The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1421 Unique specialty: Dragon Lord!

(The only one) Dragon Lord (dragon creatures under your dominant force will always have high morale. Every five levels of dragon troops have +1 attack and defense, +1 morale, double the basic damage, and reduce recruitment and maintenance costs to 100%. one)

The prefix "unique" means that no other person will have this expertise.

In the past, the expertise was effective against 'dragons', but now it is effective against 'dragons'.

The latter includes not only dragons, but also all targets with dragon blood.

Flying dragons, earth dragons, dragons, dragonborn... etc. all belong to the dragon category.

This change alone has increased the value of the Dragon Lord countless times.

Such as the Basilisk!

It definitely does not belong to the dragon, but it must belong to the dragon type because it has the blood of the dragon in its body.

Morale always stays high!

This is extremely scary.

It is equivalent to joining Zhao Hao's command, and you don't need to worry about fishing and betrayal at all. It can be called a god-level BUFF.

Of course, the improvement of dragon troops is more obvious.

The attack and defense improvements have not changed, but with the powerful attribute of doubling the basic damage, recruitment and maintenance costs have been reduced to one percent.

With these, they can only maintain 10,000 units of dragon troops.

And Zhao Hao can maintain one million units of dragon troops, which is a huge advantage.

Of course, there is also a clear statement.

That’s the area of ​​effect!

It is based on the premise of "under your dominant force", not "under your leadership".

The difference between the two is huge.

The former needs to be led personally, while the latter can be led by generals or heroes under his command. The effect will be expanded countless times.

It is indeed a unique specialty!

The improvement was completely earth-shaking.

At this time, Zhao Hao also understood why the Dragon Queen he met this time felt a bit weaker than the legendary one who swept the world.

When someone's strongest expertise is divided into two parts, the effect will naturally be greatly weakened.

If it had complete expertise, the Maginot Line of Defense would not be able to stop the opponent at all, and would have been torn apart by the dragon tide led by others.

But now, this complete expertise is owned by Zhao Hao.


Freya beside her recovered her body, stretched her dragon wings to Zhao Hao's feet, and signaled that she would take him back.

Zhao Hao suffered a lot of injuries during the battle just now, and it was really difficult for him to transform into a dragon and fly.

Defeating the underground army is just the beginning, there are still a lot of things to deal with next.

The most embarrassing ones at this time are the lizard people of Greenham.

The Dragon Queen, who had just made up her mind to betray the alliance and join the Axis, was defeated by the Storm Legion. It was hard not to be embarrassed.

This move is equivalent to surrendering the enemy on the eve of victory. It is completely stupid.

Next, Zhao Hao will slowly process these guys.

You can't blame the other party for backstabbing yourself. Whoever allows the dragon queen to contact him in advance may come into the opponent's field of vision when they first meet. The lizard man does not dare to disobey the dragon queen who controls Greenham.

Just because you don't blame the other party doesn't mean that the other party doesn't need to pay the price.

But more on that later.

At this time, what Zhao Hao needs to deal with most is not other players, but the axis players.

It is better to say that he is an axis player than a dungeon camp player.

Because of the two major camps of Cemetery and Hell, only scattered players and guilds work for them, and the rest all join the underground army led by the Dragon Queen.

If Zhao Hao doesn't come forward now, the other party may collapse.

The collapse of the axis players is good news for the alliance, but it is not good news for Zhao Hao.

Solving the Dragon Queen is also a mission.

If it weren't for the mission, he really wouldn't want to fight with the other party.

Having such a powerful enemy constantly consuming the alliance's strength is the best thing for the Storm Territory.

The problem was that the mission required him to kill him.

The pursuit took almost half a day, but the return journey only took less than an hour.

All I can say is that being able to fly in the swamp really means you can do whatever you want.

Although there were several dangers encountered during the flight, they were all easily resolved.

Flying in the wilderness and swamps, an ordinary mount will encounter fatal danger at any time, and only powerful flying creatures are qualified to soar in the swamp sky.

At this time, the battlefield was under busy cleaning.

The Valkyries were suspended over the battlefield, the golden dragons gathered to rest in the distance, and the mages, protected by Viking warriors and half-elf archers, were resting in their tents.

Although the battle is over, it does not mean that there will be no more fighting.

If the lizard people are not willing to give in, it is not impossible to take the opportunity to cause trouble.

Of course, this chance is pitifully small.

If the Dragon Queen is still there, that's still possible.

But now that the Dragon Queen is dead, the lizard people are in panic all day long, how can they still have the energy to attack them.

Boom! !

Freya landed with Zhao Hao and Feida.

Not far away, there is a group of alliance logistics players cleaning the battlefield.

Several major guilds in the alliance have cooperated more than once, and these bound business groups are still worthy of trust.

The most important thing is that the players in these business groups are actually under control and don't have to worry about anything going wrong.

Not a single one of the dragon tide escaped, they all died on the battlefield.

It can only be said that under the influence of the dragon master's expertise, the dragon is the most trustworthy subordinate.

But I admire him, because Zhao Hao would not bear to touch the other party's corpse.

Who made the dragon's corpse covered with treasures?

With these dragon corpses, countless ‘magic materials’ can be obtained.

Dragon scales, dragon skins, etc. can all be made into good things. The Storm Territory will not be short of materials for a long time to come.

Of course, Zhao Hao was in such a hurry to come back that he didn't even go to the underground world to take over the task immediately. He didn't come to clean the battlefield, but to meet people.

Not long after!

The presidents of God's Left Hand, Time Assassin, Amaterasu...Heiyun and others are here.

And there wasn’t much cover-up this time.

No more acting at all!

No matter how well-behaved the current Storm Territory is, the major forces in the alliance cannot despise them as before, so they can act a little more boldly.

As long as you don't openly join the Axis, even if the major forces know that they are colluding with it, they will pretend they don't know.

The current Storm Territory is also eligible to enjoy this ‘privilege’.

"I came here this time to ask you for help!"

They had just met, and Zhao Hao got to the point without any nonsense.

At this time, his time was extremely tight, so he would not be polite.


The left hand of God looked at the other people around him, but all he got was the same confusion.

No one could have imagined that the Storm Territory, which had just defeated the Dragon Queen head-on and was at its peak, needed their help for anything.

"Yes, I hope you will continue to stay in the underground camp..."

Zhao Hao told the plan.

Those who can come here are all presidents or guild representatives, and there is no need to be a Mystery Man.

And the plan is beneficial and harmless to them, so they have no worries about not agreeing to it.

We are not afraid of them accusing us of colluding with evil.

Even if someone knew about it, given the current situation and the strength of the Storm Leader, he would be punished with three drinks.

At this time, the alliance is in danger, and it is the time when all forces need to be united. How could one cut off one's arm just for some 'testimony'?

Of course, if the accusation comes after the danger has been resolved, then the major forces will definitely 'justice'.

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