The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1362 Questioning and defense!

"You think there's something wrong with my plan, don't you?"

Zhao Hao also came to the viewing area.

After solving the Maginot Line of Defense, he naturally would not stay in the undead army and come back directly.

And as soon as he arrived, he heard someone questioning his command.

", I'm just confused!"

This senior member of the Raging Dragon Guild was not stupid. Of course he understood the huge status gap between him and Zhao Hao, so he hurriedly defended himself.

Doubts and doubts are two different concepts.

Zhao Hao did not continue to cause trouble for the other party. The two parties were not in the same position at all. He was not interested in causing trouble for such a 'small character', so he hinted.

“It’s not certain who will be the winner until the end!”

Yes, although the underground army is dancing happily now, the winner has not been determined yet.

But his words made everyone present puzzled.

At this time, the underground army came out of Greenham, and was about to sweep everything away, but Zhao Hao just said this, and it was really difficult not to make them think too much.

"Get ready, it's our turn!"

Zhao Hao turned around and left after hinting.

Although they will act as directed without giving any hints, efficiency and morale will definitely be affected, so it is better to hint at subsequent changes so that they can fight with peace of mind.

The plan is not made public because the indigenous forces have placed a large number of "nails" among the players.

Yes, you heard it right.

The natives bought a large number of players to work for them.

It sounds weird, but it's actually normal.

Because of the importance of the heroic world, the items in it have great value in the real world, and players can naturally be bribed.

Once Zhao Hao dares to tell the plan, it is guaranteed that the aboriginal forces will know about it in a short time.

Therefore, it’s not really because he wants to be the Whisperer, but because ‘walls have ears’.

Under the command of Zhao Hao, the Star Language Leader entered a defensive state.

Naturally, the underground army couldn't tolerate such a hidden danger around them, and launched an attack directly.

Due to the previous defense arrangement, the Star Language Leader at this time was completely a steel hedgehog.

The underground army collided with blood.

Tragic, too tragic!

The players' methods are too shady.

Not only using various defensive measures, but also attacking in various unexpected ways.

lost heavily!

Facing such an attack, the underground army could only send out axis players to deal with it.

Use player against player!

This is already the default rule of all major forces.

In the past, players had no sense of existence in their eyes.

But as the players' strength increases, their presence becomes stronger and stronger, and now they have become an indispensable force.

Not to mention the frontal battlefield, but in some complex environments, and even in aspects such as reconnaissance and infiltration, players have played an irreplaceable role.

Underground and the undead army, both sides attack along the passage, leaving other places to the axis players.

Overlord-level guilds such as the Consortium Alliance, Pharaoh's Guild, Sin Domain, Gao Tianyuan, and Neptune Palace showed their full strength.

Seeing that the Axis is about to win, this is the natural time to perform.

If the performance is not good, there will be no way to gain more benefits after the war, so they will use all their firepower.

Facing the axis players who were ready to fight to the death, the alliance players resisted.

They have the home field advantage anyway!

The Star Language Leader has a lot of supplies in reserve.

Whether it's weapons, equipment or supplies, it's all enough for them to use for a while.

Now free players, small and medium guild players, were killed so badly by the undead army before that they simply quit the battle.

Coupled with the threat from the coalition forces, many players fighting in the Star Language Territory fled.

There are currently only about two million players in Star Language Leader Battle.

Do you think it’s less? .

You must know that these players are not ordinary players, but the ones who specialize in combat, and at the same time they are the ones who can command absolutely.

Although the number has been reduced by more than half, the combat effectiveness of the current Star Language leaders has increased instead of falling.

At the same time, Zhao Hao and the others also received benefits.


The major forces in the alliance originally supported the Maginot Line of Defense, but now that the defense line is gone, naturally they can only support them.

It’s just using the form of ‘task’.

Only in this way can restrictions be bypassed.

Although the progress of world integration has been greatly improved, it is not completed anyway. The restrictions and protections are still there and must be bypassed.

It’s just that this task complies with the ‘high risk, high return’ principle.

As long as players kill the axis forces, their contribution will be doubled from the previous level. At the same time, if their contribution reaches a certain level, they can also redeem some exchange items that were not originally open to the public.

For example, various high-end materials, equipment, treasures, units...etc.

Especially the military types!

It is directly opened to the championship level, but the prerequisite is that the contribution under this task can be redeemed.

Massive bleeding!

The Alliance also understands that if you want the horses to run, you have to let them eat grass.

At this time, the Star Language Leader seems to be 'in danger', so these things will be relaxed. Under normal circumstances, it is completely unthinkable.

Faced with this temptation, several major guilds and affiliated forces headed by Zhao Hao were gearing up to make big profits.

The Storm Legion sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, huddled in the fortress and did not go out to stop the attack.

However, troops such as Shadow Swordsmen, Half-Elf Archers, etc. are constantly going out to collect mission contributions, so that they can be exchanged for Archangels.

The strength of the army that attacks the Star Language Territory is not that of all the underground armies.

Well, the underground army didn't put all its efforts into attacking the Star Language Fortress, but half of it.

Because there can't be too many troops deployed here, half of the troops plus the undead army are enough to solve the battle.

The remaining half of the underground army is eager to sweep across the Bucks Principality in order to gain a foothold for the subsequent underground army.

The one who attacked the Star Whisper leader was the Dragon Queen's deputy, Barbato, who was also a demigod dragon.

Leading the army to sweep across the north of Bucks and heading towards Irollan was another Dark Elf deputy, also a demigod.

Now you know why the alliance could only deploy one demigod like the Silver Blade Sword Master to carry out the beheading mission, instead of three demigods doing it together, right? .

Because besides the Dragon Queen, there are also these two demigods in the underground army.

The Dragon Tide did not appear either.

Although Barbaatar is a giant dragon, there are still a large number of giant dragons who don't agree with him, so he can only command some of the giant dragons, but cannot command all the giant dragons.

Of course, the real dragon cannot command them all, but the dragon unit can command tens of thousands of units.

Thousands of dragons and tens of thousands of dragon troops!

This is the strongest power in Barbaatar's hands.

Although during the siege, the flying troops were unable to function.

But with this force, it can ensure that the defenders do not dare to counterattack, and reinforcements cannot approach.

Field encounters are where flying units dominate, while siege warfare flying units can only serve as auxiliaries.

The resistance of the Star Language Leader was very effective, turning a distance of more than 100 kilometers into a quagmire, holding back the coalition forces for nearly half a month.

During this period, let the other half of the underground army sweep across the north of Bucks and enter the Unicorn Principality, and they will soon enter Elloland.

At the same time, the results of the Star Language Territory also made the alliance decide to increase its assistance.

More benefits are coming like crazy!

There is no way, now the only one who can hold back half of the underground army and the undead army is the players led by Xingyu, so the alliance cannot help but be careless.

During this time, there were actually some changes secretly.

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