The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 126 Hidden ‘hundred million’ hands

[Competition type: Underground world! 】

[The opponent invites you to the personal battle mode. Do you want to accept it? 】


Zhao Hao declined the invitation.

He really admired it.

He had always shown a purely heroic line, while the other party had a personal line. It was simply shameless to offer such an invitation. If the battle hadn't started, he would have had the urge to slap the opponent in the face.

Minato is shameless!

However, Amaterasu may not care about this kind of thing. Anyway, it is just a casual try. It is best if it succeeds. If it fails, there is no loss.

The competition map is the underground world, a place most suitable for the Shadow Mage profession.

What bad luck!

Zhao Hao didn't know what to say.

If he hadn't hidden hundreds of millions of hands this time, the car might have overturned on the spot.

And his hidden methods were naturally noticed by the players who had a "God's perspective".

"Something's wrong with Stormbringer's team!"

"In addition to the crossbow vehicle and the supply vehicle, there is also an additional figure."

"According to the rules of the competition, contestants are not allowed to use external force, which means that this figure is regarded as the Stormbringer's combat power!"

"It can't be a military type. 1,000 units of military strength can only be exchanged for 125 units of fourth-level marksmen!"

"Maybe it's a 'humanoid pet'!"

Hanyue Rose quickly stated her guess.

As a top player, her sense of smell is very keen, and she knows more information, so she has guessed a lot of things.

rest area!

"what is that?"

The Rose Knight was extremely curious.

This is not the first time that the opponent has revealed his trump card, but to be able to bring it out now shows that it is more important than a ballista and a supply truck.

"The key to victory!"

The King of War expressed his judgment. Now that he still has a trump card, it means that he did not use his full strength before, so the chance of victory is very high.

“Really looking forward to it!”

Sitting on the bench with his arms folded, the Ice and Snow Bear was as strong as a giant bear with fiery eyes. The stronger he was, the more worthy of his challenge.

At this time, there were only three people left in the rest area.

On the field!

"Underground world...?"

Zhao Hao looked at the dim and oppressive space around him, feeling that his field of vision was greatly suppressed. If it weren't for the ubiquitous phosphorus moss, he might have been unable to see even his fingers.

In this environment, long-range attacks are only a few dozen meters away at most.

"You are responsible for warning the other party of approaching!"

He whispered to Freya, who was wearing a cloak and hiding herself.

Yes, his trump card is the opponent.

A giant dragon!

As a pet, Freya is naturally regarded as part of his combat power, just like the Rose Knight mount is part of her combat power and can be brought into the competition.

Freya nodded slightly!

After receiving the response, Zhao Hao led the sharpshooter to move forward carefully.

Compared to the surface world, the underground world is much more dangerous.


Several half-arm-long gray lizards jumped out.

A marksman fell.

Of course he wasn't bitten to death, the lizard's attack power wasn't that strong.


For creatures in the underground world, poison or special abilities are completely basic operations.

The dark elves are good at poisons because they are forced by life. If they are not proficient in this aspect, they are guaranteed to be on the street in a minute.


Zhao Hao cursed lowly, but there was nothing he could do.

Marksmen are surface creatures, and it is normal for them to be a little acclimatized in the underground world.

Amaterasu is definitely searching for herself now!

The initial advantage of taking the personal route is greater. If the opponent competes with you for operations, the opponent can easily win with one hand, so the opponent does not have many options.

If the terrain is like an arena or a grassland, then with hundreds of units of sharpshooters under his command, he can confidently defeat the opponent head-on.

But in the underground world, it would be the other party's turn to have the confidence to deal with him.

First is the upgrade!

The time advantage lies with him. He takes the heroic route and can continuously snowball to improve his own troops.

If the other party also learns from you, you can set off firecrackers to celebrate.

The arms are a drag on it.

With fully long-range troops, coupled with crossbows and supply vehicles, if the terrain is not an underground world, the eradication efficiency will definitely be sky-high.

But in a place like the underground world, it doesn't matter how efficient the battle is. The first thing is to survive.

As you move forward, not only will monsters attack you, but even plants will be in danger.

In just ten minutes, a team of 12 units of sharpshooters were lost, an average of 1 unit per minute, which is simply speechless.

This is also because the marksman is 'too fragile'. If it were replaced by the Crusaders, there would be no losses.

However, after clearing out several waves of guards, Zhao Hao's level increased dozens of levels with a thousand times his experience, allowing him to successfully temporarily upgrade his archery skills to expert level.

The reason for improving archery skills instead of gunnery skills is naturally because facing a shadow mage, the power of long-range attacks is not important.

What matters is whether you can hit or not.

If it can't hit, it's useless no matter how powerful it is.


Suddenly, Freya, who had been following silently, spoke up.

After hearing the reminder, Zhao Hao knew that Amaterasu had arrived.

If there was no reminder, you might not notice anything before being attacked by the other party. Now that there is a reminder, the situation is different.

From the corner of his eye, he looked at the feet of himself and his sharpshooter.

If you are in a well-lit place, you can definitely tell that something is wrong instantly, but in a dim underground world, the difficulty of seeing the problem is completely increased.

That's why he thinks this is the Shadow Mage's home court.

After the team moved forward for a certain distance.

Suddenly, a small team of sharpshooters suddenly raised their crossbows and shot at the feet of a sharpshooter next to them.


Amidst the sound of piercing the air, 24 crossbow arrows shot out towards a group of wriggling shadows like lightning.

What was strange was that the shadow jumped up, avoiding the crossbow arrows and rushing towards Zhao Hao at the same time.

Faced with danger, he did not hesitate to draw his sword and stab... behind him.

Behind him, another blurry figure was stabbed between the eyebrows just as he stood up.


The shadow exploded like a balloon.

Tactical roll.

After feeling the stab in the air, Zhao Hao made this life-saving action without thinking at all.

His judgment just now was correct. The shadow rushing towards him was just a feint attack. The real killer move was the shadow behind him. However, before his attack hit, the opponent and the shadow exchanged positions.

The core ability of the shadow mage profession is not only the ability to control shadows, but also the ability to exchange places with shadows.

Logically speaking, it is impossible to have such a complete skill system at this stage.

However, in the competition, you can choose personal equipment and professional skills, which allows Amaterasu to "temporarily" have a complete shadow mage skill system.

Both sides continued to attack and defend around the shadow.

A famous marksman fell under the shadow attack.


Suddenly, a golden fanged short sword was slashed out, blocking the shadow that appeared at Zhao Hao's side at some point.


The opponent's true form has been lurking here looking for opportunities, but he didn't expect to be blocked when he was about to succeed.

Hearing movement beside him.

Flying dragon rides on the face!

Zhao Hao activated this control skill without hesitation, turning into a flying dragon nearly ten meters tall and leaping out with wings spread.

Once it hits, the difference in strength between them is guaranteed to knock the opponent unconscious.

The impact range of the flying dragon rider's face will increase with the body size, which is equivalent to a range control skill, and it has a high chance of hitting.

However, when Zhao Hao rushed forward, he didn't feel like he hit anything, which made him realize that his plan failed.

"Plan B!"

For this, he had no choice but to use another plan.

Freya, who jumped into the air to avoid the impact, heard the words, and the fang dagger ignited with fierce golden flames.

The extremely bright flames illuminated a large area around it, and exposed Amaterasu, who had just exchanged positions with the shadow and avoided the face of the flying dragon rider, into view.


The intense golden flame enveloped Freya, causing it to fall to the ground like a flaming meteor, drowning everything around her.

Yes, this is Zhao Hao's plan B.

Die together~!

Although the dragon's breath flame can be controlled, if it is a range attack without blind spots, then even Zhao Hao cannot be an exception.

What he was betting on was that when he transformed into a flying dragon, his health and defense would be unmatched by his opponent, so it was up to him to see who could handle it better.

In the transformed state, his health, defense, strength, etc., but based on the calculations of a flying dragon of this size, there is no reason that he cannot withstand the fragile profession of Shadow Mage.

What he didn't expect was that he heard the system prompt just when his blood volume was about to bottom out in his flying dragon form.

[System prompt: You have won and entered the semi-finals of the Hero Competition. Your opponent in the next game will be the Rose Knight! 】

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