The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1352 Reactions from all parties!

The battle ended with the undead army giving in!

Although it sounds incredible, it makes sense.

The undead army saw the fighting power of the Storm Legion and felt that they would definitely suffer heavy losses if they fought to the end.

And they are not here to fight to the death, so it is not surprising to change the target if they do not disobey.

The new target was also guessed by everyone immediately.

Maginot Line!

Because there is no other target in the north, only this target is worthy of the opponent's action.

Of course, it could also be the Star Language Leader.

However, the undead army has never been very interested in adventurers. As long as there are indigenous people, it is impossible to change the attack target.

"Damn it!"

On a high ground near the battlefield, Duke Hagen, who was leading people to watch the battle, cursed in a low voice.

The undead army changed its attack target, something no one expected.

After all, in their opinion, the other party must only want to break through the Bucks Capital.

After conquering two main city-level fortresses one after another and reaping a lot of benefits, it was completely logical to target the more fertile capital.

So they never worried.

Because the defensive power of the royal capital is far better than that of the main city-level fortress, it is impossible for the opponent to break it no matter how strong it is.

Not to mention that he also tricked the Storm Legion, causing the opponent to 'intercept' them halfway and consume a wave of them.

But who could have imagined that the menacing undead army would abandon the royal capital and instead target the Maginot Line in the north.

How can you give up!

Duke Hagen wanted to yell at Mia and Anlos.

He is really anxious!

No one knows better than him what the Maginot Line is like.

The underworld army in front of them alone was overwhelming them. If they were stabbed by the undead army in the back, it would be impossible to stop them.

If not, they don't need to plot against the Storm Legion, hoping that they can fight the undead army to the detriment of both sides.

I didn't expect things to turn out like this.

I'm scared!

The army of the undead is actually scared? .

At the same time, not only Duke Hagen was cursing, but other spectators were also cursing.

Because they really hope to see the undead army and the Storm Legion fighting to the death.

It can only be said that there are so many forces that want to see the undead army or the Storm Legion suffer, that it is impossible to count them.

But there is nothing anyone can do. People are not willing to fight hard, so you can't force them to fight hard, right? .

Baal also watched the battle in the royal capital, but he used magic.

At such a close distance, it would not be difficult for his magic advisor to see the battle.

And his expression was extremely complicated.

Not only was he happy because the undead army gave up attacking the royal capital, but he was also heartbroken that he had to pay the reward. It was completely twisted.

Yes, Barr remembered.

The mission of the Storm Legion is not to annihilate the undead army, but to make the opponent give up attacking the capital.


In other words, he was completely taken advantage of.

Thinking of this, Barr was so heartbroken that he couldn't breathe.

The intermediate campaign book is okay, but 1 million units of gems and 2,000 units of Archangel are really painful.

Especially the former!

There are still a lot of archangel recruitment quotas accumulated, but high-level resources are not inexhaustible.

For major indigenous forces with deep foundations, recruitment quotas are not as important as high-level resources.

Unfortunately, none of the ministers dared to answer the question.

After a long time, perhaps seeing that Barr's anger had weakened a bit, someone asked in a low voice.

"Then, Your Majesty, will you withhold the reward to teach the other party a lesson?"

Since the boss is unhappy and cannot break the contract, he can only use this method to disgust the Storm Legion.

They don't intend to default on the bill anyway, so delaying the delivery time won't be a problem, right? .

"No!" After venting his anger, Barr calmed down a lot and said coldly: "I will give the reward to the other party immediately. Once the Maginot Line collapses, we may even ask for support!"

After sitting on the throne, he grew up a lot, and at least he didn't act out of emotion.

Now the undead army is heading north, and its target must be the Maginot Line of Defense. Once the defense line collapses, the underground army will come out, and the king's capital will still be in danger.

Therefore, the extremely capable Storm Legion is the reinforcement he wants to win over. No matter how angry he is, he can only maintain a good relationship.

It has to be said that Barr's idea is also the opinion of the people in the hall.

Therefore, before Zhao Hao knew about it, someone was rushing to deliver the reward.

Once you get the crystal and archangel, you can instantly use the Dragon Blood Altar to strengthen 2,000 units of quasi-epic level Valkyrie.

Although the consumption is exaggerated!

After all, ordinary Archangels can be recruited with 20 units of crystals, but there are many benefits after strengthening them.

The first is ultimate control, which is the most important thing.

Even if the castle camp uses ultimate control, there is no need to worry.

Then the attributes were increased by 30% in all aspects, directly crushing the archangels who had not been strengthened before.

Finally, there is compliance and maintenance costs.

Because the Valkyrie strengthened by the Dragon Blood Altar is considered a 'dragon-born soldier', the Dragon Lord can also exert its effect.

And this means that the Valkyrie's obedience is not to mention, and the maintenance cost is only one-tenth.

Great value for money!

That's absolutely true.

And as long as the birth pool is obtained, the Valkyries can truly become a race, and there will be changes in all aspects.

the other side!

Zhao Hao did not command the Storm Legion to pursue, but asked the army to clean the battlefield and garrison.

Your own legion has just been crippled, so it's natural for you to stay and rest, right? .

Buzz, buzz!

Pillars of light fell from the sky, causing the soldiers on the ground to stand up again.


Although more than half of the Valkyries died, that is, more than 1,500 times, each Valkyrie can be resurrected with a target worth twice the maximum health.

In this case, the loss is no longer a loss.

Anyway, the silver pegasus, fighting dwarves, shadow swordsmen... all stood up in the light of resurrection.

Now you know, why not let the dragons lose their lives, but let the Valkyrie and Silver Pegasus die instead? .

Because even if they die, they can be resurrected using the resurrection spell. However, after the death of the dragon, its maximum health exceeds the resurrection limit of the Valkyrie, and there is no way to resurrect it.

Even if you can use contribution points to replenish your troops, Baal does not guarantee compensation for contribution points, so it is best not to die.

After the resurrection, the Storm Legion suffered almost no losses, which was incredible.

After the number of Valkyries increases, the amount of resurrections also increases. Unless they are annihilated or severely injured, resurrection spells can minimize losses.

Forget about the loot.

The undead army left nothing but corpses on the ground.

It's just that they were stationed for rest, but it made some people extremely anxious.

Therefore, Zhao Hao, who had not rested for long, heard the noise coming from not far away.


Feida scolded.

Although she may appear to be well-behaved and docile in front of her, in fact, with the blood of the red dragon, she has a completely violent personality.

"I am the representative of the alliance, and I want to see the Storm Lord now!"

Another voice spoke.

Duke Hagen!

Zhao Hao would never forget the voice of the other party. Anyone who asked him to dig a hole for him should naturally be careful with such an enemy.


After knowing who it was, Zhao Hao snorted disdainfully and continued to rest.

The purpose of the other party's visit is known by foot, so they cannot meet.

Because no matter what conditions the other party offers, he can't agree to it, so he might as well use "injury" as an excuse to refuse to meet.

At most, it will take a few days to "recuperate" and see the other person again.

By then the situation has been decided and there is no point in meeting again.

As for worrying about the other party barging in? .

Sorry, what the undead army can't do, why do you think Duke Hagen can do it? .

Anyway, from now on, the Storm Legion just needs to pretend to be dead and watch the undead army perform.

Just like that, the Storm Legion fell silent and gave up the stage to the undead army.

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