The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1447 The Collapse of the Underground Alliance!

Chapter 1447 The Collapse of the Underground Alliance! ~


It means that the underground city coalition forces separate and fight independently.

It does not mean that the coalition army was defeated. These are two different concepts.

In the sky!

Led by thousands of giant dragons such as Black Light, a large number of flying dragons and dragon-men occupied the air superiority.

To be honest, in terms of pure strength, the underground city alliance force is far stronger than this flying force.

The problem is, these people are not united.

Except for the three top dungeon lords who are slightly sincere, they can barely cooperate.

But the other dungeon lords apparently obeyed the command, but actually spent more energy on guarding against the three than on fighting.

Not everyone is an idealist like the Dragon Queen. The real underground world is full of conspiracy and betrayal.

This can be understood from the fact that the dominant race in the underground world is the dark elves.

Under such a premise, how could these dungeon lords not be on guard.

Zhao Hao naturally knew this, so he had already told the flying troops to watch and attack under the three major lords.

If they attack the flying units of other lords, the three major lords might take the opportunity to attack because their goal is to kill Zhao Hao.

If the target of attack is the three major lords, then others will definitely be happy to sit back and watch.

Zhao Hao should not be too clear about the thoughts of these little lords.

If the sky falls, a tall person will hold it up!

As long as they don't hit them on the head, they want the dungeon lord who is stronger than them to die. How can they get to the top unless the other party dies? .

This is not a random guess, but a fact.

Therefore, under the command of Black Light, there is no need to face all the dungeon lords, only some of them need to be faced, and they can naturally gain air superiority.

Especially black light!

As a legendary shadow dragon, its combat prowess is extremely high even among giant dragons. When fighting, it is like a killing blade, easily killing all the enemies in front of it.

Spells + melee combat!

No matter which aspect is extremely powerful, how can these soldiers and enemies be Black Light's opponents.

Regardless of the previous battle, Long Chao performed poorly against the Golden Dragon and Valkyrie.

Also look at those who are in charge!

With the blessing of Memphela, the epic hero, both the Valkyrie and the dragons were harder than steel plates, so they were barely able to withstand the attack of the dragon tide.

These dungeon lords wouldn't have that ability.

The flying dragons also roared unceremoniously.

In fact, if it were someone else who gave the order, Heiguang would not offend the other person at all and would directly follow his own personality.

Kill the target when you see it!

But since the order was issued by Zhao Hao, it was different in his mind, so he strictly followed the order.

Dragons are difficult to deal with. What is the root reason? .

Or his arrogant character!

This is already reflected in the soldiers, let alone real dragons, their characters will only become more exaggerated.

If you really want to cooperate with a giant dragon, the other person's character will directly break you down.

But this character will completely change when facing the Dragon Lord.

It's all about being as obedient as possible, and being as obedient as possible.

Moriel's title is 'Dragon Queen', which also represents her commanding power over the dragons.

As the saying goes, there are only wrong names, not wrong nicknames.

Zhao Hao's time is still short now. It wouldn't be surprising if he might get a title like 'Dragon King' if he waits for a little longer.


Zhao Hao doesn't have to worry about not harvesting life.

Although the dungeon lords withdrew their troops, they sent their strong men and flesh and blood troops to kill them.

Get ready to get a bargain!

Once you can kill Zhao Hao, let alone the title, the reward alone is not low.

In addition to these substantial rewards, there are also reputation benefits.

Anyway, as long as he can be killed, there are many benefits. It is not surprising that these guys are crazy and send troops here.

And this is good news for Zhao Hao.

Because once the death realm is opened, everyone who comes will die.

Just like those black dragons in the sky, if they dare to stay in the field for a hundred seconds, they will die.

The number of black dragons killed in the field alone was over several thousand units, and there were even more flying units, which directly caused no flying units to dare to stay in the sky above the battlefield.

Zhao Hao himself alternately used the summoning of the dead and the resurrection of the dead.

At this time, he didn't even need the corpse explosion technique.

Because the enemy does not need this spell to deal with it at all, the increasing number of undead army is enough to drown everything.

Do you understand his terror now? .

If it were a one-on-one fight, his performance might not be much better than that of other demigods.

But on such a chaotic battlefield, the effect he can produce is definitely unmatched by many peak demigods.

In the realm of death at this time, the power of death was so intense that it was almost visible to the naked eye.


As long as you enter this range, your life force will be quickly devoured.

At this time, Zhao Hao also remembered that when the Gray Knight, the last master of the Death Realm, was able to devour the cavalry troops in charging state, it seemed that it was the beginning of the mist.

Now that I think about it, those are not mist, but the power of death that is extremely rich.

No wonder it was able to do that in the first place!

It must have used a variety of methods to maximize the power of the domain, and was able to instantly engulf a charging knights.

Only now did Zhao Hao understand how powerful the effects of the Death Domain were, especially on the battlefield, where the power was completely increasing.

The only ones in the realm who are not affected are the undead.

Not only will he not be attacked, but he will temporarily increase his strength. This is simply the best field for him.

At this time, Zhao Hao can easily solve the problem even if the Dragon Queen comes.

The summoned army of undead surrounded him and the realm of death shrouded his surroundings. Even the legendary assassin who had stabbed him in the back retreated silently.

Zhao Hao then performed a show of "One Man Enemy".

He directly swept the battlefield 'single-handedly'.

The reason why I put quotation marks around 'single' is naturally because the player on God's right seat took action and gave him a chance to open up the field at the beginning.

In addition, in the air, with the help of flying troops such as Black Light, many powerful flying troops were also stopped.

too strong!

The snowballing realm of death finally showed its fangs today.

Anyway, when they reached the back, the three top dungeon lords were killed and retreated, completely losing their previous encirclement and suppression momentum.

Because they have understood one thing.

That is, never get into a melee with the Necromancer!

This was originally a proverb, but before, there was only one opponent, and it was an adventurer, so they subconsciously forgot about this proverb.

Now after this battle, I understand how valuable this proverb is.

A crime other than war!

It's all about intelligence.

If they had known that the ghost car was so powerful, the dungeon lords would not have assembled the coalition forces at all, at least not before negotiations.

After the three top dungeon lords retreated, the next step was a one-sided massacre.

Due to his powerful mobility of being able to fly, Zhao Hao directly harvested most of the troops under other dungeon lords.

The pursuit continued for two days.

And this battle also gave Zhao Hao amazing gains.


Unable to hold himself up any longer, he fell to the ground and sat down on the battlefield where corpses were everywhere.

"System prompt: You have gained 18210783 experience points!"

"You have reached level 140!"

As the system prompt appears, it means that the battle is really over.

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