can you become stronger!


Zhao Hao suddenly remembered an important question.

My talent can make me immune to mental and spiritual spells, so can I be immune to the mental erosion of the Necromancer profession? .

If it could...that would be terrifying.

Just when Zhao Hao was thinking.

From grave to grave around the town of Green Bay, a mass of rotting arms lifted up the earth.

Rotting corpses and skeletons began to crawl out of the grave.

Really. Lift the coffin and rise!

This is why the coffin board can no longer hold it down.

Of course, dark clouds appeared in the sky, allowing the undead to move freely.

If they move under the sun, the combat effectiveness of the undead will be reduced by at least half.

All the undead gathered towards Green Bay Town, like a gray wave, numbering in the tens of thousands.

And this is also the terrifying thing about the undead wizard. He can raise the undead army by himself, otherwise he would not be qualified to be called the strongest profession.

After casting the spell, Old Mike disappears from the cellar, apparently escaping.

And Zhao Hao also rushed out of the cellar with Freya.

As soon as I came out, I saw the wave of undead coming from all directions, and I subconsciously cursed:

"++ (Xia Guo's expletive), is the Holy Church blind?"

Yes, the responsibility for the appearance of so many undead really lies with the Holy Church.

Green Bay Town holds a purification ceremony every year so that the breath of the undead can be purified and the corpse will not be awakened to become the undead.

But now that so many corpses have been awakened, the responsibility does lie with the other party.

If there is something wrong with the ritual, there is something wrong with the people.

As a reborn person, Zhao Hao knows how hypocritical the Holy Church, which represents justice, is, so he has no good impression of it at all.

But now there is no way to hold the other party accountable, the first priority is to escape first.

"Bring Hulk out and let's go!"

After taking a glance at the number of undead, Zhao Hao gave up his plan to kill Old Mike.

Under the protection of the undead army, the undead wizard's combat effectiveness and life-saving ability have been greatly improved. Unless the Holy Church has special methods, others may have to annihilate the undead army before they can hope to keep each other.

After Freya transforms into the dragon form, her combat power is naturally sufficient.

But this is Mingyue City!

If you dare to transform in such a close place, do you really think that the other person is a vegetarian? An archangel will be sent to beat you up in a minute.

Yes, your dragon is the ceiling of combat power.

But so do archangels!

And the number is not just single digits, turning into a giant dragon in this kind of place is completely seeking death.

Just like around Tianhai City in the real world, no matter how many ordinary people appear, no one will be worried. But once tanks, fighter planes, etc. from forces other than our own appear, what is the first reaction? .

That's right, let's solve it first.

Therefore, it is absolutely not advisable to transform and clear the area, and if you do not transform, you will not be able to clear the area, so it is naturally better to retreat.

Anyway, the goal of coming here has been accomplished. After finding the problem in Green Bay and knowing the Black Mountain Slaughterhouse, the mission has made great progress, so there is no need to cause more trouble.


Freya rushed into the cellar and took Hulk out, who was still trapped by the altar of bones.


Zhao Hao got on the bus early.

Well, he admitted that he took the other person with him before leaving because he needed the other person to drive, otherwise he might leave the other person alone.

After experiencing such a big change, Hulk looked pale.

Fortunately, he was not stupid and knew his worth, so he hurriedly turned the car around and left.


The carriage rushed towards Mingyue City quickly.

It's just that if they want to leave, it depends on whether others are willing.

Obviously, Old Mike was naturally unwilling.

His years of plans were ruined by him, and Zhao Hao was not eaten alive. He was already protected by his status as a player, so how could he let him leave safely.

Rotting corpses blocked the road, trying to stop the vehicles.

"It's so shameless!" Zhao Hao shouted softly, "Freya!"


A golden figure rushed forward like a cannonball, faster than a carriage.

As a humanoid dragon, it is a basic operation to overtake a carriage in a short distance.

The two golden tusked daggers swung at high speed, causing injury upon collision and death upon collision. They killed the undead blocking the road and cleared the way for the carriage behind them.

Click, click!

Among the undead on the side, a group of bone archers appeared.

It looks like a human skeleton, but it is holding a bone bow and is a long-range undead.

A faint green flame ignited on the bone arrow.

It seems that in addition to physical damage, it also has magic damage. It can be called the best undead, but it costs a little material.

Whether the undead is powerful or not has a lot to do with the materials and the manufacturer.

Low-level undead, such as ordinary skeletons and walking corpses, only need to be awakened with necromancy spells, but special and high-level undead can only be created by using materials and corresponding abilities.


Freya's two fangs docked into the moon blade mode, her body jumped up and she threw out the weapons.


The two knives supported by huge power rotated at high speed, flying towards the bone archers surrounded by the undead like golden disks.

Bang, bang!

The bone archers were swept by the rotating golden disk and fell neatly like leeks.

It was just such a delay that the number of undead blocking the way increased.

"what to do!"

"It's over, I don't want to die yet!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu If I had known it, I wouldn't have come to Mingyue City!"

Hulk, who stopped the carriage to avoid crashing into the undead, muttered that he didn't want to die yet.

"Shut up!"

Zhao Hao yelled at the other party angrily.

Now he has a lot of cards in his hand.

Regardless of whether Freya uses full firepower, dragon breath or golden field, she can quickly break through, but it will inevitably leave conspicuous traces of the battle.

Even if the Shadow Swordsmen take over, they can easily leave, but it is best not to expose this unit until the last moment or when necessary.

So it's best to do it yourself.

Even if his trump card is exposed, it won't matter. It will be used in the Hero Competition anyway, as long as other players know about it.


Put your hands together to use the skill.

"The tree world descends... a natural barrier!"

Fortunately, I didn't call him by the wrong name.

He felt that the name of the skill Natural Barrier was not powerful enough, and wanted to change it to another one, but he felt that it was too middle-of-the-road, so he finally gave it up.

Just like when Captain Tang smoked, drank, and permed his hair during his journey to the West, it was so funny.


An imperceptible green light enveloped a forty-meter radius around Zhao Hao.


The dark green grass on both sides of the road grew violently as if alive, as if green pythons were tying up the undead around them and dragging them back.

Soon, the road ahead that had just been crowded with undead was cleared.

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