The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 131 Excited Ice and Snow Bear!

If it were anyone else, they would definitely defend or retreat when faced with a fatal situation.

But when it comes to Ice and Snow Blizzard Bears, there is always only one choice.


In the invisible roar, the long-handled battle ax hit the ground with a force that shattered the mountain.


The soil on the ground erupted violently like a volcano, not only driving away the two dead wood warriors to attack, but also affecting the aim of the spinning moon blade.


The sharp moon blade grazed between his ribs, leaving a deep wound visible to the bone.

After breaking the sure-kill situation, the Ice and Snow Bear seized the opportunity and pounced forward.

At this time, Freya was retrieving weapons from behind, and the attacks of the deadwood warriors on both sides were blocked. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to stand out.


Looking at the approaching ice and snow bear, Zhao Hao was not surprised.

With the opponent's consciousness and fighting ability, he would feel strange if he couldn't kill him.

Therefore, he had long been prepared to take action personally and shouted:

"Natural barrier!"

The skill name is called for yourself.

It's equivalent to a subconscious suggestion.

It's like when you meet someone very familiar, but you can't remember who they are for a moment.

But as long as you know the other person's name, the memory door in your mind will instantly open, and the same goes for calling the skill name.

It allows the body to form an instinctive reaction to the skill, and the execution speed will be faster.

It is precisely because of this technique that people are "second in average", and they always have to shout loudly when using skills and spells.

A faint green light that only Zhao Hao could see enveloped a radius of several dozen meters centered on him.

The range of natural enchantment is linked to the level, and the consumption is linked to the health value.

Zhao Hao's temporary level at this time is level 72.

Not only has the artillery skills been upgraded to expert level, but the blood volume has also been greatly improved.

As a result, the coverage area of ​​the natural barrier has also become a radius of 72 meters, and the health value has also been greatly improved.


This is his health value at this time, which means that the more powerful the natural barrier is, the more terrifying it will be.

Swish, swish!

A large number of egg-thick vines burst out of the ground and quickly tied up the charging Ice and Snow Bear, preventing it from moving.

Remember when Freya scattered a lot of stuff around before the war started, right? .


What was sprinkled were vine seeds.

This is a technique I discovered while practicing natural enchantment.

Even in places where there are no plants, as long as there are seeds, you can use the natural barrier to make them grow instantly and manipulate them.

In this way, the shortcoming that the natural barrier must be in a place where there are plants is solved.

Squeak, squeak!

There was a sound like a tight rope.

The Ice and Snow Bear, which was tied into a sepak takraw ball by vines, managed to break the vines that bound it.

The power of terror is daunting.

But the vines were just an appetizer, and the main meal came next.


A huge clash of bowstrings sounded, and spear-like crossbow arrows shot through the air.

This is the real killer move.

The bed crossbow can inflict tens of thousands of points of damage. Unless it misses, a flesh and blood body will never be able to withstand it.


When Qian Jun fired, the ice and snow storm bear protected his chest with the battle ax in his hand, successfully blocking the crossbow arrow.

Naturally, his movements were not as fast as the crossbow arrow, but he could sense the danger and used his battle ax to block the arrow in advance. If he waited for the crossbow arrow to be launched, it would be too late.

The attack power of the bed crossbow with the blessing of expert gunnery can be imagined.

The ice and snow bear was severely knocked away by the huge impact.


Freya threw the moon blade again.

Hoo, ho!

The deadwood guards on both sides took action at the same time, and their huge arms fell heavily.

At this time, the Ice and Snow Blizzard Bear was still lying on the ground, unable to dodge or block at all, and was about to be hit by the attack.


A triggering magic shield appears.

Maybe it's an alchemy tool.

However, one can imagine how precious this kind of life-saving item is, and the consumables used in the competition will not be reimbursed, and the opponent has also spent a lot of money.


The vines continued to stretch forward, wrapping around each other.

Zhao Hao would not give him a chance to breathe.

Beat up!

He has nothing to be embarrassed about, because these are all part of his own strength.

Faced with this desperate situation, even if the life-saving items are triggered, it is impossible to block the continuous attacks that follow.


A bloody ray of light erupted with the ice and snow blizzard bear as the center, shattering the surrounding vines, sending the moon blade flying, and breaking off the wooden arms.

If Zhao Hao had come close, he would have already taken a lunch and left the scene.

But now the situation has become obvious,

After Zhao Hao used Natural Barrier, a field-based skill that integrated both offense and defense, the Ice and Snow Blizzard Bear had no chance to deal with him.

Once he can't behead him suddenly, Freya and the Deadwood Guards can worry about him, and the ballista will also find opportunities to launch a fatal blow.


The only road in front of him at this time was failure.


"Hahaha!" Ice and Snow Blizzard Bear suddenly laughed, "I didn't expect it. I thought the hero competition would be boring, but I didn't expect to meet such a powerful opponent. It's really exciting!"

"Are you trying to buy time?"

Zhao Hao joked, he would naturally not deny face, after all, we are opponents, not enemies.

"Of course not!" Ice and Snow Bear took out a bottle of white potion. Even just looking at it gave people a "cold" feeling, which showed how precious it was.

"Does it need to go to this extent?"

Zhao Hao felt heartbroken for the other party.

From the beginning of the finals to now, the opponent has completely ignored the cost. The props and consumables they spent alone totaled almost one million gold coins.

If this bottle of precious potion was also used, the price would be too high.

The ice and snow bear drank the potion in his hand.

The things are obtained when he completes exclusive tasks, which can temporarily increase his strength.


After drinking the potion, even his breathing was accompanied by a severe chill.


There was a constant sound as if everything was freezing, and an extremely thick layer of ice armor appeared on his body.

The crystal clear armor is extremely beautiful. It doesn't look too bulky, but it gives people a feeling of indestructibility.

Even the long-handled battle ax was wrapped in such a layer of ice.

"The potion only lasts five minutes!"

The Ice Blizzard Bear spoke out about the duration of the potion.


At this time, telling the time of the potion also blocked Zhao Hao's thoughts of using tactics such as delaying time and dodge.

Victory without force!

Once Zhao Hao uses the above method, even if he wins in the end, he will be labeled as a 'coward' or a 'coward', and the championship will not be worthy of his name.

After all, in a place like the gaming industry that values ​​the strong, no one will worship cowards, no matter how good the record is.

"If you don't fall down within five minutes, the championship will be yours!"

Zhao Hao said something that caused an uproar among countless players.

Now everyone can see that he has the upper hand, and his chances of winning the championship are definitely not low.

But with this advantage, he suddenly said that the Snow Bear, who had just drank the potion and was in a state of skyrocketing strength, did not want to be the champion after five minutes. This was naturally unbelievable.

In response, the players watching the game reacted one after another.

"So damn domineering!"

"Just because of this, I won't scold you if I lose... I'll scold you less!"

"Stormbringer is awesome (broken sound!)"

"come on!"

Faced with Zhao Hao's sudden display of domineering power, countless players instantly became fans.

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