The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1309 Throwing corpses to cut off the flow! (Thanks to the little task boss for the many rewa

The progress of filling the river of hatred is astonishing.

After all, there is a hill not far away. After blasting it to pieces with magic, the Transformed Abomination can carry rocks on its back and fill them into the river with people.

Merely hating him won't do that.

It's okay to hate fighting. After all, it's about transforming the undead, but it can't do things like carrying rocks.

But it's different with the Death Knight.

These undead races with complete intelligence can act as commanders.

It is under his command that the Abomination can do this.

Otherwise, Mia can only accomplish these things under her own command.

It can only be said that it was precisely because of the appearance of the Death Knight that Mia made a huge leap in strength and entered the quasi-giant level.

Not to mention it can carry, fight, and output, and it can also act as a commander. It really couldn't be easier to use.

Through these death knights, Zhao Hao can control the army of death.

If it were other undead lords, even if they raised such a large undead army, the command would be rough and it would be impossible to do much command.

But with the death knight acting as a grassroots commander, the cannon fodder undead can perform beyond their level.

Command ability!

This is why the death knights are coveted by the undead giants. If they can only fight, those giants will not be so interested.

In fact, high-level undead such as Black Knight, Black Warrior... can also command middle- and low-level undead.

But both in quantity and control, they are frighteningly weak.

Because these high-level undead themselves do not have complete intelligence, let alone spellcasters.

Only the death knight not only has complete intelligence, but is also half a 'spell caster', so his command ability is strong.

Even better than a spell caster!

On the battlefield, although the caster can command a large number of low-level undead, he himself is the biggest weakness.

But death knights are different.

The strong defense and combat power make up for this weakness.

As Abomination continued to be thrown into the river under the command of the Death Knight, the river hundreds of meters wide and dozens of meters deep began to change.

Need to understand one thing!

This moat is a tributary dug by Niu Shou City from more than ten kilometers away, so it is possible to 'fill' it.

If it were a river several kilometers wide and several hundred meters deep, even if all the undead army filled it in, the plan would not be achieved.

Well, there is another insidious aspect in Niu Shou City's defense measures, that is, the river is also subject to the 'no air' rule.

There are actually two sets of no-air rules for the fortress.

Starting from the city wall are the rules that come with the fortress, which are the top-level rules.

From the river to the city wall, there is a forbidden air barrier effect, which is far inferior to the fortress' own rules in terms of priority.

Just like letting Silver Wing use all its strength, it can travel through the 'subspace' to the bottom of the city wall, but cannot enter the city.

This is the impact of rule priority.

It is precisely because of this that the flying troops cannot fly across the river, otherwise there would be no need to fill the river with hatred.

The good news is that Abominations don't need to breathe, which means they can be recycled after the battle.

Can others do it.JPG? .

It can only be said that although the undead army has a lot of shortcomings, it also has many advantages. It all depends on how the commander uses it.

And Zhao Hao, who has seen countless uses of the undead, is definitely the strongest undead commander at this stage.

Of course, filling the river with hatred is not a great tactic, but few people use it, so it is just the beginning.


The water in the moat began to rise and even overflowed, flooding the surrounding area.

Water began to flood the battlefield.

great influence!

Although the undead do not need to breathe and can survive even in water, it does not mean that they can move freely in the water.

Of course, Zhao Hao is not playing this way because he is a "ghost" and wants to trick friendly forces.

Just because you can fish in troubled waters.

Really fishing in troubled waters!

Of course Niu Shoucheng is not afraid.

The fortress wall is a hundred meters high. Even if the river is blocked and the water floods the surrounding area, it is impossible to submerge the fortress.

It's just that this move made the defender a little confused.

It was like two sides were at war, and one of them suddenly pulled out a knife and stabbed himself several times. No one could understand this situation.

In fact, at this time, the real trump card has begun.

Since he dared to attack by force, Zhao Hao had naturally made arrangements long ago.

Of course, if you choose the Bull Principality to start, you must prepare in advance.

Taking Niujiao City was a matter of course, and it didn't take much effort to capture it under an unexpected surprise attack.

But the target behind does not have the advantage of surprise, so it is natural to plan in advance.

Niu Shou City is like this!

Before the attack, Zhao Hao obtained a large amount of information through the Hundred Flowers Club, and also arranged some means.

These intelligence and methods give an excellent opportunity to work part-time.

An opportunity to quickly conquer the main city!

In history, the main city has not been attacked, and it has even been attacked many times.

But in those cases, the siege party mostly paid a heavy price and a long time.

If you want to quickly conquer the main city, the difficulty is on another level.

Fortunately, Zhao Hao had this opportunity because he was able to "predict the enemy first."

A few meters of water could barely submerge even the Death Knight, let alone large and giant targets such as the Abomination and the Bone Dragon.

The three Skeleton City Breakers were completely unaffected.

It was at this time that no one noticed that there was a figure missing from Mia's side.

In other words, more than a dozen undead lords knew about it, but they all "didn't see it" with a tacit understanding. They didn't want to experience the torture of their souls.

Especially Dunk and Banshee!

Every time I think of the pain I suffered before, I subconsciously feel a chill in my body.

In the previous battles, the two of them had always fought first, and it was through this performance that they could wash away the mistakes they had made before.

With the two examples, how could anyone else be stupid enough to make the same mistake again? .

Mia herself didn't even speak, but your subordinates spoke up to remind you, is it to show that you are smarter? .

The bloody examples make people 'sane' a lot.

Yes, Zhao Hao's action of flooding the battlefield with water was just for cover and to attract attention.

Because an important figure has long been in the army of the undead.

It's just that among the tens of millions of undead armies, as long as it's not a large target, it's not easy to hide.

So at this time, he and the other party came to the back of Niu Shou City, which was the northern city wall.

Although there are some surrounding undead in this direction, they are all cannon fodder undead, not even mid-level undead, which shows how seriously they are taken.

However, Niu Shou City did not dare to ignore it and sent a large number of troops to guard the city wall.

"let's start!"

Zhao Hao in the water mouthed something to the shielded figure next to him, and then he followed the other cannon fodder undead and slowly surged forward.

Part-time job is to take the underwater breathing potion so that you can breathe and move freely in the water.

The overflowing river water was originally very clear, but when millions of undead cannon fodders mixed in it, it naturally became extremely turbid, making it difficult to see clearly what was going on inside.

The figure holding the shield is an acquaintance.

Although the whole body was hidden under the mage's robe, and there was also a layer of camouflage robe with no attributes on the outside, the few strands of green hair exposed revealed his identity.


As a foreign aid, she joined the attack plan.

As the undead lord, she has always had a deal with Mia, so it is not unreasonable to help at this time.

The prerequisite is that someone recognizes her, if no one does.

Sorry, as the Pale Lord, she has always 'strictly maintained neutrality' and has no intention of intervening in the world war.

If it had been anyone else's statement like this, the alliance would have torn each other apart long ago.

But it can be replaced by the pale leader. If this lord with the power of a leader attacks the country, what he says must be true even if it is false.


Anlos opened the shield to protect herself from being touched by the water and began to sing.

Don't forget that she has that rare spell that is comparable to a fifth-level battle spell during a siege.

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