The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1095 Elemental Plane!

Vision changes!

When Zhao Hao saw his surroundings clearly again, he had arrived at the elemental plane.

Elemental plane!

It is composed of the four basic elements of earth, fire, water and wind.

According to legend, the world is composed of these four elements.

As for the elemental attributes such as thunder element, ice element, etc., they are also intertwined from these four elements.

There is no sunlight in the sky, but there is firelight filling the field of vision, so there is no need to worry about seeing clearly.

The environment is extremely monotonous.

Besides stones, there are stones.

In other words, this area should be a rocky area dominated by the 'earth element'.

If there are spellcasters who are good at earth spells, the power of spells here will be improved.

Under their feet, there was a teleportation array phantom.

If Turing on the main plane is not able to survive, he will be trapped in the elemental plane.

"Set off!"

After confirming the surrounding environment, Zhao Hao, who was in his main profession, took the lead.

By the way, when he came this time, he had one more thing on him.

A ‘space bag’ similar to the size of a school bag.

It's a Turing 'contribution', a special item that can only be used for one day.

The space inside is not exaggerated, only 8 cubic meters in size.

Sounds like nothing? .

After all, this area is far smaller than even a container.

The problem is space items!

Zhao Hao had purchased a 'space bug' from a caravan before. It was only the size of a basketball, and it was the only space item on his body.

Now you know how rare space items are, right? .

The player does have an inventory, but it's fine for holding supplies such as potions, but it's completely useless for other things.

The meaning of Turing bringing this precious disposable space bag to him was already obvious.

Get it hard!

Anyway, they have no idea of ​​​​operating the elemental plane for a long time, so naturally they can make as much money as they can.


Just as they were about to move forward, they saw movement on a stone not far ahead. It slowly stood up and turned into a stone man several meters tall.

[Earth Element]: Sixth-order element, level 62.

Normally speaking, earth elements are extraordinary level arms.

But the opponent is not a soldier, but an elemental creature, and its strength is naturally not fixed.

Elemental creatures have extremely high upper and lower limits.

It is not surprising to start from the first level to the fourteenth level and above, but there will be a difference in form.

For example, earth element elites, earth element element lords, etc.


Before Zhao Hao could take action, Freya rushed forward like lightning and punched the earth element, which weighed at least several tons.

Normally, Freya's strength is that of a champion. This punch made the earth element take a step back. At the same time, a punch mark appeared on the affected area, which shows how powerful the attack was.

"So hard?"

But Freya frowned slightly.

She thought that her punch would at least shatter the opponent, but she didn't expect that she just left a fist mark on the opponent.

Defense explodes!

Not to mention other aspects of the earth element, but its offensive and defensive attributes are really exaggerated.

Moreover, the troops of the elemental camp have always been "supermodels", contrary to the troops of the cemetery camp and the fortress camp, which are at the bottom of the same level.

Boom, boom!

In shame and anger, Freya directly "hit your chest with a small fist" and forcibly tore this backbone earth element into pieces.

"We don't have much time, so we have to move quickly. Anlos, which direction has the stronger magic power?"

Zhao Hao turned around and asked An Luosi beside him.

As a legendary spellcaster, figuring this out is no problem at all.

It's different if it's a player caster.

Unless you have talent or skills, there is no way to judge the intensity of magic power.

Anluosi closed her eyes and sensed.

After a few minutes, he reached out and pointed to the side.

"The magic is gathering in that direction!"

Sensing magic power is considered a basic spell-casting skill among aboriginal people, and even mage apprentices can do it, but the degree varies.

"Let's go!" Zhao Hao warned and then looked at Bai Ze, "You can continue to conduct reconnaissance at any time!"


Bai Ze nodded and started releasing flying ants.

In the past, you had to summon the Flying Ant Queen and merge with her to control the flying ants. But with the improvement of your strength, you can now control the flying ants without summoning the Flying Ant Queen as a pet.

Of course, in this state, regardless of the distance or quantity, it is far less powerful than the semi-fusion state with the flying ant queen.

The team headed in the direction pointed by Anros.

Along the way, the sporadic earth elements encountered were quickly dealt with.

Although they are earth elements, not all of them are humanoid, and some are like various monsters with different abilities.

But the only thing they have in common is that they are all composed of earth elements.

"Is it an element gathering point or an elemental altar?"

Zhao Hao looked at the increasing number of earth elements around him, and this idea came to his mind.

The former is a simple gathering point for elements, while the latter also has the function of converting gathered elements into corresponding elemental creatures.

The Elemental Collection Point is easy to win, but the rewards are slightly lower. The Elemental Shrine is extremely difficult to win, but the rewards are huge.

If he had time, Zhao Hao would naturally be willing to slowly attack from weak to strong.

But there are only 12 hours, so naturally you have to take the greatest risk and get the greatest reward.

By the way, there were some gains along the way.

The smallest is the size of a rice grain and the largest is an earthy yellow crystal the size of a peanut.

Earth Element Crystal Nucleus [Special Material]: Extremely solidified by the magic power of the earth element, a wonderfully changing crystal nucleus is born.

The presentation is vague.

But according to the rules of the heroic world, the vaguer the introduction, the greater the room for play.

In fact, this is also true.

These earth element crystal nuclei can not only be used to make puppets, but can also serve as energy sources, alchemical materials... and so on, with countless functions.

If it didn't have so many benefits, Turing wouldn't be in such demand.

"not enough!"

Zhao Hao put away the earth element crystal core in his hand.

With just this little harvest, not to mention filling the space bag Turing prepared for him, it might not even be able to contain his own space worms.

"Zhao... Liuyun!" Bai Ze just wanted to speak, but almost didn't call out Zhao Hao's real name. Fortunately, he changed his words in time, "There is a Holy Temple team ahead!"

With Baize as the center, the flying ants monitor the area for several kilometers and can detect any big movements in advance.


Zhao Hao did not ask about strength, because strength is not easy to judge.

"A team of six, two paladins, three crusaders, and one bishop!"

Bai Ze reported calmly and clearly.

The profession of the other party is very easy to distinguish from the way they dress, so they can be recognized at a glance.

‘Temple Church! ’

Zhao Hao muttered to himself, but did not give the order to take action.

Because his current identity is the ‘Lord of the Storm Lord’, not Gui Che.

If it were a ghost car, it would naturally be rampant.

But the main profession cannot play like this, unless you want to confront the Holy Church.

Although it was a matter of time, but for a long time, this was not considered at all, so he gave instructions.

"Let's avoid each other!"

Since he couldn't take advantage of the opportunity to make a move, he had no interest in meeting the other party.

The team was dominated by him, so of course no one would object, so they began to move around the opponent.

Just after they had gone around a short distance, Bai Ze reported an unexpected situation.

"No, they have discovered us and are coming here with the pursuing earth elements!"

The Paladins of the Templar Church do have some strict restrictions, such as not bullying the weak, not lying, etc., but they never say that they cannot ask for help when they are in danger.

It seems that the other party wants to rely on them.

"Since you want to help, then help them!"

Zhao Hao understood that the other party seemed to regard them as a life-saving straw, and he immediately made a decision.

In terms of speed, they are naturally faster.

The problem is that there is a gathering place of magic power ahead. If the other party makes trouble or creates something, it will not be a good thing for them, so it must be dealt with first.

So they stopped taking detours and headed straight ahead.

Not long after, the Templar team appeared.

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