The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1042 The Terror Knight!


The slashes with faint light tore open the space and tore apart the bodies of the Silver Pegasus.

Even people and horses!

Anyone hit by a slash will be easily torn into pieces.

The weapon is a horse-cutting sword, and the target is a Pegasus, which just shows the terror of this murderous weapon.

The owners of these swords are naturally the melee combat units in the undead army.

Twelve-level terrifying knight!

Compared with the Dark Knight before evolution, his attributes have been qualitatively improved.

[Level 12 Terror Knight] (the attributes in parentheses are after bonus)

Life: 7200

Attack: 18 (22)

Defense: 18 (21)

Damage: 150-700

Speed: 9

Hunger: 0 (undead troop)

Abilities: Critical Blow, Curse Blow

Maintenance cost: 900 gold coins/every six weeks

Critical hit (for each attack, the damage will be tripled with a 100% chance, five times with a 50% chance, and ten times with a 10% chance)

Cursed blow (each attack has a 20% chance of causing the target to fall into a cursed state. In the cursed state, the lethality is maintained at the lowest, and the speed and attack power are reduced by 20%, lasting for ten minutes)

Just by looking at this attribute, you can tell that the Terror Knight unit can be called a nerve-wracking character.

When it's strong, it can destroy the world, but when it's weak, it's just an extraordinary weapon.

But even so, when faced with a target with weak physical defense like Silver Pegasus, it still displayed terrifying lethality.

These flesh-and-blood creatures did not have the body data of the soldiers. When faced with the terrifying knight's attack, their bodies were easily torn apart by the sword.

Especially after triggering a fatal blow, the lethality instantly increases by more than one level.

The Silver Pegasus Knights paid the price for their carelessness.

A heavy price to pay!

After passing by, the number was even less than half of the previous one. There were more than 6,000 elf knights who could no longer take off.

In fact, only more than two thousand people were killed on the spot.

But after the Pegasus was injured and fell to the ground, there was no chance of taking off again.

Even though the terrifying knight is covered in armor, he does not follow the cumbersome charging route of the castle camp. His attack and movement speed are not slow, and the sword in his hand easily harvests the life of the silver pegasus.

Moreover, the Horrible Knights and several Corpse Witch King phalanxes were arranged around them, giving the Silver Pegasus no chance to stand out.

After suffering such heavy losses, the Silver Pegasus Knights did not dare to continue attacking. They could only hover outside the long-range firepower of the Corpse Witch King and look for opportunities to attack again.

Without the threat of the Silver Pegasus Knights, the undead army also quickly adjusted to prepare for Irollan's desperate attack.

First, a large number of skeleton soldiers rushed towards the forest on both sides, responsible for assisting the shadow swordsmen in intercepting.

Although in that kind of environment, the skeleton soldiers cannot display their combat effectiveness.

But Zhao Hao didn't expect the skeleton soldier to perform well, and simply asked him to temporarily replace the phantom shooter.

Why do we have to replace the phantom shooter with the long-range unit of the tenth-level Corpse Witch King? .

Of course it’s because of the range!

The phantom archers led by Green, the epic hero, also possess master-level archery skills, with a range bonus of at least 30%.

In long-range combat, range is everything.

If the Corpse Witch King does not want to be shot unilaterally by the opponent, he must have the phantom shooters under Zhao Hao on the battlefield.

From beginning to end, besides the dragons, the unit that Zhao Hao was most worried about was the enemy phantom shooters.

Soon, as the skeleton soldiers entered the woods on both sides of the battlefield, the phantom shooters had their hands free and quickly came to the center of the battlefield to assemble.

Thousands of units were lost in the battle.

Since the corpses were too scattered, they couldn't be resurrected together, so there were only 15,500 units left.

This loss is already very small.

Because most of the enemies were intercepted and killed by the shadow swordsmen led by Ellie, the phantom shooters were only responsible for dealing with the fish that slipped through the net.

The results are naturally amazing!

Countless elf archers, elf warriors, drud... and other professionals were all killed in the forests on both sides.

The elves thought that the forest was their home field.

But the Phantom Shooter and Shadow Swordsman used their records to tell them that the forest was their home field.

The tens of thousands of professionals killed didn't sound like a large number.

But just look at the terrifying destructive power caused by the opponent's more than 10,000 transformed druids on the frontal battlefield, and you will know the gold content of these tens of thousands of professionals.

"Now, let me see, who is stronger, the epic hero, or me, who holds a divine weapon and follows the 'cannon attack style'!"

Zhao Hao muttered to himself while setting up the formation.

At the same time, there were three ballistas on the high slope where he was standing, one of which was covered with green scales.

Since he is taking the artillery flow route, of course the ballistae must be used on such a key battlefield. If the ballistae is not used on the battlefield, why should he take this heroic route?

If you look down from the sky.

You will find that Ellolan's army is advancing step by step, getting closer and closer to the slope where Zhao Hao is standing.

Around the slope, there were several phalanxes of Corpse Witch Kings and Terror Knights, with the phantom shooters who had just assembled in the center.

There are only two types of high-level undead soldiers, but the number is astonishing. Even in the Irollan army, the number of high-level soldiers is not so exaggerated.

It is precisely because of their overwhelming superiority in high-level troops that they have the confidence to defeat the elven army head-on.

If it was before being disabled.

The number of high-level soldiers in the Pale Territory would not be noticed by the elves at all.

But now they only have a fraction of their strength, and their trump cards have been exhausted. This is the biggest problem.

The Terror Knight blocks the front of the slope like a steel city wall, with the Corpse Witch King's phalanx on both sides, the Phantom Shooter in the center, and the Skeleton Soldiers responsible for containing and serving as cannon fodder.

No one dares to look down upon the cannon fodder of the Skeleton Soldier.

Because of its lethality, the Irollan army has a headache.

Even a deadwood warrior would suffer more than a few hundred points of damage if struck by a sword.

This is because the attack power is not high and the damage is greatly weakened. If Anros' attack is higher, it is not hopeless to deal thousands of damage.

With the skeleton soldiers in check, Ellolan's advancement is extremely slow.

But no matter how slow it was, it still entered the hunting range.

Zhao Hao looked at the dead wood warriors like a moving forest.

The phantom shooter must be inside. He must solve this problem first. Once this army is severely damaged or annihilated, it almost means that the overall situation is decided.


In the snake-head-like arrow trough of Hydra's Wrath, the red arrow trough rotates to the center.

Flame attribute!

When facing plant targets, if you don’t know what to choose, choosing fire attributes is definitely the best choice.

Now, although the opponent has not yet entered the attack range of the phantom shooter, he has entered the attack range of the ballista.

The other two ballistae beside them also aimed at the deadwood warriors under the control of artillery.

Boom, boom!

With a sound as if the atmosphere was being pierced, two spear-like crossbow arrows shot out of the air.

With the blessing of Zhao Hao's expert gunnery and master-level archery (artifact + level 1), both ballistas can display amazing power and range.

The target is the Deadwood Warrior!

For such a big goal, the speed is frighteningly slow, and it is not easy to fail.

Boom, boom!

The upper half of the two units of Deadwood Warriors seemed to have been shattered, and even the great elves standing on the canopy were also affected. There were several units of Deadwood Warriors in the rear that were shot to pieces by crossbow arrows.

Killing two birds with one stone is not enough to describe the attack of two ballistae.

'Did you not block it on purpose, or...'

But Zhao Hao was not happy because of this result, but started to think.

Because he asked two ordinary ballistas to shoot in advance to test whether the other party had targeted abilities or skills.

If not, facing his crossbow, even the legendary strong man would not be able to block it head-on.

Well, the premise is that it can hit.

The hit rate of the ballista is such that elite level warriors can easily dodge the shots, let alone the legendary strong ones.

The problem is that there are ways to solve the hit rate, but whether the opponent can block it is the key.

But now the other party doesn't respond at all, which means there is trouble.

"Let a phalanx Corpse Witch King come forward and fire!"

Zhao Hao's eyes flickered, he stopped his artillery aiming, and issued a new order.

Because he sensed something was wrong.

A phalanx of Corpse Witch Kings moved forward and opened fire on the Deadwood Warriors.

Naturally, the result was a large number of casualties caused by several rounds of shooting by the big elves. Although thousands of units of deadwood warriors were eliminated, they themselves lost more than 10,000 units, and the exchange ratio was extremely uneconomical.

But the loss didn't matter, what mattered most was the other thing.

Something that affects the outcome of this war.

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