The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1319 Routines and finding someone!

Shipwreck City!

Although it is roughly flat, it is made up of shipwrecks after all, so the heights are undulating and the various buildings are weird.

For example, for a tavern, just dig a hole in a sunken ship and then decorate it to create a tavern.

Of course, there are so many pubs that you can find them everywhere.

Moreover, in addition to taverns, there are also a large number of 'poor' girls who can't even afford clothes, and they continue to haunt some places, and a large number of pirates have gone in to 'finance' them.

Pirates are a profession that has today but no tomorrow. The biggest fear is that the people are gone but the money is not spent.

So the cost is called "generous".

And these pubs and shops are all comparable to money printing machines.

However, it is not something that ordinary people can open a store. It needs at least the support of a top pirate group. It is not surprising that the Pirate King intervenes.

Of course, pirates who have gotten into high-level positions want to lose face, so on the surface it is a store opened by the Chamber of Commerce.

But when someone makes trouble, the ones who take action are the pirates.

"Continued Cup!"

"The treasure from before..."

"When I encounter a sea monster, I slide and shovel!"

Various voices sounded loudly from the pirates' mouths.

Don't expect pirates to keep secrets. After two glasses of wine, they can tell you what their underwear is.

So taverns are also the best source of information.

In addition to various consumer shops, there are also blacksmith shops, pharmacy shops, appraisal shops...etc., everything you need.

It is precisely because of this complete logistical supply that the pirates are willing to gather here.

If it's just a dirty place, it doesn't qualify to be called a 'pirate paradise'.

Of course, if you are a new pirate, you can also come here to buy a ship and recruit crew members.

Train services!

Shipwreck City provides various services for pirates.

It can be said that this place is a paradise for the strong and a hell for the weak.


The Blood Sea Overlord kicked away the boy who hit him head-on.


His tone was cold and murderous, indicating that he was not easy to mess with.

The young man in rags who was kicked away didn't say much. He just glanced at them with a wolf-like look and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

Zhao Hao's expression did not change.

He is not a virgin bitch, and he knows where this place is.

Shipwreck City!

A chaotic place where pirates gather. If you become a virgin here, you will be devoured.

In the original history line, pirate players who entered the Shipwreck City were deceived all the time. Zhao Hao also often read various complaints, like [One hundred tricks to defend the Shipwreck City! ] and other strategy posts, but must-read for pirate players.

This kind of testing by children is the most common one.

If you are soft-hearted?

Congratulations, various packages will be arranged for you next.

"If something like this happens..."

The Blood Sea Overlord explained in a low voice.

He was afraid that Zhao Hao had the character of a messenger of justice. Even if he didn't say anything on the surface, he would have opinions about him in his heart, so he explained the inside story. If it were anyone else, he would definitely not be the same.

"well done!"

Zhao Hao's words also showed his attitude, that is, not only did he have no objection to what he did, but he actually felt that it was right.

Nonsense, he is not a messenger of justice.

Countless enemies died in front of the Storm Leader, and they massacred the city many times.

Not to mention the blood sea overlord's vicious attitude, even if he directly kills someone, he can pretend he didn't see it.

This thigh can be used!

This thought came to the mind of the Blood Sea Overlord.

The other party was generous in remuneration, and he was not the type with a strong sense of justice. He was indeed a capable person.

Thinking of this, he also told a lot of inside information about pirates.

Selling favors!

Zhao Hao immediately saw what the other party meant.

But he doesn't care, he just accepts this kind of favor. It just so happens that he will cooperate with him in depth in the future, so he occasionally responds a little to let the other person talk more and more.

Soon, they arrived at their target.


A tavern built with planks taken from a sunken ship.

In Shipwreck City, the remains of these sunken ships are the best materials, so it is not surprising that they are used in various ways.

The power of rusty anchor!

That's what the tavern sign is called.

There is no need to delve into these strange names. Maybe the pirate captain decided on them in a flash of his mind.

Moreover, if one of your subordinates says a bad name, he may be killed.

After all, if you can object to the boss's name today, will you usurp the throne in the future? .

The leaders of the pirate group are all severely hypochondriacs, so naturally none of their subordinates would risk their lives to challenge whether the other party will kill them just because of a name.

Zhao Hao and the others walked in.

When entering, the Blood Sea Overlord expertly disguised himself.

Wearing robes similar to those of Zhao Hao and others, their four-person team looked extremely mysterious.

There are many such people in Shipwreck City, and there are many of them in the already crowded tavern.

"Hey, why don't you get some drinks first?"

A thinly dressed but smart-looking tavern waiter came over.

"A bottle of crimson poison, and a set meal with the giant mouth of the sea!"

The Blood Sea Overlord opened his mouth to order.

Not only can you drink in the tavern, but it also includes other items. The last sentence is the real goal of coming here.

Anyway, as long as you have money, the pub can do everything for you.

"This way!"

After listening to what the Blood Sea Overlord said, the other party took them to a quieter area in the corner of the tavern and found an empty table for them to sit down.

This is also considered a VIP seat in the pub.

If it weren't for that bottle of wine worth thousands of gold, it would be impossible for them to sit here.

Because the subsequent service has nothing to do with the pub, the wine is the performance.

If you don't order good wine, you'll arrange a random place, and then talk about yarn, which is simply the rhythm of "Conspiracy Out Loud".

It was precisely because he understood the trick that the Blood Sea Overlord deliberately ordered a bottle of expensive wine.

Soon, the waiter came back.

Not only did he bring a bottle of wine with poor packaging, but he also brought a figure with a fishy smell all over his body.

The other party pulled out a chair and sat down without seeing anyone else, and his eyes lit up when he saw the wine.

“Good wine!”

He quickly pulled the cork off the bottle and started blowing on the bottle.

Well, the biggest impression on this guy who looks like a homeless man is probably his huge fish mouth and his face covered with fish scales.

not human!

The opponent has a humanoid shape, but at a glance you can tell that he belongs to the sea tribe.

If it were the Eight Principal Principalities, Silver Federation, Irollan and other regions, everyone might have been beaten up or arrested for heresy trials.

Because these forces are extremely xenophobic, you only need to see how the elves treat half-elves.

But in Shipwreck City, that's not a problem at all.

Here it is completely "all beings are equal". As long as you have strength, you will be treated the same whether you are a human or not.

The strong dominates everything!

So it’s not surprising that the sea tribe appears here.

Even among the pirate groups, there are a large number of non-human pirates.

The other party’s name should be ‘The Big Mouth of the Abyss’. Ordering this package means finding the other party to trade with.

The Blood Sea Overlord did not speak, and Zhao Hao would not take advantage of him.

Since things are left to the other party, you must trust them.

Let’s not talk about combat, but in matters between these pirates, the other party is absolutely professional.

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