The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1326 I took off my pantsJPG

Chapter 1326 I took off my pants.JPG

after an hour!

A full hour of bombing turned the Shipwreck City into a hell on earth.

Countless pirates were killed, large areas were destroyed by explosive bombs, and numerous craters were everywhere, as if they had been plowed by heavy artillery.

But it was still the result of Zhao Hao letting the sea go!

If it had not been released into the sea, the Shipwreck City would have been razed to the ground.

Invincible in naval battle!

This is not just a boast.

The focus was on the attacking Storm, which no one knew about at this time.

It is directly a dimensionality reduction attack.

As for Zhao Hao, who was standing on the Tower of Resentful Souls, looking at the miserable situation below, not only did he not have any unbearable feeling in his heart, but he felt a little happy.

These are pirates!

What they usually do is loot and kill.

Even if he did things like looting coastal cities, how could he not tolerate such bloody villains and thugs.

Three hundred thousand bomb flying dragons!

Not having a Wind King Pterosaur is already the greatest restraint.

If one-third of them were Wind King Pterosaurs, then today would be another result.

Anyway, the Storm has not even exerted a few tenths of its combat effectiveness.

Tens of minutes later.


In the sound of dense footsteps.

The three pirate kings returned to the Tower of Resentful Souls with their big pirates.

As soon as they came in, what they saw was the figure sitting high on the chair that originally belonged to the Iron Pirate King, and Freya and Feida standing on the left and right.

"Feng Liuyun!"

The Iron Pirate King's growl almost squeezed out from between his teeth filled the top of the tower with murderous intent.

Among the three pirate kings.

Blood Moon's birth is unknown, while Ba Zhao was born directly from the sea.

Only the Iron Pirate King was born in Shipwreck City, and he had deep feelings for this place, so he was filled with anger, as if he was about to rush over and fight Zhao Hao to the death in the next second.

Xue Yue and Ba Zhao subconsciously distanced themselves a little to express their attitude.

As long as the Storm Leader does not want to start a war with all pirates, they will not interfere in personal grudges.

Yes, even if the Bomb Dragon has just caused so much damage, for the pirates, as long as it doesn't affect their own interests, they don't mind seeing their fellows suffer misfortune, and it's not a bad thing if they don't make up for it.

"The momentum is good. Are the Iron Pirates ready to go to war with the Storm Lord?"

Zhao Hao could see the calculations in the minds of the three pirate kings at a glance, and took the initiative with a domineering word.

Going to war with all the pirates would not be worth it, but going to war with just one pirate king was not out of the question.

After hearing Zhao Hao's words, the three pirate kings had different reactions.

Ba Zhao controlled the stiff-looking human body to sit back in his chair. The Blood Moon Pirate King also sat down in his seat with a smile like a flower, and the big pirate behind them also followed suit.

As for the big pirate who attacked the Storm Territory, he didn't come back, and no one cared about his whereabouts.

Now things get interesting!

Of the three pirate kings, two clearly wanted to watch the show. Only the Iron Pirate King and his big pirates stood at the entrance to the top of the tower, as if a war was about to start in the next second.

The Iron Pirate King is in a dilemma at this time.

If all the pirates went to war against the Storm Leader together, even if they were no match for the naval battle, there would still be ways to harass or drag the Storm Leader to death.

But if it were just him, let alone whether he could defeat the Storm Leader, whether the pirates attached to him would be able to run away with the barrels was another question.

No one is a fool!

I have already known how powerful the Storm is before, and I have just experienced how terrifying the opponent is. If I really want to start a war, what is the difference between committing suicide and not running away and waiting to die? .

But without a war, he won't be able to step down!

The position was already occupied by others. How could he, the pirate king, pretend not to notice this obvious provocation.

Although the Iron Pirate King's rage was partly due to the destruction of Shipwreck City, it was more due to the fact that the other party was sitting in his position. It was a blatant provocation.

What I'm most afraid of is the sudden silence in the air!

Whether the Storm Territory and the Iron Pirates will go to war or not is only a matter of thought.



Without looking at other people, Zhao Hao knew what the two pirate kings and their subordinate pirates were thinking.

It would be a good thing for them to have one less Pirate King.

"Hahaha!" The Iron Pirate King looked up to the sky and laughed, "As expected of the Storm Lord, he is indeed quite humorous!"

He figured something out.

That is, as soon as the battle begins, he has no chance of winning, so he can only endure this tone.

Although the Iron Pirate King usually behaves domineeringly and recklessly, that is just a person's design. In fact, his brain is very easy to use, and what he shows is just a disguise.

How could he seek death in one breath, knowing that he would lose?

I am a pirate but not a knight!

So he took Zhao Hao's words as a joke, and it was more than that.


Just jump on the wooden table surrounded by three chairs and sit cross-legged. If there is no place, create your own place.


The Iron Pirate King is already tall, so if others want to talk to him, they may need to look up a little.


Zhao Hao's eyes twitched.

He was already ready to start a movie with the Iron Pirates, but he didn't expect them to give in immediately.

The Octopus Pirate Group cooperates with the Dragon Queen, so it is not easy to attack them. If it triggers a full-scale confrontation with the Dragon Queen, it will be troublesome.

The Blood Moon Pirates are too mysterious, and it's hard to start until the details are clear.

Only the Iron Pirates were overthrown by players in the original historical line, and Zhao Hao also roughly knew some information about the opponent.

If a war really breaks out, he is sure to resolve it quickly.

The problem is that I took off my pants and you said you don’t want to play? .

I feel so sorry for this domineering character.

In fact, Zhao Hao only knew rough information about the Iron Pirate King, so he naturally didn't understand whether he was a rough or a fine person.

This is the shortcoming of his calculation based on the information in his mind.

And the other party could even tolerate this kind of anger, so he couldn't provoke any more, otherwise it would not be against the Steel Pirate King, but all pirates, so he stood up and said:

"I hope you can restrain the great pirates under your command and prevent such 'mistakes' from happening again in the future!"

The mistakes mentioned here refer to situations such as moles.

After this incident, the three pirate kings also understood that the alliance's plan was to pit them against the Storm Leader. If they were still plotted under this situation, they could not be blamed for being ruthless.

After saying harsh words, Zhao Hao left directly.

No one dares to stop it!

After just an hour of crazy bombing, they realized how terrifying the Storm was. Now they were eager to send this plague god away, so how could they stop it.

The point is that as an adventurer, Zhao Hao can be resurrected even if he is killed.

If he couldn't be revived after killing him, the three pirate kings would definitely join forces to kill him.

Do you really think they have a good temper? .

In this way, Zhao Hao successfully left the top of the Tower of Resentful Souls.

It seemed like he just came to meet once and then left, which was completely unnecessary.

But actually, it’s what needs to be done.

If he doesn't come, the Storm will launch an air attack on Shipwreck City and start an all-out war with all the pirates.

If it's beneficial, then so be it.

But the problem is that there are no benefits at all!

Even if you really want revenge, the mastermind behind the scenes is an ally. The pirates are just scapegoats. Killing the pirates is not revenge.

That's why Zhao Hao had to show up directly, not only to show the strength of the Storm Territory by killing the chickens but also to control the scale of the conflict so that it could not evolve into a full-scale conflict.

Personal grudges and full-scale war are completely different for the Storm Territory.

Next, he was going to do another thing.

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