The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1052 Hero Template Promotion Task!

The first is level.

Level 103!

The evaluation of this battle is epic, which doubles the experience gained and instantly increases the level by three levels.

It used to take a lot of time to level up normally, but now it's so fast to level up to three levels in one battle.

Unfortunately, no matter how fast the main job level rises, it is still far behind the part-time job, so there is no need to expect to be able to surpass the part-time job.

At this time, Zhao Hao's part-time job was at the top of the level. He was completely leading the way and was more than one level ahead of other players.

Level 123 is a completely god-like level.

Now the main profession has been upgraded a few levels before the level difference is barely brought back to within 20 levels.

As for the level of ghost cars, ordinary players will be amazed and find it incredible, but for the professional circle, they will be curious and watch the show.

Because "cemetery disease" is not a secret, there are even eye-catching warnings on the forum.

At the same time, real-life examples also make this camp full of dangers.

The final conclusion reached is that this camp is a camp that only madmen would choose, and it is also the most dangerous camp among the nine camps.

The faster you kill, the faster you go crazy!

It is precisely because of this implicit restriction that no matter how crazy players play in the cemetery camp, they must exercise restraint, otherwise they will all go to a mental hospital for "further education".

Under such circumstances, the ghost car killed countless people, how could it not make professionals in the industry curious.

I was curious about how he managed to maintain his sanity, and wanted to see when he would go to 'further study'. After all, no matter how strong his will was, sooner or later he would not be able to withstand the increasingly serious mental erosion.

Regarding Gui Che's strength, the attitude of the professional circle is fear and admiration, but there is no envy or jealousy.

envious? .

They exchanged it for their reason!

The gain in terms of level is not much.

For Zhao Hao, unless he upgrades to a dozen levels at a time, his strength may be greatly improved. A few levels can only be said to be barely good.

Then there was the other thing he cared about most.


Feida brought out the loot from the top of the slope that was flattened by fireworks.

That epic hero Green exploded.

I didn't have time just now because I had to deal with the loot in a hurry first. Now that I have time, I naturally want to see what the treasure is.

The treasures on the epic hero must be good things, right? .

Feida, who was holding the treasure, was in a weak state. After all, she had used all her strength to burn the city with fireworks, so she had unleashed such destructive power.

The treasure looks like a badge.

Since it was a trophy, its ownership was determined, so its attributes would not be hidden. Zhao Hao reached out and took it and saw the attributes.

Marksman Badge [Level 3 Treasure]: After equipped, attack +5, the long-range lethality of subordinates increases by 100%, there is a half chance of triggering the 'penetration' effect when the attack hits, causing damage to enemies within a straight range, PS: can trigger the hero template advancement Task.

Requirements: Barrier camp.

An extremely terrifying third-level treasure.

Yes, Zhao Hao used 'terrible' to describe it.

The attribute of attack +5 is rubbish. First-level treasures have this bonus. The problem is that this is a third-level treasure, so the remaining two attributes are the focus.

The first is to increase the long-range lethality by 100%!

This attribute is extremely powerful, and it is completely worthy of the title of a third-level treasure. After all, the artifact can only have so many killing attributes.

And it is aimed at 'long-range' and not just shooters, which means that even ballistas can also be blessed.

Of course, the most important attribute is the latter.

Penetrating effect!

If I remember correctly, this attribute is only available for war machines such as 'ballistas', which can shoot through the target and then continue attacking.

But the Marksman Badge allows the hero's long-range troops to also have this effect.


This is especially true when this attribute appears on the phantom shooters led by Zhao Hao.

Because the phantom shooter has explosive power and an amazing range, if it is blessed with this penetration attribute, it will completely change the killing efficiency.

The sum of several attributes is enough to be called a top level three treasure, not to mention the last one.

Trigger template advanced tasks!

Although after reaching level 100, you can advance to the hero template through tasks.

The question is where do I get the task from? .

This is the key.

Anyway, even when Zhao Hao was reborn, the number of blue elite template players was very few, which shows how difficult it is to obtain promotion tasks.

Not to mention other aspects, once the template is successfully advanced, Zhao Hao will be able to obtain many attributes and even have the opportunity to obtain expertise or talents.

However, the completion rate of such tasks was extremely low, so he thought he should calm down first.

Of course, equip it first.

Anyway, this third-level treasure is completely tailor-made for me, and there is no need to consider selling or trading it at all.

And Zhao Hao had a vague feeling that he was able to obtain this advanced mission not because of this third-level treasure, but because he killed Green.

If you insist on it, they can build a relationship.

He possesses the artifact of Phantom Divine Bow, and the other party possesses the specialty of Phantom Archer. Both of them are closely related in terms of their names and attributes.

This advanced mission can only be triggered by killing the opponent.

After these thoughts flashed through his mind, Zhao Hao chuckled.

"So, is this what the Gru inheritance is all about!"

He has sorted everything out.

He knows that once he accepts this promotion task, he is equivalent to following the path of Gru, the legendary hero.

In other words, if Zhao Hao really 'dies' or gives up the inheritance, this inheritance will appear in the hands of the heroes in the barrier camp.

This was the 'reward' given to him by the war.

In the heroic world, the higher the risk, the higher the reward.

The annihilation of Irollan's army this time was originally a nearly "impossible" task in the system evaluation. Now that he has done it, he will naturally be rewarded.

Of course, this is also because before the world merges, the players all have the "favor" of the world's will.

After integrating, there would be no such good thing.

Therefore, before the world merges, it is the golden period for players to improve their strength.

Once the worlds merge, players will have to experience the "beating" from the world, and that will be how miserable it is.

Now you understand why Zhao Hao cherishes the early time so much, right? .

It's really because once you miss this opportunity, it will be difficult to continue to improve your strength.

Players who take the combat route at this time may be able to grow to the core level in less than a year. However, after the integration of the world, it may not be successful even if the time is extended ten times, and the risk will be countless times greater, almost the same as that of the aborigines.

Countless casual route players will cry out at that time.

"Anlos, follow the plan!"

Zhao Liang explained to his subordinates standing beside him.

"As you wish!"

Anluosi's extremely well-behaved response was completely devoid of her usual madness and venomous tongue.

After dealing with the Irollan army, there are still a lot of finishing touches.

For example, clearing out the strongholds and teams left by the Elrollan elves...etc.

Especially the elven reinforcements! .

Although its strength is incomparable with the main force, it is still extremely powerful, not much weaker than the disabled Irollan army.

Now the players are trying their best to delay the support army. They must restore their combat strength as soon as possible to face the possible second war.


It's because whether to fight or not depends entirely on Elrollan's choice.

Once the Irollan elves choose to fight to the end, a war will begin, but once the opponent gives up, it is equivalent to the southwest region being taken over.

The prerequisite for deterring the opponent is to annihilate the main army. Now that Zhao Hao has completed this, the next step is to clean up and assemble the army to meet the supporting army.

Zhao Hao's finishing work is different from An Luosi's.

The number of troops under his command is small, and he can use the Storm to take him to solve the problems of the underground races, and then go with Anroth to deal with the elven reinforcements.

If they don't move more quickly, their spoils may be 'divided' by those underground races.

Get aboard!

The remaining troops waited for a long time to be reincarnated and resurrected, and then they all boarded the ship and set off.

The result of the battle in Moonlight Hills was also spread by magic messengers.

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