The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1069 Remuneration and intelligence capabilities!

"This one will come soon!"

While talking, Zhao Hao drew a pattern on the table.

This pattern made Archbishop Linsi stand up subconsciously.

It wasn't because he was making a fuss, but because the news meant a lot to the Holy Church.

Compared to other enemies, the Nightmare Lord is definitely among the top five even on the list of enemies within the church.

Not because of strength!

In terms of strength alone, the Lord of Nightmares may not even be among the top fifty. After all, among the enemies of the church, there are more than single digits with the power to destroy the world.

But the Nightmare Lord is too destructive.

How can the Holy Church tolerate the harvesting of tens or hundreds of thousands of people at every turn, and the number of times is extremely high? .

Human beings have taught leeks. This kind of behavior is completely robbing them of food and poaching their corners. You can imagine the depth of hatred.

"When? Where is the landing place?"

After Lin Si calmed down, he immediately asked for specific information.


Zhao Hao only answered the first question.

As long as he dares to tell the location, the Holy Church may leave him alone and go directly. How can he control the situation at that time?

Not only was Lin Si not angry about the extremely vague time provided by Zhao Hao, but he felt it was normal.

If the time was too accurate, he would worry about some conspiracy.

"what do you want?"

Lin Si is ready to show his ‘sincerity’ in exchange.

The Lord of Nightmares is the sworn enemy of the church. For a guy like this who is always poaching, there is no chance to catch the opponent's whereabouts. Once he catches the opportunity, he will definitely kill him.

"I need 500 archangel recruitment quotas and information on the elemental planes!"

Zhao Hao put forward conditions.

Although the Holy Church has countless good things that he has been coveting, this is just intelligence.

The two things you want are stuck on the other side's bottom line.

If a lion opens his mouth wide, not only will he not be able to get something, but he will also leave a "greedy" impression, so both of his conditions are extremely sensible.

The recruitment quota of archangels is extremely precious to other forces, but it is completely worthless to the Holy Church. The focus is on elemental plane intelligence.

Elemental plane!

A magical plane where only various elements exist.

"no problem!"

Lin Si nodded without hesitation. Both things were within his scope of authority, and there was no need to pay in kind. Compared with the value of the information provided, they were completely negligible.

There was no conversation between the two at all.

After waiting for a while, a priest came in.

The other party placed a thick piece of information in front of Zhao Hao, and then placed a small angel statue in front of him.

Money first, goods later!

Lin Si gave the reward first.

And he was not worried that Zhao Hao would dare to play tricks on him.

The leader of the Storm Legion is indeed worthy of his trust.

“I hope to receive your ‘return gift’ as soon as possible”

Lin Si signaled that Zhao Hao could leave with the reward.

"I suspect this is a trap for the other party, so please be careful!"

Zhao Hao picked up two things and stood up.

If there is a danger, tell yourself in advance. If something goes wrong, no one can blame you.

As long as the Lord of Nightmares comes, he can collect the things with peace of mind.

Of course, he was able to get things in advance because of his fame. If it were other players, let alone getting the reward in advance, no one would take it seriously even if they had information.

Zhao Hao was not in a hurry to use the archangel recruitment quota.

Because if you use it in advance, it means that you are extremely certain about the arrival of the Nightmare Lord, and it would be bad to arouse suspicion.

avoid arousing suspicion!

So the reward will have to wait until the event is over.

Do you really think he doesn't know about the magic mark on the outside of the document? .

Once he opened it himself, Nalinsi could confirm some of his guesses.

After leaving the church, Zhao Hao first visited his half-brother Mori before heading to the Shadow Guild to complete a message delivery mission.

The recipient of the letter is naturally ‘Brother Kai’.

How could the other party miss such a good opportunity.

After the fall, hunting the Holy Temple Church can bring direct benefits. Coupled with the hatred for the church in his heart, the other party will come even if it crawls.

At this point, the layout has been completed. As long as Bai Ze finds the information about the Sleeping Church, the plan can be officially launched.

The information was handed over to Zhao Hao three days later when he was at the White Leader.

Three days!

Sounds like it took a lot of time.

But only those who understand the world of heroes understand how exaggerated the efficiency is.

There is no such thing as a "network" in the heroic world, and transportation is extremely backward. Under such circumstances, one can imagine how difficult it is to find a small and secretive church.

Zhao Hao opened the information in person.

This investigation was really thorough. Not only did it clarify the opponent's stronghold and scope of activities, but what was even more exaggerated was that it even revealed some of the opponent's subsequent plans.

If he hadn't known Bai Ze's identity, he would have thought that this information was given to him by the senior officials of the Shenmian Church.

It is indeed the ceiling of the future intelligence community!

Putting away the information in his hand, Zhao Hao said to the three-no girl in front of him:

"I'm very satisfied with this survey!"

Yes, he specifically emphasized ‘very satisfied’.

The powerful intelligence capability of Sin Domain is based on the huge number of people. If there were not so many people, the intelligence capability would definitely be far inferior to that of the other party.

"If there is a corresponding commission in the future, I can take action!"

Bai Ze's "knowing the elegant meaning of a stringed song" directly shows that similar tasks can be entrusted to him in the future.

She is not free now, and she is not so stupid that she does not have to pay any price.

"The operation will begin immediately. You first go to the Adventurer's Guild to spread the news, just say... there is a necromancer leaving a legacy there, and then monitor the area and wait for my order!"

Zhao Hao was very satisfied with Bai Ze's knowledge and knowledge, and at the same time explained the next arrangements.

His biggest task now is to kill the Nightmare Lord.

If the other party were to do it once in reality, it would definitely break the news, so he left the hero template promotion mission aside and waited for information here in the Pale Territory.

After Bai Ze left, Zhao Hao began to switch to part-time jobs.

After switching to a part-time job, he took out the reward that Heiyun transferred to him a few days ago.

The Amulet of Shocking Bones!

This amulet of silver fantasy quality changed his undead summoning skills.

Summoning the Undead (Proficiency: 7620/10000 Advanced (Top): Consumes 120 (60) magic points to summon 8 skeletons (20 + 5 vampires), lasting 4 minutes*knowledge.

Originally the proficiency level was only high level, but with the +1 effect of the amulet, it directly became the top level.

Qualitative change!

For other Necromancer players, the effect after improvement is just like that.

But Zhao Hao's equipment and spells are all based on spells.

The magic power consumed is doubled!

This is normal. In the past, it only took 30 magic points (equipment, spells) to summon once, but now it is 60 points, but this is not important, because the number of vampires summoned each time has changed from 15 to 25. name.

And the duration is doubled.

Based on Zhao Hao's part-time knowledge, it lasts eight hours.

Such a long time was enough for him to raise a terrifying number of summoned legions.

Strength increased dramatically!

The equipment of the Amulet of Shocking Bones greatly increased his part-time ability.

As for Anlos? .

She may have to wait until she gets enough battle points to raise the level of the battle skill 'Magic' in order to increase her strength significantly.

The part-time plan this time is the absolute protagonist, and it is not easy to bring Feida and Freya. After all, they are obviously subordinates of the main profession, not part-time subordinates.

Go it alone!

However, he also took some magic communication props from Turing, which could communicate at a certain distance, ensuring that he could control the situation.

After making these preparations, he set off from the Pale Territory and headed for the Greyhound Principality.

The plan involved so much that he didn't even want to use Silver Wing's portal.

Of course, the backhand must be arranged first.

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