The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 106 Tianyu Arrow!

After half a day!

Several figures came to a dilapidated and leaky hut.

"Are you sure Rita lives here?"

Zhao Hao looked at the injured guys around him.

The little demon in the temple is strong in the wind, and the water is shallow and there are many tortoises!

As the poorest and most chaotic area in Mingyue City, the slums may lack everything, but there is certainly no shortage of bad guys.

These guys are the kind who have no eyesight, so they directly hired them as 'tour guides'.

Have you ever heard of fists as white as buns? .

Facing the humanoid dragon Freya, several guys who came to them to 'borrow money' were easily suppressed.

"Yes, yes, she is the only one in this area named Rita!"

The gangsters with bruised noses and swollen faces nodded hurriedly, fearing they would be beaten if they were slow to answer.

"You can get out!"

Zhao Hao felt that it was impossible for the other party to lie to him.

Having seen Freya’s fists, you deceived them on such a trivial matter. Do you think your life is not exciting enough? .

Walking into this dilapidated hut without a door, I saw a withered and thin body lying on the wooden board with its eyes closed. Only the slight rise and fall of the chest could confirm that it was alive.

"'re finally here!"

A hoarse voice sounded from the other party's throat.

"You knew I was coming?"

Zhao Hao frowned slightly.

If he remembered correctly, this task would be completed several years later. How could the other party survive until that time in his condition? .

"No, I don't know!" The other party slowly opened his eyes as vast as the starry sky and said: "The Mother Goddess has answered my prayer. Sooner or later, an adventurer will arrive, I just don't know who it is!"

The Mother Goddess in the other party's mouth is naturally the 'system' in their mouth.

With systematic guidance, it can indeed ensure that the other party survives until that time.

"Are you an astrologer?"

Looking at the other person's eyes, Zhao Hao thought of a profession. The characteristics of these eyes were too obvious.

Astrologers are a strategic resource because they can predict the future.

The history of the heroic world is mostly driven by prophecies.

"No, I just awakened my bloodline and have some astrologer abilities!"

While Rita was speaking, she glanced at Freya.

"Then what I want should be here, right?"

Zhao Hao was a little cautious when asking.

Be careful when dealing with these guys who can predict the future. Who knows if they will trick you? If they really try to trick you, I guarantee you won’t even be able to cry.

"Adventurer, in addition to the reward you deserve, I also have a gift that requires you to do something for me!"

Rita didn't mention punishment.

Because thinking about a being with the ability of an astrologer will definitely make you doubt your life. This is a lesson accumulated through countless blood and tears.

"I wish I knew what the gift was and what the price was to pay!"

Zhao Hao was not dizzy because of the gift the other party wanted to give, and he wanted to know what the price would be.

Every gift has a price secretly marked on it!

This idiom is the experience of future players whose graves are taller than others.

"A part-time job certificate in exchange for letting the 'murderer' who killed my husband get the punishment he deserves!"

Rita made a price, and the punishment mentioned here was actually killing.


Zhao Hao took a breath of air-conditioning, but fortunately he didn't say anything so scary.

Because he had only heard of part-time vouchers.

Even when he was reborn, the number of players with dual professions would not exceed double digits, and they were all famous and powerful.

There are many benefits to working part-time!

First of all, the growth rate is doubled. The level increase of both professions can bring about the increase of basic attributes. At the same time, you can also have two professional skill systems.

Although the experience required for the second career is doubled, it is nothing compared to the benefits.

It is indeed an extremely precious gift, but it is also extremely difficult.

Because the 'murderer behind the scenes' will involve a huge force, undead wizards like Old Mike are just pawns, and it is obvious that they want to complete the mission.

However, Zhao Hao immediately thought of the catastrophe that Mingyue City would experience in the future, and nodded:

"I can only promise that I will do my best!"

His promise was to 'go all out' rather than 'certainly complete', and the other party could not fail to hear the difference.

"The gift will be with you when you complete it. What you want is in the box under the bed!"

Rita agreed to his counteroffer, then slowly closed her eyes and turned into a corpse.

Obviously, the opponent Qiang Kating held on to his last breath just for the mission.

Now that the task has been given, naturally I can’t hold on.

mission completed!

But there is no prompt.

Zhao Hao did not doubt whether he would be able to get the reward by then. The other party must have made arrangements. As long as he completed the task, he would definitely get the part-time certificate.

So he pulled out the box under the bed and opened it, and saw a treasure in the shape of an arrow pot.

Tianyu Arrow [Level 2 Treasure]: After equipped, the long-range damage under command is increased by 20%, the archery effect is increased by 10%, and the upper limit of ammunition for long-range arms is doubled.

The gorgeous attributes make people stunned, and they have to marvel at the power of the second-level treasure.

In terms of basic bonus, compared with the Mane of the Divine Beast, which is also a component, the archery effect bonus is 10% less, but it has an additional attribute that doubles the ammunition.

It doesn't sound like the effect is obvious. At most, it changes the Phantom Shooter's upper limit of 24 rounds of ammunition to 48 rounds, without increasing the damage.

After the upper limit of ammunition is increased, the continuous output will also be greatly improved, which is extremely important for long-range troops.

After equipping the Tianyu Arrow, Zhao Hao turned and left the room.

After leaving the cabin, Freya asked in a low voice.

"Master, do we want to continue the investigation?"

She has already thought about how powerful the 'murderer behind the scenes' is, and this kind of target is not something they can deal with at this stage.

This is Mingyue City, a place where the number of champion-level experts is more than single digits.

"No, I already know who the murderer is behind the scenes!"

Zhao Hao directly locked the target based on the major event that happened in Mingyue City a few years later in his mind.

He remembered clearly that before his rebirth, he chose the castle camp. When he went to Mingyue City, he encountered a rebellion with undead mixed in.

That time, half of Mingyue City was directly destroyed. He also gained a lot of benefits from that incident, so his memory is still clear.

Now that I think about it, the clues were laid in that incident, and it was only then that it exploded.

The prophetic advantage is great!

No risky investigation is needed to identify the murderer behind the scenes, and the most suitable time can be chosen to take action.

No wonder no one dares to mess with astrologers who predict that they can really do whatever they want.

Without the prophetic advantage, Zhao Hao would have to take huge risks to investigate who is behind the scenes, and he might even be able to alert the enemy and prepare the other party in advance.

In that situation, let alone current players, even future players would not dare to go head-to-head with that kind of boss.

In this way, the difficulty of the task is indeed equal to the reward.

But Zhao Hao would cheat if he couldn't stand it.

With the blessing of the prophet's advantage, the difficulty of the task is directly reduced by an unknown number of levels. As long as you seize the opportunity, there are not too many opportunities to kill a high-ranking person.

In other words, as long as he works hard to develop his power and waits for the opportunity to come, he can securely obtain a part-time certificate.

Now that he has skills in the field of natural enchantment, he also has a part-time certificate waiting for him. Unless his IQ drops below the line in the future, he is guaranteed to be a top expert.

But once the artifact components are obtained, another task will be put on the agenda.

Mr. Long!

He has not yet accepted the beating from society, so how can this be done?

As a good young man in the new era, he has the responsibility and obligation to let the other party understand the dangers of adulthood.

So he took Freya out of the city quickly and headed towards the opponent's most important resource point.

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