The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1445 Troops siege!

Roar! !

A giant dragon is taking action.

It's not a real dragon of flesh and blood, but a type of soldier.

All the giant dragons in the underground world were subdued by the Dragon Queen, and now most of them are under the command of Zhao Hao.

That is to say, the losses are too heavy, so we should not let them go into battle on a large scale.

Anyway, it can be solved without the dragon tide. Besides, we can still count on the contribution of these dungeon lords for upgrading.

Don't forget that Zhao Hao's talent will grow every time he reaches level 20.

And the growth is getting stronger every time.

If he reaches level 140, his talent will definitely change qualitatively, which is extremely important to him.

It’s not like I haven’t thought about upgrading quickly before, but unfortunately the part-time job level is too high, even higher than the player who was ranked first before rebirth. Under this premise, it’s not surprising that he can’t level up.

Because if you want to upgrade, the only way is to massacre intelligent creatures on a large scale.

Before the World War, if he played like this, it would be guaranteed that "justice would come down from heaven" in minutes. It would not be surprising even if the Pope and the Chief Speaker personally came to "send warmth".

It's different now.

But no one can spare the time, not to mention that this is a civil war in the Evil Alliance, so naturally no one will be too full to deal with him.

It can only be said that Zhao Hao seized a good opportunity.

Opportunity to harvest!

That’s why I had to try the one-on-one challenge first.

In today's battle, if he is willing, he can ask Mia and Anlos for help.

But he didn't. Instead, he hired players from God's Right Seat to assist him, making it clear that he wanted to be alone.

After all, there are not many opportunities like this!

In normal times, even if there is an evil alliance, killing countless living beings by one person would be extremely dangerous.

But during the World War this was not a problem.

It was also with this in mind that Zhao Hao had been lying dormant before, and only now did he jump out to harvest lives crazily.

So when he fought, he always used the amplification scroll.

"Taste the hate!"

"Submit before the King of Hatred!"

"Death at the hands of the King of Hatred is your only fate!"

He never stopped using such words to incite hatred for himself, which gave him the title of 'King of Hatred'.

Since all the major forces know the effect of this title, they usually do not promote this title.

Some things can only be done, not said.

Once the title is discussed, it is to promote him, so everyone knows it, and no one is willing to promote the title for him.

Under such a premise, it's no wonder that Zhao Hao would bring his own dry food to promote himself.

These are all attributes!

And it's more than that.

As long as you hate yourself within ten kilometers, you can still get your health and magic points restored.

Although this coalition of dungeon lords is mainly composed of military units, there are also millions of intelligent beings. The hatred of these people is something Zhao Hao values ​​​​extremely.

As he promotes himself, his hatred level increases, allowing him to quickly regenerate his health and mana.

Attributes also occasionally improve!

too strong.

The effect of the title is fully demonstrated.

It's no wonder that so many people are thinking about it, even Zhao Hao himself can't believe it.

Just the improvement of basic attributes is enough to shock people, not to mention the ability to restore health and magic points.

Fight till now!

More and more enemies fell into the hands of the undead army summoned by Zhao Hao, but the combat effectiveness of his men became stronger and stronger.

It is also because of this that the dungeon lords let the black dragon troops take action without respecting martial ethics.

I can't stand it, I really can't stand it!

Originally, the strong men in the underground were stronger, but the problem was that there were too many "inside ghosts", and they were holding each other back. It would be strange to be able to withstand this situation.

In this case, it is no wonder that the dungeon lords used black dragons and flying troops to clear the area.

Dragon Breath!

It is indeed the best way to clear the field.

The problem is that Zhao Hao has been prepared for a long time, so naturally he will not force the situation.

Directly let the summoned undead shrink into the mist.

As a result, the black dragon would be unable to attack.

If we really want to clean up the land indiscriminately, the one who will die the most will definitely not be summoning the undead army.

The area covered by the fog is astonishingly large!

Because this kind of fog is not limited by the scope of the field.

And it has been manufactured from the beginning, resulting in the area of ​​more than ten kilometers nearby being shrouded. It is not easy to hide in it.

It can only be said that Zhao Hao doesn't like the combat power of God's Right Seat, but the fog effect provided is urgently needed.

It is precisely because of the presence of mist that the undead army becomes stronger as it fights and avoids being attacked by concentrated fire and dragon breath.

At this time, the Vampire King is approaching one hundred thousand.

Yes, there were only about 50,000 at the beginning, but after this period of fighting, the number increased instead of decreasing.

After Zhao Hao's magic value has been restored with 'hate', he can quickly summon undead to replenish it.

Even if the number of summoned undead continues to be lost, the number of summoned undead under his command continues to grow.

And it’s not just vampires, the fastest growing number is the resurrected undead.

The number is already over five thousand!

Note that this is revived by the corpses of those strong men.

In other words, the combat power is at least above the extraordinary level, and with Zhao Hao's crazy injection of magic power, most of his strength is not weaker than before in life, and may even be stronger.

The resurrected undead have become a powerful undead army, and even long-range types are hunting the aerial black dragon.

The dragon in the sky is a soldier, not a real dragon. This is extremely important.

Because the combat capabilities of the real giant dragon and the giant dragon unit are completely different.

Unless the opponent has some epic hero with dragon expertise, then with its bonus, the dragon unit can display a combat effectiveness that is no weaker than that of the dragon.

But the opponent does have epic heroes under his command, but they are not related to dragons, so there is no need to worry about the dragons washing the ground.

Besides, Zhao Hao is not without means to deal with these flying troops.

Carefully take out the horn-shaped object.

Dragon's Horn [Special prop]: It absorbs a large amount of dragon blood. When blown, the sound can be heard by the dragon within a wide range.

A prop with extremely special effects.

Because this item has no combat effectiveness and only has one effect.

When blown, the horn sound can be heard by dragons within hundreds of kilometers.

Friend or foe!

Anyone with dragon blood can hear it.

Although Zhao Hao did not form a dragon tide for today's action, it does not mean that he has not made any preparations.

Put the horn to your mouth and blow it hard.


The dull and majestic sound of the horn resounded throughout the land.

It's dozens of kilometers away from the battlefield!

In a jungle area, there was suddenly a huge movement.


One after another, creatures rose into the sky.

Flying dragon!

They are all flying dragons with dragon blood.

The dragon didn't talk much. Only the shadow dragon Blacklight led thousands of powerful dragons.

Of course, there are also a large number of dragon people.

Many of them rode a small dragon with a wingspan of several meters.


A small flying dragon, it is also the favorite flying mount of dragon people.

The giant dragon + flying dragon + strong dragon force is the air combat force that Zhao Hao prepared for this battle.

Pay attention, the dragon people are of very high quality.

Because they are not selected from the millions of dragon people who have migrated to the surface, but the strong ones selected from the tens of millions of dragon people.

With an extraordinary start, there is no shortage of legends!

Originally it was just a reserve force, but after the dungeon lords used their troops, Zhao Hao naturally couldn't be stingy with this reserve force and went directly into the battlefield.

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