The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1071 Infiltration and Summoning!

Carefully approach a city wall.

Zhao Hao was not prepared to enter through the main entrance.

Instead, he came to the bottom of a city wall and looked up into the open space above.

call out!

A spider silk shot out.


Although this item is used very rarely, it has a killer effect every time it is used.

It is naturally impossible to fly into a big city, but there is definitely a forbidden air circle, so the Spider Walker is extremely useful.

Using spider silk, Zhao Hao easily climbed over the city wall.

As for the guards? .

Please, the Greyhound Principality has not been disturbed by war for who knows how many years. No one thinks about fighting at all, and most of the guards are just fake.

There is no problem with the military types.

But the troops are stationed in Qinglin Fort, which is the castle of Duke Qinglin, and they will not come to protect 'civilians'.

That is to say, the principality stipulates that the lord must ensure a certain number of legions, otherwise the Duke of Qinglin will not want to maintain the main legions under his command.

Maintenance fee + food!

The consumption is not low and is paid continuously.

I say so much just to make one thing clear.

Even though Qinglin City is a big city with hundreds of thousands of people, its guard strength is extremely weak.

Zhao Hao had another purpose for being so careful.

After entering the city, he did not take action immediately, but entered the sewer first.

"Summoning of the Dead!"

As soon as he entered, he summoned Homan, the blood noble.

"Your Mightiness!"

Homann, who was wearing a viscount uniform, saluted and said hello.

"Well, you can restrain your subordinates later. I will definitely give you a good meal today!"

Zhao Hao's expression turned expectant with just one word.

"Thank you for your generosity!"

After Homan thanked him, his bright red eyes swept around him, causing countless rats and bugs that surrounded him to escape as quickly as if they encountered natural enemies.

The blood nobles belong to the extraordinary race, this is just an application of spiritual power.

Call of the dead!

Zhao Hao used this low-level spell again.

Squeak, squeak!

A swarm of bats emerged amidst the cries of bats.


Every bat is a seventh-level vampire.

The skeleton amulet, YYDS!

It's just a level of proficiency. If you get some more skill crystals and increase the proficiency level by just a few thousand points, why don't you fly into the sky right away and stand side by side with the sun? .

Now the proficiency is actually at a high level, and the top effect is due to the talisman bonus.

If the proficiency is upgraded from advanced to top level, the talisman will be upgraded to the ultimate level by one level, which will instantly increase the effect of this basic spell to the peak level.

Normally, it takes an extremely long time to master a basic spell to reach the ultimate level. Even when Zhao Hao was reborn, there were not many players with ultimate proficiency in low-level spells.

But now he has a core spell with ultimate proficiency, and the proficiency of other spells is also not low.

This is not because he works hard enough, but because he uses various resources.


If there were no resources, the proficiency of these spells might still be rudimentary.

The time limit for using skill crystals in the arena has passed, so it’s time to use them again.

With these thoughts in his mind, Zhao Hao instinctively summoned the vampire.

For him, there is no need to worry about the spell casting failure. After all, the star robe on his body has a constant effect of 'focusing on spell casting'. As long as it is not intentional, it is not easy for such a low-level spell to fail.

With Zhao Hao's knowledge attribute at this time, he can maintain the vampire for eight hours.

When summoning the undead once, the limit state is less than two seconds, but this is an explosive state. If the summons can be maintained easily and the magic value recovery speed can keep up, it will be about twenty seconds.

Summoning at this speed can last forever without any pressure.

It's like if you run at full speed, you may not be able to run in ten minutes, but if you let it take a walk, you are guaranteed to be completely stress-free for most of the day.

Theoretically, eight hours of maintenance time is enough for Zhao Hao to summon 1,440 times, 25 vampires at a time, which is 36,000 vampires.

Although this data is not worth mentioning for the Legion.

But if one person were to create this formation, it would be a natural disaster.

This is also the biggest reason why he is part-time designated as a wanted criminal.

He is an evil and notorious necromancer, and he has such a terrifying summoning ability. It would be unfair not to regard him as a wanted criminal.

Of course, Zhao Hao would not really summon it to the limit.

After only a few hours of summoning, the number was piled up to about 20,000. He stopped when there were about three hours left before the first summoning of vampires.

At this time, if someone enters the sewer, they may be frightened and cry.

Bats crowded here one after another, and any living creature either fled or turned into a mummy, with all the blood in its body sucked out.

It is only because of the blood noble Homan that the vampires can be so quiet. Otherwise, it would be difficult to keep them quiet and on standby.

"Sir, won't you continue the summons?"

When Homan saw Zhao Hao stop calling, he asked respectfully.

There is no way, no matter who has seen the growth rate of part-time jobs with their own eyes, they will feel this way.

"This amount is enough!"

Zhao Hao drank a bottle of perfect quality magic potion and began to restore his magic value.

Even if you know there won't be much danger before the Qinglin Legion arrives, you still have to ensure that you are in the best condition.

On the battlefield, any accident may occur.

If a reclusive boss appeared in Qinglin City, he wouldn't find it strange.

Just look at his formation and you'll know what he means by causing trouble.

Massacre the city!

Yes, this is why Qinglin City will receive attention after today.

Every massacre will attract the attention of all major forces.

The part-time job of Gui Che is meant to do dirty work, and the more sinister the reputation, the better.

Fortunately, there is no Holy Mother in the heroic world, and even the most 'merciful' church is extremely dark, so Zhao Hao has no pressure at all for this kind of thing.

After all, before rebirth, he saw how miserable the player was, so how could he get there?

"The hunt has begun!"

Zhao Hao used 'Blood Demon Transformation' to replenish his magic value. After restoring it to full, he punched the sewer entrance.


The door panel was shattered by him, who had the body of an intermediate Dragon King, revealing the light outside.

Squeak, squeak!

Vampires flew out one after another at low altitude.

It can still barely fly under the forbidden air formation, but its speed is greatly limited and its altitude is still frighteningly low.

Did you see it, it’s a ‘formation’ rather than a rule.

It means that although Qinglin City, a large city, has a forbidden air formation, it is not a 'fortress' built with the heart of a lord.

Of course, any large city has a standard 'forbidden air' array.

Not only is flight prohibited, but space teleportation abilities and spells are also prohibited.

Who makes the world of heroes fly? There are so many space abilities. Without this kind of magic circle, there is no way to make people feel at ease.

The vampires did not attack immediately, but spread quickly.

"Bats, so many bats!"



Pedestrians fled frantically.

More than 20,000 bats not only spread from the exit where Zhao Hao was, but also rushed out of several sewer exits.

As for himself, he walked towards the bell tower not far away.

Note that Zhao Hao is not soft-hearted, but is prepared to maximize value.

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