The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 108 Killing and killing people!

In the camp!

Apart from the collapse of an arrow tower, there was not much damage.

After all, Shadow Swordsmen are efficient in killing, but not very destructive.

Players and soldiers are not creatures that will leave corpses after the battle, so the camp does not look much different from before.

When the players who were supported by Longting arrived, they saw this scene.

In the spacious camp, Zhao Hao sat high on the ruins of the collapsed arrow tower, with Ellie and Freya standing on both sides.

The domineering power leaks out!

More than two hundred garrison players who rushed back to support cautiously walked into the camp.

"Young Master Long, we meet again. It seems we are quite destined!"

Zhao Hao, who was sitting on the wooden bar, looked down at the other party.

Just a few days ago (in the game) I brought someone to block me, and now I meet here again. It is indeed a 'fate'.

After hearing Zhao Hao's words, the players around Mr. Long who were unaware of the grudges between the two sides reacted instantly.

It turned out that they were lying at gunpoint.

They came to settle accounts with Mr. Long, and he was the cannon fodder affected.

It's just that they are all players in the same guild. Even if they feel unhappy, they can only unite and deal with the outside world.

"Stormbringer, you attacked our Dragon Court's resource points, aren't you afraid of our retaliation?"

A player at the core level of the guild walked to the front of the team and transformed the incident from 'retaliating against the dragon master' to 'fighting for resource points'.

The cohesion of the veteran players' guild is still very good. If it is a new player's guild, it will already be in civil strife.

"Really? I'm not afraid if I dare to take action!" Zhao Hao raised his palm and waved it down: "Kill!"

Following his action.

Puff puff!

The sounds of flesh and blood being pierced continued to sound.

The eighth-level shadow swordsmen, who had long been prepared to attack, jumped out from the shadows around the camp and started killing.

Eighth-level exclusive arms!

Facing players with an average level of over 30, they were crushed in all aspects.

One sword for one child.

Facing the Shadow Swordsmen who were attacking from all directions, the players had very few opportunities to fight back.

Even if the counterattack is successful occasionally, it is completely painless for the Shadow Swordsman whose health exceeds four digits.

Soon, of the two hundred players who rushed back to support, only Long Shao was left.

It’s not that he is strong or well-equipped.

But because Zhao Hao deliberately left him at the end, why should the person involved witness the beating from society? .


Zhao Hao jumped off the wreckage, walked to Young Master Long who was surrounded by shadow swordsmen, and whispered:

"Let's play a game. I won't leave the goblin jungle today. You can bring people to take revenge. I'll wait for you... to the death!"


After finishing speaking, a shadow swordsman dealt with the opponent at Zhao Hao's signal.

Murder and heart-wrenching!

Not only did he conquer the resource points, he also set up a trap for the opponent.

Death trap!

If the other party calms down, they might even consider whether there are any traps.

However, Zhao Hao deliberately angered Young Master Long and stepped on the opponent's face in the dirt, which will naturally make him fall into anger, and he will definitely take revenge at all costs.

In jungle terrain, shadow swordsmen are definitely hunters at the top of the food chain.

If there is an unobstructed place, the opponent may be able to use the "too many ants to kill the elephant" tactic by virtue of their numerical advantage.

However, in the jungle, which is only suitable for small-scale combat, the effect of the Shadow Swordsman is on par with the extraordinary level, even if it can defeat a guild head-on.

What's more, they have "helpers".

After the other party's body dissipated, he said:

"Burn this place and let's go!"

The natural next step is to enter the goblin jungle.

However, before departure, the camp that Longting spent a lot of energy and resources to build needs to be destroyed.

Well, he doesn't need to use the terrain advantage of the camp to defend, so it's naturally best to destroy it.

If you don’t destroy it, can you keep it for the other party to celebrate the New Year? .


Freya pulled out the short knife, and flames burned on it.

When they entered the jungle, behind them was a burning camp.

A few hours later!

When the Longting Guild army arrived, they saw a scorched ruin, and the previous camp had completely disappeared.

The air was silent, even the players who followed to watch the fun made no sound.

Everyone can understand the anger of the Dragon Court Guild at this time.

A resource point that not only allows guild players to quickly upgrade, but also earns more than 10,000 gold coins per day is gone. Who wouldn't be angry? .

The resource points are indeed still there!

But after such a slap in the face, how could the Dragon Court Guild still hold on? .

Other forces will not give them the opportunity to build camps and dominate the elf jungle.

Now, the only way to save face is to deal with the provocateur with thunder and use the opponent's blood to frighten other forces that are ready to move. Only then can there be a chance of reoccupying the goblin jungle.

If the operation fails, the impact will not only be on the goblin jungle, but on all aspects.

For example, when a player mentions the Dragon Court Guild, what comes to mind is definitely being slapped in the face and how they will survive in the future.

It is for this reason that the Dragon Court Guild gathered all its combat power to come. The number of players exceeds 10,000, the number of soldiers is several thousand, and there is even a small group of eighth-level crusaders.

Although most of the players are peripheral members, there must be strong men under the heavy reward. As long as you kill the 'Stormbringer', you will be rewarded with 10,000 gold coins, and the rewards for others will also vary.

In addition to bounties, guild players also have guild points to earn.

You can earn it by completing tasks, participating in activities, turning in materials, etc. Points can be used to promote internal positions and exchange for items in the guild warehouse. It is the best choice to enhance cohesion.

And there are sunk costs.

The longer I stayed, the more reluctant I was to leave the guild.

Now you know why the old professional players guild has strong cohesion? .

Feelings + routines!

It's completely one set after another, arranging the guild players properly.

If this cohesion is not strong, it will be undead.

At the front of the dark Dragon Court players was a man wearing armor and with a rough face. He was the president of the Dragon Court Guild.

Dragon Court!

At this time, his face turned livid, and he turned around and shouted:

"No matter who it is, as long as they kill the Stormbringer, they will be directly rewarded with 100,000 gold coins, and the rewards for other targets will be doubled. If they are members of our guild, in addition to these, they can also focus on training!"

The bounty has been greatly increased, which is completely a sign of not treating money as money.

"Such a high reward?"

"I want my buddy to make a fortune!"

"Anyone want to form a team?"

"Don't rob me, I've earned this money!"

The onlookers were excited, and they all rushed towards the goblin jungle.

Based on the current ratio of Xia Yuan to gold coins, this amount of money would be enough to pay for a house in a small city.

Now you only need to kill one player to get it, how can you not be excited.

That is to say, Zhao Hao didn't hear it, otherwise he would definitely laugh at these players for being ignorant.

In the future, even some high-level bounty hunters may not pay attention to this level of bounty.

But now in the early stages of the game, it can drive players crazy.

"Blood debt must be repaid with blood!"

Long Ting and other onlookers entered the jungle first before leading the guild team into the jungle.

Next, it is a contest between the two sides with huge disparity in strength.

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