The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1347 Asking for help and conditions!

meeting room.

"Sorry, I refuse!"

Looking at the messenger in front of him, Zhao Hao shook his head and rejected the other party's request for help.

Yes, the other party is a messenger sent by Barr.

"Lord Feng Liuyun, may I ask why?"

The messenger was a little surprised to hear the rejection.

Because in his opinion, the conditions offered by His Majesty are already very generous.

"It's not about pay!"

Zhao Hao explained.

The truth's all about reward.


It was his fault to temporarily change the marching direction of Mia and Anlos. It was just to trick this guy Barr. How could he agree so easily.

Originally, the army was preparing to attack the Maginot Line, but when he received the rescue letter brought by the flying courier, Zhao Hao realized that he could make a serious blow.

Therefore, of course he disdained the knighthood reward offered by the other party.

In this time of war, what he wants is equipment, treasures, units, battle skills... and other things that can enhance his strength.

It's completely overthinking to use a count title to get yourself involved.

Although the title comes with many benefits.

But for him now, he has these benefits based on his strength and does not need a noble title at all.

"But once the royal capital is breached, the opponent's next target might be you!"

The messenger had a good brain and gave a reason for support.

"Then let's talk about it then!"

Zhao Hao didn't want to argue with the other party at all.

He can't take action unless the opponent changes the reward, even if he uses allies to suppress him.

Yes, the messengers did not come alone. Before they arrived, the allies arrived first.

"Storm Lord, as an alliance, you have the obligation to rescue your allies, don't you?"

This alliance representative with a cold temperament and tough tone is Duke Hagen of the Falcon Principality, and his words contain threats.

This happened because he reached a PY deal with the Bucks Principality and also had a grudge against Zhao Hao.

Golden Valley!

It used to be in their hands, and it was completely full of food, but now it is in the hands of the Storm Leader, how can I not hate it.

Destroying someone's wealth is like killing one's parents!

That is to say, he was worried about the strength of the Storm Legion, otherwise he would have his heart cut off with a knife.

"Indeed, this is true in the alliance, but the Storm Legion needs to protect the Astropathic Territory and has no spare power to attack!"

Zhao Hao admitted that the alliance did have an obligation to support each other, but immediately gave the reason for not supporting each other.

There are policies and measures to counter.

As long as you can come up with a reason, no one will really bother you online. Even if this happens, it will be because they are targeting you, not because you have done something wrong.

At the same time, Zhao Hao's reasons are also valid.

From time to time, flying creatures would come out of the underground army, and small teams would come out from the border swamps.

Although it is impossible for large-scale troops to cross the border, such small-scale troops emerge in endlessly.

"Excuse, if there is no spare power, why has the Storm Legion not even encountered a battle!"

Of course, Duke Hegen would not let Zhao Hao go so easily and directly raised questions.

The Star Language Leader has indeed been fighting, but it is all adventurers who take action. Those enemies cannot even get close, so the Storm Legion naturally has no chance to take action.

"I remember the Storm Legion fighting all the time, right?"

Zhao Hao looked at Memphela who was sitting at the bottom.

At this time, they were in the conference room. He was sitting at the top. Behind the chair were Freya and Feida. Sitting on the left and right were Memphira, Ellie, Beo, Black Stone, Cold Moon Rose, and others.

Because it was a Storm Legion affair, Furious Dragon and others did not participate.

"That's right, the Storm Legion has always been at war!"

Memphila replied casually.

As a legion commander, no one can fault her for saying this.

It's impossible to pull over each unit one by one and ask if the other party has gone to war, right? .

As the legion commander (deputy), her words are evidence. Anyone who dares to question is tantamount to provocation and trouble.

The dissatisfaction in Duke Hagen's eyes became more intense.

After finally finding an opportunity to cheat the Storm Leader, how could he give up.

He already knows the strength of the undead army. Both the Pale Lord and the Undead Twins are extremely terrifying existences. If the Storm Legion confronts them, they will never come back, so naturally they will be used as cannon fodder.

And his plan is also supported by other forces in the alliance.

Because the Astropath Territory stationed by the Storm Legion has nothing to do with them, it can allow the other party to weaken or delay the sudden appearance of the undead army and reduce pressure on themselves. How could they not support it.

Even if it is an alliance, there is a lot of internal filth. At most, they are not backstabbing like the Axis, and there are also a lot of people who cheat their teammates.

"However!" Hanyue Rose interrupted Hagen who was about to speak, "It's not that the Storm Legion can't fight to the end for the alliance, but the reward..."

It means that it is not impossible to take action, but they are not satisfied with the reward.

She knew the bottom line before meeting the messenger, so Zhao Hao, as the lord, naturally did not need to speak up about the bargaining.

It didn't matter before, but now that he is a powerful lord, it is naturally impossible for him to lower his status.

"I wonder what payment the Storm Leader needs to make a move?"

If there is enough time, the messenger doesn't mind grinding it slowly.

But now that the undead army is marching towards the royal capital, no second can be wasted, so we can only abandon those words and get straight to the point.

"Weapon types, treasures, equipment...anything will do!"

There was a comforting smile on Hanyue Rose's charming face.

But this kind of smile, in the eyes of the messenger, is a "savage smile" that eats people without spitting out their bones.

This is completely like the "dragon opens its mouth". It is really heartbreaking to exchange these most precious things.

"No, the reward can be paid with titles and powers, but these cannot..."

The messenger subconsciously refused.

Because these things are the heritage of the Bucks Principality and cannot really be traded.

"Really? The Storm Legion is helpless to the Royal Capital!"

Hanyue Rose showed the storm leader's attitude with a standard and impeccable smile.

Zhao Hao, who was sitting at the top, seemed to have heard nothing and confirmed that Hanyue Rose's words were his attitude.

Nonsense, if this guy Barr doesn't come up with some useful information, he would be crazy to support us.

"But you also know that the Mother Goddess has strict restrictions on these things..."

The messenger lowered his voice and reluctantly gave an excuse.

Before setting off, Barr had already explained the bottom line, but the more things he gave, the more he proved his incompetence.

"Of course there are restrictions, but you can always find a way, right?"

Cold Moon Rose is not a rookie now, so she naturally understands that the aborigines have ways to bypass the restrictions, it just depends on whether they are willing or not.

Forget it before, this time the other party has no other choice.

Unless you have absolute confidence in defending the royal capital.


Finally, the messenger bowed his head.

Because only when the royal capital is protected can we say anything else. If the royal capital is attacked by the undead army, it will be useless no matter how many things we have in our hands.

It is not difficult to bypass restrictions. It is completely reasonable to issue tasks on the grounds of protecting the royal capital.

Duke Hagen watched this scene without interrupting.

Because once the Storm Legion attacks, it will be a dead end, as long as the other party agrees, it will be over.

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