The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1088 The greedy enemy of the Holy Light!

The Lord of Nightmares!

Mo Kai clearly had the opportunity to release or kill him, but instead of doing so, he 'protected' the sealed Nightmare Lord from being taken away by the Holy Church.

Tsk tsk!

It seems that he is addicted to the benefits obtained from Mephisto, the 'former King of Hatred', and is ready to do it again.

The Lord of Nightmares and the King of Hatred both belong to the Demon King of Hell, so the title and power can naturally be taken away from them.

Last time, Zhao Hao got the title of King of Hatred, and Mo Kai got the power.

Now that the 'Lord of Nightmares' is in front of you, even if it's just a clone, you can still plunder it to a point that is no weaker than the last harvest.

After all, the King of Hatred has been sealed for an unknown amount of time, and has been weakened to the extreme. The power of the clone that descends this time is extremely abundant, and there will definitely be a lot of harvest from plundering.

The most important thing is that if you can get part of the title of Lord of Nightmares from the opponent, you will have the opportunity to compete with him for the title in the future.

Just like the priesthood of 'God of Death', the prerequisite for obtaining it is to have an admission ticket. If you don't even have an admission ticket, then just go to sleep.


At this time, Mo Kai was countless times more ambitious than before.

But it's okay, no matter how ambitious the other party is, the thing they need to worry about most is not Zhao Hao, but the behemoth of the Holy Church.

The dark angels attack wildly, and at the same time, as long as the corpse is not destroyed by the holy light, it can be resurrected with the resurrection spell.

Although the power used during resurrection is not holy light, the effect is similar.

As a result, the Holy Church Church achieved very few results.

After all, with over 10,000 units of Dark Angels, there is no shortage of chances of resurrection. Even if this team can kill them again, can they be killed again? .

It is still possible to switch to low-level arms, but it is simply impossible to switch to champion-level arms.

Even if the Templar Assassin performs astonishingly, the Hidden Blade in his hand is almost unmatched and cannot defeat the enemy.

There are too many dark angels!

The Templar Assassin, a special profession that is good at small-scale combat, simply cannot stand it.

No matter how much you kill, no matter how fast you kill, it's useless.

The Dark Angels don't talk about martial ethics, and executing the heroes' orders is what they should consider.

As for Lin Si and other mage groups? .

Sorry, I have been completely exhausted just now in order to seal the Lord of Nightmares.

It can only be said that Mo Kai's timing was very clever.

If he had taken one step earlier, the Lord of Nightmares would have been free, and if he had taken one step later, the Templar Mage Group would have had a chance to recover.

"We break out!"

Archbishop Linsi looked at the figure not far away, which was firmly sealed in place by a golden chain, and then gave a ruthless order.

This decision is indeed difficult to make, because doing so would mean mission failure.

Not to mention that the mission failed, and even suffered heavy losses. Even if he is a red archbishop, it does not mean that he will be safe and sound. He may have to pay some price to pass.


The paladins looked at Lins with admiration.

Because everyone knows that ordering a retreat at this time will definitely lead to responsibility.

At this time, both the Crusaders and the Paladins suffered more than one-fifth of their casualties. If they did not break through, everyone might have to sacrifice their lives for the Holy Light.

If it were a military unit, no matter how heavy the casualties were, it would not be a problem for the Holy Church.

But flesh and blood creatures are different. Their loss is simply unacceptable to the church, so they need to be preserved as much as possible.

The Dark Angels had no intention of giving up the pursuit and continued their pursuit.

It is a pity that both the Crusaders and the Paladins have extremely powerful defenses. Together with the various healing and auxiliary spells of the mage group who are beginning to recover, their defenses are impenetrable.

Of course, more than a dozen Templar assassins and shooters have been wiped out.

Although they achieved astonishing results, facing the siege of dark angels, even demigods at the top of the plane would have to kneel down, let alone these people.

On the other side of the battlefield.

"I told you there was a trap!"

Zhao Hao looked at the Templar team that had been stopped by the Dark Angels and could no longer break through, and felt a little resentful.

Although I didn’t say that the trap was Mo Kai, the ‘enemy of the Holy Light’, can’t you be more reliable? .

At this time, Zhao Hao completely forgot that this situation was caused by himself and was complaining like crazy.

Now there is only the resurrected corpse of the epic knight around him, and his target is pitifully small. No matter which side, he will not be regarded as the primary solution.

That’s weird!

A squadron from the Dark Angel Legion came over to kill them.

60 units of Dark Angel!

Although Zhao Hao can quickly solve them with full firepower, solving these dark angels will only make him more dangerous, so he can only find ways to deal with them.

Mokai himself was slowly walking towards the Nightmare Lord who was bound by golden chains.

It seems that they can't wait to start the looting ceremony.

The sealed golden chain cannot be controlled by anyone other than a church bishop level spellcaster. It is naturally impossible for him to control it now that he has fallen. At most, it will be destroyed.

But once you destroy the Nightmare Lord, you can get out of trouble. He will not do such stupid things, so the robbery ritual can only be carried out here.

Since this was within the Greyhound Principality, he had to hurry up.

He has already brought the things needed for the plundering ritual. Rather than annihilating the surrounding 'rats', it is more important to plunder the power as quickly as possible and leave.

"Summoning of the Dead!"

Zhao Hao summoned the vampire with explosive speed.

The good news is that the dark angel is not an archangel, and the attribute changes from holy light to darkness, thus losing the restraint effect, making the vampires much more relaxed.


The Epic Knight blocked several Dark Angel attacks.

After the transformation, although there is no terrifying improvement like the epic warrior, the strength is still stronger than before.

Especially the thick armor on its body makes it capable of serving as a 'shield'.

Coupled with the constant stream of vampires being summoned, even though Zhao Hao seemed to be in danger, he was actually extremely safe.

He didn't dare to use the corpse explosion technique.

There's too much movement!

Once used, it is guaranteed that Mo Kai will turn his attention to him immediately.

So now he is...waiting.

The looting ritual is not that safe. At that time, whether I took the opportunity to commit evil or run away with the bucket, it would be much easier than it is now.

Also holding this idea is the Holy Church Church team.

Seeing that Mokai did not pursue him personally, but began to arrange a robbery ceremony, they also defended and gathered strength.

It depends on whether we can break through later.

Of course, if there is any chance, even if the breakthrough turns into a counterattack, it is not impossible.

Of course Mokai knew he was in danger, but he had no choice.

Once reinforcements from the Greyhound Principality or the Church arrive, he will be the one to escape, and he can only seize every second.

The good news is that the Dark Angel Legion has over 10,000 units under his command, giving him absolute confidence that he can control the situation.

Just when he was setting up the ceremony, a 'Dark Angel' beside him suddenly rushed towards the seal.

"Stop him!"

Although Mo Kai didn't know what was going on, he was sure there was something wrong with this 'Dark Angel'.

"I never expected that there would be such a wonderful gift!"

The dark angel who rushed to the seal looked at the figure in the seal in front of him and muttered to himself, and his appearance also changed.

The changed appearance made people recognize his identity immediately.

An unexpected but reasonable guy.

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