The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 118 The bombardment flow is terrifying!

"Xia Kingdom player Stormbringer!"

"Good at resource operation and tactical command!"

"The style is extremely calm and composed (old coin), and the Griffin counterattack flow has been developed!"

"The strongest dark horse in this competition!"

"Is the next step going to be a dark one, or will it be beaten back to its original form?"

When Hanyue Rose introduced me, I felt like I had overlooked something.

Something suddenly occurred to her.

The opponent showed a lot of trump cards in Linhai City, but he didn't have any trump cards in the game. It seems like it was just luck that got him to this point? .

Hidden so deeply!

She took a deep breath.

I was prepared to swallow it back if I said that Shiva Dance has a higher winning rate in this game.

"In this game, you might be able to see something unimaginable!"

Crazy explicit.

She also couldn't share the information she got from previous interactions between the two parties.

"President, if someone threatens you, just blink!"

"The judgment is too conservative!"

"You can donate your eyes to people in need. There is such a huge gap between the two sides, can't you see it?"

“All-in Shiva’s Dance if you want to make some extra bucks!”

Of course the audience in the live broadcast room could hear Hanyue Rose's hint, but they just didn't believe it at all.

Looking at these replies, Hanyue Rose didn't mean to wake up the audience.


Continuing to persuade now will not only disgust the audience, but also make them blame themselves if they lose the bet, so she quickly changed the topic.

Anyway, she hinted that she had already given it, and she could pass the blame later.


In the center of the arena, a huge desert battlefield emerged. Players from both sides shrouded in light also appeared on both sides. However, they were obscured by the undulating desert and could not see each other's opponents.

The only difference from before is that the Royal Griffin was replaced by 125 units of fourth-level marksmen, as well as two strange machines.

"It seems that Stormbringer is not going to use the Griffin to counterattack this time!"

"The two war machines are a ballista and a supply truck. Each hero is only allowed to equip one!"

"Facing Xian Po's Dance, Stormbringer revealed his trump card!"

Hanyue Rose made the introduction.

And Zhao Hao on the court can be regarded as showing the tip of the iceberg of strength.

Bombardment stream!

This is the real route he takes.

For example, the Griffin Counterattack flow has obvious advantages and disadvantages, so it can only be used occasionally. If you really want to rely on this tactic, it is effective against field troop guards, but it will be a death blow for players who are well prepared.

After taking a look around, Zhao Hao led the team to go sideways.

He had no intention of looking for the opponent for a decisive battle immediately.

Although this will give the opponent time to accumulate resources and train his troops into mummies, he also needs to accumulate levels and recruit some front-line troops.

Before advancing far, they encountered 40 units of ogres and 20 units of ogre kings.

The seventh-level ogre, who is green all over, several meters tall, and has bulging muscles, has behind him not only a few piles of gold mines and treasure chests, but also an ogre fortress.

Ogre Fortress [Seventh Level Lair]: Allows you to recruit seventh level ogres after occupying it.

If he led the Royal Griffin and faced this kind of enemy, Zhao Hao would immediately order a retreat.

Because the ogre has high health and attack power, it is definitely an enemy that the Royal Griffin does not want to face.

But this time, they were not led by royal griffins, but by fourth-level marksmen, and they also had ballistas. They liked to deal with targets that were small in number and high in level.

The ogres rushed over with strange screams.

Zhao Hao, on the other hand, commanded the team to retreat slowly while the ballistae opened fire directly.


The terrifying range of up to several hundred meters allows it to attack at extremely long distances.

The spear-like metal crossbow carried terrifying penetration and not only shot down the front ogre, it also triggered a penetrating attack effect and hit an ogre king in the rear.




Two astonishing injuries occurred, the ogre was instantly killed, and the ogre king managed to survive.

The blood volume of the seventh-level ogre is 4800 points. This is because of the medium size bonus, while the ogre king has 7200 points, so it can withstand an arrow from the ballista.

But such a terrible injury directly shocked the players watching the game.

"How can it be!"

"It's cheating!"

"Coach, I want to learn this!"

"Please help me tell you where this damage comes from!"

No one dared to imagine that a ballista could deal such explosive damage.

There are already very few players who own war machines, and they need to acquire artillery skills to tap into their true power. There may be many players who meet the conditions in the future, but at this stage, there is only one Zhao Hao.

So no one knows where such horrific damage comes from.

At this time, you can see the difference between big anchors and small anchors.

Some small anchors may not even know what war machines are, let alone analyze data. Only big anchors can come up with some useful information right away.

"Stormbringer's heroic route must be towards the long-range route!"

"The opponent may have the battle skill of archery!"

"At the same time, the ballista also has weaknesses. It is difficult to aim and has a slow rate of fire!"

Even though she couldn't see Zhao Hao's attribute list, Hanyue Rose analyzed a lot of things.

So this is why Zhao Hao doesn't want to expose his trump card.

Once something is used, its shortcomings will be found immediately, and it is difficult to make up for it in the early and mid-term.

It's just that top commanders can avoid shortcomings and bring out their strengths during battle.

At this time, Zhao Hao was directing the team to retreat toward the passage that was more than ten meters wide and flanked by towering cliffs.


Another crossbow arrow was fired.

If the ogre concentrates on evading, it will be a little difficult to hit, but if the opponent rushes straight at it, it will not be easy to miss.

This time three ogres were shot through.





It even triggered a triple attack from artillery, causing nearly 10,000 damage.

So scary!

The seventh-level ogre is as fragile as paper in front of the ballista, killing a child with one arrow.


The terrifying artillery fire flow has already begun to show off under his advanced artillery skills + advanced archery skills.

Of course, the contributions of two strategic treasures are indispensable.

If he shoots in place, the ogre may have rushed into the marksman's attack range after two rounds of attacks.

However, the team kept retreating slowly and got one more opportunity to fire.


The ballista shot down two ogres again.

The three attacks combined directly killed six units of ogres.

And the ogres finally rushed into the sharpshooter's attack range.


The sound of breaking through the air sounded continuously.

The marksman, like the big elf, has the ability to shoot two consecutive weapons, so for each round of long-range attacks, 250 crossbow arrows shoot out of the air.


twenty four-

twenty two-


Intense damage emerged.

It's just that the damage is not at the same level as that of a ballista.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the ogres are at the edge of their shooting range at this time, and the marksmen are punished by half arrows. Only half of the lethality cannot cause too much damage.

The passage more than ten meters wide made it impossible for the ogres to disperse and surround them from both sides.

At the same time, only a few units can rush to the front of the team. Once they fall, it will greatly affect the pursuit of the ogres behind them.


The ballista fired again.

This time you don't even need to aim.

And as long as the penetrating attack brought by the armor-breaking ability is triggered, it will definitely hit the ogre in the rear and will not miss.

The passage was the death trap that Zhao Hao chose. Every time he took a step forward, ogre corpses would fall down. It could be called a death passage.

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