The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 145 Death match and fishing in troubled waters!

Zhao Hao is not worried about the safety of the bed crossbow at all.

At this time, he was commanding the fighting dwarves to block the constant temptations of the dark elves.

Even if he was shot unilaterally by a hand crossbow, he would not allow the combat dwarves to attack, only letting the phantom shooters continue to fight back.

Take the short legs of the fighting dwarves.

It's okay to form a defensive formation, but if you really dare to attack, you will definitely be taught a lesson by the dark elves.

The good news is that with the blessing of Memphira, the fighting dwarf is as hard as a steel plate.

The bad news is that the poison on the crossbow arrows is effective against combat dwarves, so it doesn't matter how strong the defense is.

Resistance to poison damage requires resistance.

Although the resistance of the dwarf is not low, it is not blessed by the hero's defense attribute, so no matter how high the defense is, it cannot withstand it and can only watch the health value continue to decrease.

The biggest threat is the dozens of spider elves.


A spider silk as thick as an egg spurted out and stuck to the outermost fighting dwarf.

Then the spider elf round table spider stepped back and shook its head, dragging the meaty fighting dwarf out of the formation, and was directly hacked to death by the dark elves' swords.

Facing these dark elves, the Phantom Shooter didn't achieve much success.

It’s not because they are not powerful enough, but because these dark elves are so damn good at hiding!

Fortunately, the range of hand crossbows is far inferior to that of bows and arrows, so they shoot unilaterally. If they had the same range, the phantom shooter would have been eliminated long ago.

I can only fight the dwarves hard.

Step, step!

Thousands of Minotaurs and massive Dark Iron Dwarves took the initiative to kill them.

I don’t know why the other party didn’t deal with Freya and the centaur leader who were raging in the army behind, but came here instead.

Could it be….

A thought suddenly flashed through Zhao Hao's mind.

If it were other enemies, he wouldn't dare to think of such a thing, but if it were a race in the underground world, such a thing would not be impossible.

However, he did not speak out his guess, but continued to direct the battle.

The dark elves had no intention of attacking, they just held them back, waiting for the minotaurs and black iron dwarves to act as the main offensive force.

Good at calculating.

But forget about the Black Iron Dwarves, they are not much stronger than the Combat Dwarves, and the threat to the Combat Dwarves with the blessing of Memphela is almost zero.

The focus is on the Minotaur!

These extraordinary races without armor and carrying heavy weapons such as totem poles and battle axes are enough to tear apart the defenses of the fighting dwarves.

Dark storm!

However, before the Black Iron Dwarves and the Minotaur arrived, the sacrificial group, which had killed several basilisks, jointly cast a war spell to attack them.

War spells!

It is a spell that casters jointly cast, and its power is not inferior to battle spells.

As for why it’s not used on Freya? .

In terms of the magic resistance of the golden dragon, it is enough to make this kind of range spell useless, so it is most suitable to be used against this side.

This is normally the case.


A dark storm blew up with Zhao Hao and the others as the center, and lasted for more than ten seconds before dissipating.

But the effect...even the fragile Phantom Shooter was not scratched to death.

A faint light lit up from the unicorn's horn and enveloped the surrounding area.

Anti-magic aura!

Magic immunity is even triggered.

If this chance is not triggered, the Phantom Shooter may still suffer some losses, but if it is triggered, the dark elves can only blame themselves for their bad luck.

Tactical arms!

Unicorns can achieve this status not by their looks and body.

In the face of physical attacks, I surrendered, and in the face of magical attacks, I punched hard.

The troops in the barrier camp actually have another feature.

Kill demon!

Combat dwarves come with 40% magic resistance

The Silver Pegasus' spell-casting nemesis ability will cause the enemy to consume more magic, and it also has magic resistance itself.

Not to mention the unicorn, it has a proper range of magic resistance blessing.

Green dragons are directly immune to low-level spells.

Most of the seven types of troops in the camp are aimed at spellcasters.

Now you know why Zhao Hao didn't put his first target on the sacrificial group, but on the two long-range troops of the Undertide Legion, right? .

Magic... When faced with the troops in the barrier camp, they really don't care.

After the war spell of Dark Storm passed, it was the Minotaur and Dark Iron Dwarf's turn to attack.

The phantom shooters did not attack the Minotaur.

It's not that I want to let go, but based on the opponent's vitality, unless it hits the fatal position, it is extremely difficult to shoot.

Therefore, the phantom shooter just stared at the dark elf and attacked, not giving the opponent a chance to get closer.

At this time, the two sides seemed to be competing.

Let's see if Freya and the ballista defeat the opponent's army first, or if Zhao Hao can't withstand the opponent's attack first.


Knowing that she had a heavy responsibility, Freya attacked frantically.

The two long-range troops have been dealt with by her.

Her huge body with a wingspan of tens of meters means that any attack she makes is a ranged attack. It is really not difficult to deal with the two long-range troops. If the opponents hadn't spread out, the resolution time would have been faster.

Next, as long as the dozens of basilisks and the dark elf sacrifices on their backs can be eliminated, the overall situation will be decided.

The centaur leaders still have more than 2,000 units left, and they are doing their best to disrupt the army.

After the Minotaurs and Dark Iron Dwarves attacked, the defense line could only be maintained by the remaining 500 units of Minotaurs, Dark Elves, and Cavemen from the Undertide Legion.

This chaotic state also gave Freya time to attack wantonly.


She flapped her wings and flew forward, launching an attack on Nave who stood up on the Basilisk's back.

the other side!

Zhao Hao shouted softly:

"Natural barrier!"


A green glow that only he could see centered on himself, covering a radius of 60 meters.

That's right, it's not the 40-meter radius corresponding to the level, the range is directly increased by half.

This is because there are epic equipment bonuses.

The attribute that increases the effect by half, but even the range is included.

Moreover, the 10% of the maximum health required to open the barrier each time has also been changed to 5%.

The emergence of the Staff of Nature has brought about a qualitative change in the skills in this field. It can only be said that it is worthy of being an epic equipment, and it is completely worthy of the title of champion reward.

After activating the skill, Zhao Hao did not rush to consume health points to spawn plants, he just turned it on.

However, the grass within the barrier and several large trees behind it all grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Give birth!

This is the ability of the barrier itself, and does not require investment of health points. Unless you want to speed up the process, you need to consume health points.

for example.

If you want the grass covering thousands of square meters to grow to one meter in an instant, you need to invest 100 health points. Then maintaining the barrier to grow to this level will also consume 1 health point.

Hundreds of times the difference!

Of course, the former grows instantly, while the latter may require continuous time, and the speed of the two is hundreds of times different.

As the number of times the barrier was used increased, Zhao Hao also developed a lot of skills.

When the minotaurs rushed ten meters away from the fighting dwarf formation, he waved his staff.

Swish, swish!

The green grass under the Minotaur's feet grew longer and thicker in an instant, wrapping around the Minotaur's waist-thick thighs like a snake, causing it to stop instantly.



This move alone consumes so much of Zhao Hao's health.

This only reduces the cost of equipment by half. Otherwise, if you want to control thousands of minotaurs at the same time, it will be impossible without a thousand health points.

The health points of ordinary players are only one or two hundred, which means that five ordinary players can be spared in just this time.

Therefore, it is never the skill that is strong, but the user.

The Minotaurs were ready to use brute force to tear off the 'grass ropes' on their legs.

With its powerful strength, if it were ordinary grass, it might actually be torn apart.

Unfortunately, in the natural barrier, plants will be enhanced in all aspects, not to mention their toughness and the blessing of the power of nature staff, which is comparable to the rhythm of a tightrope.

"I understand!"

Looking at the minotaurs struggling crazily but unable to escape, Zhao Hao's eyes flashed with surprise.

Ordinary Minotaur, I can really control it this time.

But it is not difficult for the Minotaur leader, who is much stronger than his fellow clan members, to break away. This is a range skill, so the single-target effect will naturally not be too exaggerated.

Fishing in troubled waters!

The thought flashed through his mind.

Whether it was before that he ignored Freya who was so close at hand, or his current behavior of being unable to break free from control, it was a rhythm of work but no effort.

It seems that the Minotaur, a vassal race of the dark elves, is not really simple-minded!

The black iron dwarves followed the other party to kill them, they must be the same thing.


Victory will fall to that side.

After understanding the other party's plan, a smile appeared on Zhao Hao's lips.

It's a sure win.

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