The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1092 Personnel placement and territory development!

In the distance, you can see the tall lighthouse!

The lighthouse is a territorial building that can increase the speed of ships and allow people to monitor the surrounding sea areas.

very useful!

As the distance gets closer, people can see the situation of the port clearly.

Ships of different sizes docked at the port, and the number was astonishing.

At this time, the number of ships in the Storm Territory was over a hundred, even excluding fishing boats.

Even if many of them are second-hand ships acquired from other forces, it is enough to show how much the Storm Territory's maritime transportation power has grown.

The distant sea merchant ship and the Storm are not here, so it should be over there with the Pale Collar.

The fleet docked.

"grown ups!"

Boludo came with a group of people to greet him.

It's not that he wanted to create such a scene, but because he had been busy at the port, of course he had to come and say hello when he met Zhao Hao when he came back.


It is definitely the busiest place in the Storm Territory at this stage.

After all, the Undercity has gained too much, and it needs to be transported back and registered in the warehouse.

"Well, thank you for your hard work!"

Seeing Boludo's tired look, Zhao Hao patted him on the shoulder and expressed that he was extremely satisfied with his work.

And receiving praise made Boludo feel that his hard work during this time was worth it.

"By the way, have the slaves and craftsmen been settled?"

Zhao Hao asked about this concern.

These 'treasures' were the first batch shipped back to the territory.

"All the dark elf slaves have been handed over to Lord Turing, the craftsmen have been settled, and the new workshop will be completed soon!"

Boruto answered immediately.

Of course he understood the value of these slaves and craftsmen, so he dealt with them immediately.

Whatever the slave didn't say, everything was left to Turing to start cultivating.

The dark elves themselves are a race with a slave culture. There is no "give me freedom or die" plot when it comes to becoming a slave to a strong person. This is why they have to influence each other.

If you are a slave of another race who is bent on pursuing ‘freedom’ and thinks you are a spell caster, you are naturally superior to others.

Dark elves are not so pretentious. As long as you are strong enough, it is not surprising for spellcasters to be your slaves.

There are thousands of apprentices!

However, they are all gold-swallowing beasts and require a lot of resource investment and long-term training to see the effect.

And the craftsmen were carefully placed.

As for the elves, because the Storm Territory belongs to the 'bulwark' camp, it is not too exclusive. The point is that they are not capturing each other's enemies, but rescuing them from the dark elves, so it is not too difficult to get them to join.

The focus is on the dwarf blacksmith!

Anyone else would definitely not be able to handle these stubborn ideas.

The problem is that as a reborn person, Zhao Hao knows how to deal with the dwarves as quickly as possible.


Yes, you can smooth things over with wine.

As long as you provide the other party with wine, the dwarf will be easy to talk to.

It is not easy to get goods like wine. After all, food is extremely scarce now. Who will use it to make wine?

But the Storm Territory lacks everything except food.

There are many winemakers among the elven craftsmen, and they are completely integrated into production and sales.

It was precisely because of the ample supply of alcohol that the brainless dwarf craftsmen were willing to work for them.

That new workshop was built for dwarf craftsmen.

The harvest of the dwarf blacksmiths this time was far greater than last time, both in quantity and quality. After all, last time the most among the dwarf blacksmiths were senior ones, but this time there were even masters, and there were no apprentices. They all started as formal craftsmen.

This is the most precious wealth!

From now on, the Storm Territory can be said to be an ‘arms dealer’.

Of course, in addition to slaves and craftsmen, there are also snake lizards and black ox carts.

Although the injection of a large amount of resources will not instantly increase the Storm Leader's combat effectiveness, it is of great significance.

Especially with so many snake lizards, even if the wheat fields are cultivated to 10 million acres, there is no need to worry about insufficient power of large animals.

However, there is no rush in this regard. There is too much food in the Storm Territory now and there is no shortage at all.

Another important news is that after the population exceeded 10 million, most of the refugees have been ‘completely digested’.

This means arranging jobs and housing for them, and also giving people a sense of belonging to the Storm Territory.

In addition to these, there are also big cakes painted by Zhao Hao.

As long as you work for the Storm Territory for a few years, you can allocate land!

This alone is enough for these refugees to join the Storm Territory wholeheartedly.

After all, their home has been destroyed and they are homeless, so joining the Storm Territory is not unacceptable.

Zhao Hao listened to Boluto's report.

Although he generally does not interfere in these internal affairs, it does not mean that he does not care.

With the resources plundered by the Undercity being injected into the territory, and the population exceeding 10 million, the current Storm Territory can only be described in four words.

Fully fledged!

Although it is not as good as the eight principal principalities (actually kingdoms), it is definitely the first level below.

Perhaps a real principality could also defeat it.

What we are talking about here is a principality of a duke. It is not a force like the Eight Principalities, which is clearly a kingdom's strength but calls itself a 'principality' due to historical reasons.

It was precisely the Storm Leader's growing strength that made Zhao Hao's moves become bigger and bigger.

In the past, being low-key was due to lack of strength. Now that the strength has developed to a certain level, it is natural to use one's voice to fight for interests, so as to reach a higher level.

Otherwise, do you really think he likes dancing like this?

After listening to the report, Zhao Hao was extremely satisfied with the development of the territory.

Although several high-level internal affairs officials are not very good in terms of ability, the good thing is that they are all trustworthy.

No, Zhao Hao now has two trustworthy players.

Suzaku + Baize!

The lives of the two of them are in the palm of their hands. As long as they don't cross each other's bottom line, there is no need to worry about any problems.

Of course, Zhao Hao will not let the other party come to the Storm Territory, but some matters can be left to the other party to handle.

For example, the Pale Collar, Golden Valley, etc. can completely allow it to intervene.

As the Storm Territory develops, the indigenous forces will keep an eye on it more and more closely, and they will indeed have to absorb the power of some players.

Both Suzaku and Bai Ze can bring a lot of help.

Suzaku not only has the identity of the leader of the Demon Court, but also has a powerful force behind him. Not to mention Bai Ze, he is a completely super talent, extremely powerful in terms of logistics and intelligence.

For example, this 'borrowing a knife to kill' plan was able to go so smoothly precisely because of the secret cooperation of the other party.

If there is a mistake or something goes wrong in that link, it will be completely ruined.

It can only be said that for the success of this plan, Bai Ze must take at least half of the credit, even if the other party did not show up at all.

These two extremely useful chess pieces, how could Zhao Hao let them go.

They are sure to be eaten!

With these thoughts in his mind, he flew to Storm Fortress with 500 units of Archangels.

You can see the extremely conspicuous artifact 'God-given weapon' from a distance.

It is precisely because of this artifact that the troops are not afraid of casualties.

For example, Golden Dragon!

Moonlight Hills lost 20 units before, but there was no 'compensation' this time. Normally it would not be easy to replenish them.

But in the storm leader's lair, there are 32 units waiting to be recruited.

You can harvest 16 units of Golden Dragon every seven weeks!

The yield is amazing.

This is a champion unit! .

Even the output of the Golden Dragon is so exaggerated, not to mention other arms, it can easily replenish the consumption and it is more than enough.

In the past, the territory would rush to recruit troops as soon as they became available, but now it is starting to accumulate recruitment quotas.

This is change!

After entering the fortress, the archangels entered the Dragon Blood Altar one after another, and then strengthened into the "quasi-epic" unit of Valkyrie.

In addition to the sudden increase in strength, the biggest benefit is the camp switch, with ultimate control returning to Zhao Hao's hands.

"Okay, let's start clearing the Jiaoyan volcano!"

After strengthening, Zhao Hao assigned new tasks to the Valkyries.

"Yes, sir!"

The Valkyries spread their wings and flew away, while Zhao Hao himself flew to the place where Turing was alone.

Next, he would discuss the matter with the other party.

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