The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1090 Convergence and follow-up!


Even if you can't see clearly, you can tell what the large number of black spots are just from the speed.

The Greyhound Kingdom army has arrived!

Once the opponent reacts, an endless stream of troops will arrive.

The strength of the eight principalities (actually the top kingdoms) that are going all out is really exaggerated to the extreme.

Faced with the Greyhound Principality in this state, Zhao Hao did not want to get into trouble with it.

Especially since he just 'slaughtered the city', once the other party encounters him, he will definitely fight to the death.

The flying speed of Demon Wings is not very fast, at least it is extremely slow compared to Archangels, Valkyries and the like.

But Zhao Hao didn't need to compete with these soldiers. As long as he drilled into the mountains behind Qinglin City, he didn't need to worry about being found.

Ten minutes later!

Just as Zhao Hao was on his way, he heard a thunderous explosion coming from the direction of Qinglin City, and the earth trembled.

Stopped and looked in that direction.

The huge column of flames rising into the sky was clearly visible even from such a distance.

Qinglin City is finished!

First the city was massacred by him, and then he did this again. There would definitely be nothing left.

Hope everyone is okay!

There is also 'Brother Kai', the enemy of the Holy Light, and nothing will happen to him.

But as long as the opponent doesn't seek death and thinks about fighting to the death, there should be no problem.

After all, he is an epic hero, and there are so many dark angels protecting him. No one should be able to stop him if he wants to leave, at least not the Greyhound Principality, which acted hastily.

After reading it, Zhao Hao sped up.

Because next, the Greyhound Principality will definitely block this area. If the other party discovers his traces at this time, the consequences can be imagined.

He had already prepared his retreat route.

Not from other directions, but through the mountains, leaving from a small city more than 200 kilometers away from Qinglin City.

Traveling through the mountains and forests took Zhao Hao a lot of time.

Half a day!

It took him a long time to cross the mountain range and successfully arrived not far from the small town where they met.

Storm Chamber of Commerce!

There happened to be a team stationed here at this time.

Coincidence, completely coincidental, the Chamber of Commerce came here to purchase specialties and had absolutely nothing to do with Qinglin City, which is more than 200 kilometers away.

As for the five hundred escort team that disappeared for a while? .


Went hunting.

This is what the caravan will say to anyone who asks.

Zhao Hao, who had switched his main profession, also came to the chamber of commerce.

"grown ups!"

After hearing the news, a caravan steward came and said hello respectfully.


Zhao Hao didn't say much.

The other party's mission is to lead the caravan here to purchase special products. Everything else has nothing to do with it, so naturally no explanation is needed.

Next, he will use this team to leave the Greyhound Principality.

As for the portal? .

Under the other party's close surveillance, space fluctuations may be discovered, so it's best not to use it.

Note that there are traces of space teleportation. Refer to the warning array of the Storm Territory for this point. You can find it immediately after teleportation.

Normally, no matter which force it is, it would not pay attention to this.

After all, these forces cover a large area and it is extremely difficult to monitor space fluctuations.

But if it is really necessary and can be found or even blocked, it just depends on whether you are willing to invest.


Five hundred units of Valkyries, all hidden under their robes, also came out to greet them.

"grown ups!"

The leader of the Valkyrie said hello respectfully.

The Valkyrie has complete intelligence, which is of course different from ordinary soldiers.

"Well, thank you for your hard work!"

Zhao Hao was referring to the fact that the other party was hiding near Qinglin City before retreating after receiving the order.

If he had used a flare at that time, Bai Ze would have issued an attack order, which was considered an insurance policy.

It was precisely because of this insurance that Zhao Hao dared to implement the 'killing with a borrowed knife' plan.

Now it is time to leave as soon as possible and deal with the traces at the same time.

Of course, Zhao Hao is not responsible for these things. He directly forced himself to log off the line, letting his body set off with the convoy, and himself logged off.

After going offline, he immediately sent a message to Nangong Que...that is, Zhu Que, saying that as long as he doesn't deliberately commit suicide in the future, there is no need to worry about similar incidents happening.

In a luxurious villa more than ten kilometers away from Zhao Hao, Nangong Que saw the text message on his phone and rushed upstairs like crazy.


The door was violently knocked open by her, and the girl inside who was putting away her phone in a panic almost jumped up in shock.

"Sister, what do you want to do again?"

The girl with a childish face, but somewhat similar to Nangong Que, struck first.

Normally, Nangong Que would definitely let the other person understand what the 'majesty of a sister' is, but at this time, she didn't care about that, hugged him, and stared at the other person's neck nervously.

"Gone, really gone!!"

Looking at the smooth and tender neck, she was obviously so excited that she could not speak incoherently.

She took her sister to school last time. When she came back, she had a 'nightmare mark' on her body, and she kept having nightmares at night, which made her feel guilty. Now that this hidden danger was solved, how could she not be excited.

And the other side!

Zhao Hao clicked on the forum after sending the text message, wanting to know the follow-up to the Qinglin City incident.

After all this time, the news must have spread.

Sure enough, with a casual glance, you can find posts related to the Qinglin City incident.

[One man is the enemy, and ghost cars are everywhere! 】

[Surprise, is this the distortion of human nature or the loss of morality? Let’s talk in detail about the reasons why the ‘ghost car’ massacred the city! 】

[What should I do if I have graveyard syndrome? , contact XX as soon as possible, we will provide you with a complete medical plan! 】

A lot of news has spread on the forum.

After reading it, you will find that the players are simply more professional than the paparazzi, and they directly revealed the general story of the matter.

Not only was the destruction of Qinglin City caused by Zhao Hao's part-time job, but the reason was also known to be the search for the 'Inheritance of the Undead'.


After reading it, Zhao Hao couldn't help but marvel at the players' intelligence capabilities.

How long has it been? .

It only lasts about half a day in the hero world, but only two or three hours in reality, but there is already so much news.

It can only be said that even if players lose the favor of world consciousness in the future, the forum will still be a super artifact.

Just because there is a forum!

Tactics, experience, etc. can be communicated continuously, allowing players to emerge with talents one after another. The natives only let them go after they find the players 'useful', otherwise the players may become a rare race.

Now, the evaluation of "Ghost Car" on the forum is simply "the strongest player", "one man becomes an army" and so on.

It is also because of him that the Demon Court's reputation is slightly higher than that of God's Right Seat.

Even God's Right Seat has done a lot of great things, but no one can do this, slaughtering a city and resisting an army by one person, or even dare to think about it.

After the players saw the results, their only thought was.

‘Is this fake? ’

But after multiple bosses proved the authenticity of the incident, the players understood one thing.

How exaggerated can individual strength be!

Players who used to brag about their "high performance" every time they played against each other would no longer have the shame to continue bragging about it.

After all, there is already a "one-person enemy" ghost car in front, and a dozen of them will be like playing house.

Of course, there is also a follow-up to the Greyhound Principality in the forum posts. These are the things that Zhao Hao cares about most.

After reading the post, Zhao Hao went online again.

Of course, before going online, I asked my sister, Li Keke and others to disarm them, saying that the incident had been handled and there was no need to worry.

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