The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1082 The Lord of Nightmares comes to me!

Wearing a gray and black robe, the figure is enveloped in it.

Mysterious and weird!

Yes, the other party is the real owner of Zhao Hao and others.

Sleeping Church!

It is also the source of his uneasiness.

The number is not too high, probably less than a thousand people.

This number is already a lot for other people, but for Zhao Hao's "one man becomes an army" summoning flow, it is nothing at all.

In terms of strength, there was nothing among these people that he felt was fatal.

However, the uneasy feeling lingered in his heart, making Zhao Hao dare not relax at all.

Using the cover of Furious Abomination, he began to chant and cast spells.

While casting the spell, he felt vaguely tired.

The consumption of high-level spells is indeed very high, that is, because he has the talent of tenacity and the specialization of necromancy, which can greatly reduce the energy consumption. Otherwise, he would not only be "a little" tired at this time, but would be extremely tired. .

Even among epic spellcasters, there is no one like him who constantly uses high-level spells as low-level spells.

With each higher level of spell, not only the power will skyrocket, but so will the consumption.

One resurrection of the dead is enough to withstand nearly a thousand summons of the undead.

The energy consumption of low-level summoning spells is small to begin with. Coupled with some energy consumption reduction abilities, Zhao Hao can use them without any pressure at all.

What Zhao Hao was about to cast at this time was the high-level spell 'Resurrection of the Dead'.

At this time, there were corpses all around, including the corpse of the epic knight.

When he asked the Vampire King to hunt down the griffins outside the city just now, he got the high-level corpses together.

After all, knowing that there would be dangers ahead, he certainly couldn't fail to prepare.

The singing time flew by.

"The dead rise!"

Zhao Hao will use up most of the recovered magic value at once.



A total of nine thousand magic points, more than when the epic warrior was resurrected before.

But the effect is definitely not as good as that time.

Because within a radius of more than a hundred meters around him, there were more than one corpse, and there were at least thousands of high-level corpses.

So many corpses dispersed the magic power, and the effect was naturally not as good as the previous one that consumed less.

However, Zhao Hao did not expect the resurrected corpse to provide much combat effectiveness.

Thousands of corpses of at least elite level were revived and blocked at the outermost perimeter of the defense, ensuring that any enemy who wanted to attack had to pass through them first.

And these corpses are also the best materials for corpse explosion.

"Who are you?"

After the spell was cast, Zhao Hao spoke up "knowingly".

Well, it stands to reason that he doesn’t know that the Church of Sleep is the ‘vest’ of the Lord of Nightmares, so he must cover this up.

As he asked, among these silent figures, one of the short figures stepped forward slowly.

And when the other party stepped forward, for some reason, Zhao Hao's eyes seemed to be blurry and he saw another shadow on the other party.

It's like the other person is possessed by something.


Zhao Hao immediately woke up. This was not because he was looking at flowers, but because the title of 'King of Hatred' reminded him that there was something wrong with the person in front of him., advent!

The person who came over at this time was not him, but should be called ‘him’.

The Lord of Nightmares!

If it was the other person, then everything would make sense.

To be able to appear in the surroundings silently, and at the same time cause myself to be so uneasy, there is no one else but the other party.

Prey appears!

Zhao Hao's heart beat a little faster and he was a little anxious.

Because he didn't know if the church was in place.

Bai Ze only knew that the opponent had entered this area, but he did not dare to get too close, so he did not know the specific location.

If the church steps out "slowly", the only person in danger will be himself.

Facing an existence like the Lord of Nightmares, even if his talent restrains him, it doesn't mean he has no other means to deal with him, so the danger still exists.


Zhao Hao instantly lifted the curtain of death.

The reason is also very simple.

Previously, it was to fight against the Qinglin Legion that the assistance of the Death Sky was needed.

Now dealing with the Lord of Nightmares, these have no effect, and may even help him. After all, the opponent is also a boss of the evil camp, and the sun will indeed suppress him.

At the same time, the death canopy will block the view, which may affect the church team who are "secretly observing".

The purpose of lifting the death curtain is to let the church team know that the prey has appeared and they can take action.

Now that Zhao Hao's 'fishing' mission has been completed, the next step is how to escape.

Theoretically it's easy.

But in fact it is as difficult as climbing to the sky.

If you want to escape from the Lord of Nightmares, the difficulty is completely nightmare level.

Not to mention that there are at least two LYB forces watching secretly, and the other party must have means to prevent the prey from escaping.

In other words, Qinglin City at this time is like a whirlpool, it is easy to get in but difficult to get out.

"Finally found you, King of Hatred!"

The figure who came forward had a hint of joy in his tone.

If you didn't know better, you might think it was some old friend reunited after a long separation.

"Who are you...?"

Zhao Hao naturally had to use his acting skills to pretend to be confused.

He must not reveal that he knows that Shenmian Church is the enemy's vest. Once this news is leaked, it may cause him to have an accident next time he goes fishing.

For example, next time you go fishing, the fish will wonder if they are trying to catch you on purpose.

Therefore, this scene must be performed well.

"It's really sad. I'm your close comrade-in-arms!"

The other party raised his head, revealing an unfamiliar young man's face.

If there are people who are familiar with the Sleeping Church, they will recognize that this young man is the 'holy son' of the church and holds a supreme status.

But at this time, the other person's demeanor and temperament were completely different from before, as if he was a different person.

No, it’s not the same, but a different person.

Because at this time, the other party is no longer the Holy Son of the Church, but the ‘Lord of Nightmares’.

No matter which church, there are selected 'holy sons', 'saints' and other existences that can reach heaven in one step, but as long as the senior officials who know the inside story will not envy each other.

Because both the Son and the Saint are tools.

A tool that allows the faithful boss to descend to the main plane from the outer plane.

Overuse of tools can cause damage or even destruction.

Who would envy tools? .

"I do not know you!"

Zhao Hao shook his head and looked like he was ready to take action.

"I am the Lord of Nightmares and your friend, the King of Hatred. Is it best for my friend to take back this title?"

The Lord of Nightmares revealed his identity and purpose.


He came here entirely for the title of 'King of Hatred'.

In reality, titles have no meaning at all.

But in the world of heroes, a title recognized by the rules carries power in itself.

As for how to capture it? .

Of course there are various ways.

For example, a title like 'The Strongest' can be obtained by defeating the opponent in public. If you want to take away a title like the King of Hatred, the easiest way is to kill yourself and get it from the 'soul'.

For a big boss like the Lord of Nightmares, this method is not impossible. At most, it is extremely difficult to do it on the main plane, which is not his own home ground.

It requires materials, rituals... and other auxiliary means.

"Sorry, I'm not going to give up this title!"

Zhao Hao stretched out his right hand to make a virtual fist, pointed at a corpse at his feet and shouted.

"Corpse Explosion Technique!"

Even if he used this high-level spell with astonishing lethality, the boy...the Lord of Nightmares did not make any dodge movements at all and remained motionless.


The shock wave set off by the explosion swept across.

Even if it is just an ordinary corpse, the magic value is the lowest consumption, which does not mean that it is not powerful. At least ordinary flesh and blood can be easily torn apart.

But when the dust settled, what we saw was a scene that made people gasp.

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