The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1315 Territory Experience!

Become a god part-time!

It refers to entering the demigod level.

Only when you reach this level can you speak loudly in the hero world.

After all, although the demigods couldn't defeat the legion on the frontal battlefield, the legion couldn't handle it if they wanted to cause trouble.

Therefore, having a strong demigod is equivalent to having a 'nuclear deterrent'. The two sides can at least check and balance each other. Before the opponent's demigod is solved, one's own demigod does not dare to make random moves.

The previous attack on Canghai City was precisely because of the control of Diya's boss, otherwise Zhao Hao and the others would have been attacked by demigods.

Do you really think the Silver Federation is a good person? .

Now the Bull Principality is being moved because of the support of the Eternal Sleeping Parliament.

But when it comes to life and death, this kind of restraint is useless, so they don't take action just to avoid the limelight.

As long as the basic attributes of the part-time job are further improved, the proficiency of several core spells is increased at the same time, and the magic value is increased by the way, one can steadily enter the demigod level.

At that time, there will be a main profession for legion battles and part-time jobs for personal battles, so there is no need to worry about not being able to deal with the Dragon Queen.

However, if you want to continue to improve your attributes while working part-time, you need to wait, as it is too popular now.

Conquer two main cities in succession!

For Diya, this record is nothing. At its peak, even the empire had been defeated.

But for an individual, it is definitely an amazing record.

Even among the nine consuls of the Eternal Sleeping Council, some of them fell into the sand in front of the main city and were directly beaten.

After this battle, no one inside Diya will think that Mia is a new giant and that she is inferior to those old giants.

Say something unpleasant!

Even if it lacked strength before, the resources of the two main city-level fortresses are enough to turn it into a real giant.

Now she is trying to create new undead. Once successful, her strength will greatly increase. By then, her strength will be extremely high even among the giants, and she may even have a chance to sit on the position of consul.

And Zhao Hao now just wants to digest the results of the battle in a low-key manner, and then take action to reap the rewards when the major forces are exhausted.

There is no need to think too much, just copy the path of the rise of powerful countries in the real world.

After a world war, the Storm Territory will be able to match or even surpass the representative power of a faction. It is simply not too comfortable.

After returning to Storm Fortress, Zhao Hao inspected it as usual and found that there had been a lot of accumulation of recruitment quotas for the fortress's arms.

With the emergence of God-given weapons and the growth of nests, the accumulated troops can completely form an army.

However, Zhao Hao did not form a new army.

Because the military type is not important, what is important is the hero.

The Storm Legion is strong because of the presence of Memphela, not because of the presence of troops.

Of course, the dragon is so useful because of the influence of Zhao Hao's expertise, and the Valkyrie is also a "quasi-epic" unit of the supermodel.

But even excluding these two arms, the Storm Legion is truly an ace army.

The reason why the Storm Legion was able to sweep through other ace legions was because of the Phantom Archers and Shadow Swordsmen, as well as the Dragons and Valkyries.

Reaching this level of combat effectiveness is also a reason for the alliance to win over. Otherwise, just because of the advantages in materials and transportation, the alliance may be slaughtered as a fat sheep.

After Zhao Hao inspected the fortress, he spread his wings and flew to the port.

The world war had begun for a while, and he needed to control the situation in the Storm Territory at all times.

It would have been impossible before, because he had to be fighting or performing tasks outside all the time, and at the very least, he had to improve his strength, so he would naturally not be able to grasp the changes in the territory.

But because of the existence of silver wings, he can directly use teleportation to return to the Storm Territory at any time, and his control over the territory has completely increased.

It's not that there's anything wrong with the territory's internal affairs team, it's that it's because he, the lord, is in control of the direction that it can be most efficient.

Just like this time!

After switching back to his main profession, Zhao Hao spread his dragon wings and flew towards the port. A 'green sea' appeared in front of him.

It's wheat seedlings!

The boundless green seedlings cover the earth, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

If it weren't for the fact that he was a lord, Zhao Hao would not have believed that this place was a wilderness not long ago.

Normal expansion of the wilderness will not yield much yield even if seeds are sown. The land must be slowly 'tamed' to make it gradually fertile.

But who made the land of the Storm Territory have its own transformation ability, which can convert the power of the abyss into energy and make the land fertile.


It is precisely this heaven-defying effect that can open up the land with the front foot and harvest abundantly with the back foot.

The current storm leader has sufficient manpower, ditches have been dug long ago, and snake lizards and large agricultural tools have been prepared long ago. Only then did Zhao Hao dare to shout out the goal of 10 million acres.

Ten million acres, that is, one hundred thousand hectares.

Sounds like a lot.

But for a territory with a population of more than 10 million, this amount of land is pitifully small.

At least hundreds of millions of acres of land are needed to support a population of tens of millions.

After all, everyone knows about the food production in the hero world, unless they are those who work hard.

The wheat fields in the Storm Territory belong to the "hard work" type.

Not to mention the incredible yield, the harvesting time is once every half month.

It is better to include the harvesting time, otherwise it will take about ten days.

The exaggerated output, coupled with the frighteningly fast maturity time, allows tens of millions of acres of wheat fields to produce terrifying food.

Regardless of the low price of food in peacetime, when wars are raging, it is a strategic material. No matter how much money you spend, you have to find someone to sell it to buy it. That little money cannot represent its meaning at all.

Anyway, the storm relies on food and is frantically harvesting the major forces.

We don’t dare to harvest too much now.

After all, the world war has just begun. After a while, the harvesting intensity will be strengthened.

Looking at the vast wheat fields, Zhao Hao accelerated and flew forward.

In the past, the upper limit of wheat fields suitable for cultivation was only tens of millions of acres.

Now with the expansion of the island, the land suitable for reclamation has also increased significantly. In a few years, it may not be a problem to exceed 100 million acres.

After flying over the continuous wheat fields, we arrived at Storm Harbor.

At this time, Storm Harbor was completely lined with workshops, and various buildings had sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain. An astonishing number of citizens were shuttled among them, making it look extremely prosperous.

Now in the New World, the reclaimed land has begun to be distributed to the people who have worked hard for three years.

The first batch of territorial residents who joined the territory were all assigned land.

Although the yield is ‘pleasant’, it may have been difficult to feed oneself in the first few years.

However, the land was actually distributed, and at the same time, tax exemptions were promised for the past few years, which made the residents almost have a heart attack from excitement.

The lords in the heroic world don't do anything that people do.

Various operations directly make people's scalp numb.

If it weren't for the danger in the wilderness, there would be no way anyone would be willing to join the lords.

Now the Storm Territory allocates land to them and exempts them from taxes in previous years.

What kind of bike do you want? .

As for the wheat fields on the island, no one is interested at all.

Because everyone knows that such a magical land is not theirs to covet, not to mention they also know what is buried underneath, and even if it is allocated to them, they do not have the strength to hunt down demons.

And the land distribution was in place, which also made the people of the Storm Territory so enthusiastic about work.

Now we no longer have to worry about the residents' work enthusiasm being too low, but we have to worry about their work enthusiasm being too high, which will directly lead to exhaustion and accidents.

After the land in the New World was divided, people could still return to work in the territory.

Now the Storm Territory has become a real city.

Not long after!

Zhao Hao slowly descended to the Lord's Mansion.

The appearance of the Storm Tower protects Storm Harbor.

In fact, there is a forbidden air barrier here, but it also leaves Zhao Hao with flying permission.

Tower of Storms!

With this mage tower, even if a demigod spellcaster arrives, Turing can easily deal with him.

If the effect hadn't been so exaggerated, Zhao Hao wouldn't have had to go all out to build it.

After returning to the Lord's Mansion and Administration Office, Zhao Hao received a piece of news.

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