The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 110 Regret and Appointment! (Thank you guys for subscribing, I still don’t read the comments

Indiscriminate killing!

It can only be described like this.

The shadow swordsmen are rampaging among the players, and neither the players, the spearmen, nor the goblins need a second sword to deal with them.

The extremely chaotic battlefield made him feel at ease.

The Dragon Court Guild wants to retreat, but not only the Shadow Swordsmen don't agree, but the goblins don't agree either!

After all, with such a large-scale invasion, no matter how low the goblin IQ is, they still feel the danger. How could they let the 'invaders' go?

In fact, Longting did not target the goblins this time, but there was no way to explain this to the goblins, so they could only be entangled.


Amidst the huge collision, a crusader was torn apart by Freya's hands.

That’s right, it’s ‘torn by hand’.

Facing the heavily armored Crusaders, it was difficult for Freya to break through with the short sword in her hand without the blessing of dragon breath.

So he grabbed the crusader's arm and used it as a sledgehammer, smashing it a few times before tearing off the crusader's arm.

So cruel!

Except for being as well-behaved as a little hunting cat in front of Zhao Hao, the dragon is not a good-tempered owner at other times.

In the end, when the Dragon Court Guild finally withdrew from the jungle, its numbers were reduced by more than half compared to before. Among them, the soldiers were the worst, with only a few dozen units of griffons wiped out.

several thousand!

At this time, the Dragon Court Guild only has this small number including peripheral players, and nearly half of them are main players.

Well, the main players who are organized and follow orders have a better chance of survival than the peripheral players who are temporary workers.

Standing on the charred ruins of the camp, Long Ting looked back at the edge of the jungle and quietly watched the figures here, subconsciously feeling a chill in his heart.

On the previous retreat, he had seen how terrifying the Shadow Swordsman was.

With its extremely powerful attack power and incredible agility, it is completely invisible in the jungle, as if it is everywhere like a shadow, hunting down lone players and units.

Facing this kind of enemy, even if there are thousands of players on his side, he has no confidence that he can win.


In the end, he chose to give up.

Such a terrifying enemy can be dealt with by anyone who wants to, but he will not serve him anyway.

At the edge of the jungle, Zhao Hao felt very good as he looked at the Longting Guild players who were on alert and retreating in an orderly manner.

"I hope this severe beating will teach him a lesson. If not, there will be another time!"

After this severe beating, Mr. Long must have understood the dangers of society.

Well, at least the other party shouldn't have time to go to Star Language Studio to cause trouble...right? .

He has never forgotten why he beat Master Long.

It's a pity that the group stage is about to start, and he doesn't have much time to deal with the remaining resource points of Longting one by one.

But it’s okay, even if I don’t have time this time, I can do it next time.

As long as you are free or in a bad mood, you can come to trouble the other party, which can not only attract the other party's hatred to you, but also relax your mood.

Anyway, spanking a child on a rainy day is just free time!

Fortunately, Mr. Long didn't know Zhao Hao's thoughts, otherwise he would have fought with him and treated him as a punching bag and son, not a human being.


A private message from a friend appeared in Zhao Hao's mailbox.

Cold Moon Rose: I wonder if ‘Stormbringer’ is free. Can you come to the Dragon and Beauty Tavern to meet him? .

Make an appointment with the president of Baihua Club.

Of course, Zhao Hao is self-aware and knows that this is not a 'date'. There are many people licking dogs, and no matter how hard it is for him to turn, something must be wrong.

Moreover, the other party's eyesight was amazing and he recognized his identity as 'Feng Liuyun', the leader of the Freedom Front, not just the 'Stormbringer'.

He also understands the reason.


The other party had met him and cooperated with him once, so it was not surprising that he recognized his identity.

Although he had put on some disguise, it was not a mask or racial adjustment, so it would not be surprising for the other party to recognize him.

As for what it is, it’s worth pondering.

Feng Liuyun: Yes.

After replying to the letter, Zhao Hao rushed to Mingyue City.

Something that must be noted is that Mingyue City is at least a thousand kilometers away from the Goblin Jungle.

If we advance slowly from the ground, given the terrible traffic conditions in the Hero World, we won't be able to finish the journey in just a few months.

Even flying would take most of the day.

But whether Zhao Hao or anyone else, it only took half a day to get here, for one reason.

Wild building!

Two-way monuments, maelstroms, underground passages, teleportation arrays, etc., can all turn long distances into a short distance.

Otherwise, the just explored areas of the heroic world would be a thousand times more horrifying than reality, and spending time on the road would make people despair.

There were no accidents on the way back, but occasionally some players reacted inappropriately when they saw their team.

That's the look at a 'rare animal'.

What Zhao Hao didn't know was that this incident had attracted great attention on the forum.

After all, neither party is an ordinary player.

One is an old guild ranked among the top 100 in Xia Kingdom.

One is a player in the Hero Competition group stage.

Both sides are hot, and coupled with the entanglement of grievances, how can we not attract the attention of the melon-eating masses.

There is an introduction to this incident on the forum, which is incredible.

Players with more than tens of thousands of troops were defeated by a party whose number had just exceeded 100. If the poster hadn't been from a very famous intelligence organization, no one would have believed this.

Of course, after reading the content of the post, the players all have a new understanding of Zhao Hao.

Old coins!

This may be the first impression of him.

Because he used goblins to deceive the Dragon Court Guild, and his performance in the group stage, this impression was deeply ingrained.

As for the military units under his command, the post only mentioned them briefly without explaining them in detail.

Obviously, this is the genius of the poster.

Just mention the incident and don't reveal the background, otherwise you will offend people if you really expose Zhao Hao's information.

This is also the usual practice of all major forces.

Unless there is a grudge or interest, no one will expose the trump card of a strong person or force.

If all the trump cards of others are exposed, who would you hate if you don't? .

Just like Zhao Hao's natural barrier.

If everyone knew the detailed information, and when fighting him, all he had to do was find a place without plants and most of it would be useless. If he didn't hate the person who exposed it, who would he hate? .

However, this post also made players have a deeper impression of Zhao Hao's "weak fighting ability".

Therefore, when ranking players in the group stage, he is still among the least favored group.

the other side!

Zhao Hao took Freya to the 'Dragon and the Beauty' (Ellie took the Shadow Swordsman back to the port transport ship).

This is a very famous tavern among players.

It is located in the core area of ​​Mingyue City, which is the area with the Arena, Teleport Square, Exchange Street, etc.

The most important thing is that this is the first tavern that belongs to 'players'.

I don't know what means Baihua will use to get the tavern. There are a lot of girls coming and going every day. It's hard to be famous without being famous.

Looking at the three-story building in front of him and the signboard with the words 'Dragon and Beauty' engraved on it, he and Freya walked in.

The security situation in the core area is completely different from that in downtown and slum areas.

Teams of guards can be seen everywhere, so there is no need to worry about plots such as "breaking a cup for a number" or "Hongmen Banquet".

If you dare to explode here, guards will come to check the water meter every minute.

If there is no internal reason, the chance of threatening a main city is very low.

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