The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1466 Glow Fleet!

"Light of Heaven!"

The huge sound blessed by magic echoed on the battlefield.


Dazzling golden light pillars fell from the sky.

Top level spell!

And it was an enhanced version, instantly tearing apart the curtain of death that shrouded the battlefield.

As long as the undead are within this range, they will melt instantly.


Zhao Hao immediately flew back with Homan.

Anyway, their goal has been achieved.

Force out the opponent's hidden red archbishop and get rid of those bed crossbows.

Although the latter was not completely completed, it still destroyed about a few hundred, which is not a small number.

At the same time, several hours passed.

It’s time for the opponent’s reinforcements to arrive, right? .

While thinking about this, Zhao Hao looked towards the south.

‘I hope you can bring more reinforcements! ’

Although their own reinforcements arrived early, they did not show up.

Whoever allows him not only to be in no danger in the barrier, but to have the upper hand, of course does not rush to rescue the siege, but can slowly ambush.

Next, the battle was gentle and brutal as Zhao Hao released the water.

Smooth means that he does not use other abilities, such as transforming into a dragon and the realm of death.

Cruelty refers to the continuous use of the canopy of death to cover up, allowing the undead troops to charge and corpse explosions to cause horrific damage.

The enemies who fell in his hands were all fast troops, a fraction of them. Only the troops could bear such losses, otherwise they would have collapsed long ago.

This is because of the support of the priests and paladins. If there were no casualties, it would be even more exaggerated.

"Evil Gui Che, accept the punishment of the Holy Light!"

Cardinal Leif spoke suddenly, interrupting the rhythm of the battle.

Well, after this period of confrontation, I naturally know the opponent's name and even have some information.

After all, as one of only twelve red-clothed archbishops in the Holy Church, he is quite famous. It is naturally impossible for Zhao Hao not to know the other party's information.

Just like his name and information, it is impossible for the major forces not to know about him.

Of course, this is just rough information.

As a reborn person, Zhao Hao knew very well that Leif was no unknown person.

Maybe the opponent is not the most defiant among the red archbishops, but he is the strongest type.

The other family has produced several popes and more than a dozen cardinals.

Do you understand? .

The Holy Church also needs to talk about identity and background.

The other family is considered to be the top type in the Holy Church.

Of course, to serve the Holy Light, one must remain single for the rest of his life.

But in fact, everyone understands.

What those nuns do, as well as the church leaders who have ascended to high positions at a young age, anyone who is not blind can see it.

Now you know why the major forces think the Holy Church is hypocritical, right? .

But hypocrisy is hypocrisy, and it is much better than the nobles who don't even do superficial things.

Anyway, Zhao Hao had murderous intent in his heart.

The other party is dead!

Even if the Holy Light comes in person, it can't save him.

He said it!

As for means of escape? .

Sorry, he really has a way of restraining himself.

Don't forget what the big killer weapon of Silver Wings is.

Teleportation is just an incidental strategic function. The real ultimate move is the spatial anchor, and its priority is extremely high, so that the opponent has no chance to escape.

Hearing the harsh words from the other party, Zhao Hao understood that reinforcements must be coming.

"Really? This is not the first time that your Holy Church has attacked me, but it has failed, and this time will be no exception!"

Isn't it just to say harsh words and make slanderous remarks, he won't be afraid.

Well, the other party was trying to buy time to wait for reinforcements to come in, and he was doing the same.

The opponent's reinforcements are the prey!

So he was naturally happy to chat with the other party.

In a real heroic world, it is rare for a villain to die from talking too much.

Once that kind of scene occurs, it's mostly because people are stalling for time.

Soon, Zhao Hao saw reinforcements from the other side.

A dozen black spots appeared from under the dim sky in the south, and then quickly grew in size.

Each black spot is actually a large white-gold sailing ship, but it is not sailing on the sea, but on the sky.

Surrounded by dense crowds of archangels.

"Glow Fleet?"

He muttered to himself, his tone hesitant.

Because he remembered it very clearly, wasn't it too early for this fleet to appear? .

The Storm can fly!

But rely on the fourth-level treasure of Angel Wings.

But the Holy Church has really mastered the relevant technology. Even if it is excavated from ancient ruins, it can fly if it can fly.

It was precisely based on this technology that the Glow Fleet was formed.

But what Zhao Hao didn't expect was that he would see him so far in advance.

Even though he didn't know the reason, he felt it had something to do with him.

Especially the Storm!

With this gem in front, it is not surprising that the Holy Church will get it done in advance.

Glow Fleet!

Although it can also fly, it is completely different from the Storm in all aspects.

First is the body shape!

Even the largest ship in the Glow Fleet only weighs tens of thousands of tons. Although it looks not small, it is completely incomparable to the Storm.

Watermelon and apple!

This metaphor can almost be used to describe it.

And then there's speed!

The flying speed of the Storm is also much faster than these battleships.

As for defense? .

Well, normal defensive barriers are completely incomparable to Angel Barriers.

Not to mention the quality of the hull, comparing it is a complete insult.

At the same time, the level of manipulation is not the same.

Because these glow battleships are all manually operated, each one requires hundreds of people to operate.

Compared with ship spirits, manual control has countless disadvantages and no benefits at all.

Like simply accelerating or turning.

It may take a few minutes to complete manually, but the ship spirit can complete it in an instant.

But it's not without its advantages.

Without ship spirits, the difficulty of manufacturing is greatly reduced, so a fleet can be assembled.

If it were a magic battleship, the Holy Temple Church's heritage would be astonishing as there were several of them.

Therefore, not having a ship spirit can be said to be both good and bad.

Of course, without the ship spirit, there is no way to use the element pool for power.

Therefore, the Holy Church does not use the element pool directly, but uses the element furnace or the magic engine.

What is the difference between the two? .

The element pool can absorb elements from the elemental plane and convert them into liquid magic for use.

But the elemental furnace castrates the ability to absorb elements from the elemental plane, and requires continuous consumption of magic crystals as power.

Therefore, although the names of the element furnace and the element pool are similar, they are very different.

Only the Silver Federation can produce the former, while several forces can produce the latter.

It can only be said that the Glow Fleet is a degraded version of the magic battleship, but it only has the ability to fly.

The load-carrying effect is not very good either!

The power used is the elemental furnace, which is completely incomparable with the elemental pool. Coupled with the consumption of magic crystals, I really dare to use the Glow Fleet for transportation, ensuring that the Holy Church will go bankrupt in minutes.

What Zhao Hao didn't expect was that the Glow Fleet was dispatched this time.

And I use it for my part-time job.

He felt honored by this.

"A parody!"

Zhao Hao turned his head and complained to the red archbishop Leif in the distance.

Well, with the reference of the Storm, there is no problem for him to complain like this.

Because compared to the Storm, these glow battleships are so clumsy that even the Holy Church itself may be embarrassed to brag about them.

"Bottom or not, you have nowhere to escape today!"

Leif was now standing at the front of the defense line.

There was no way, now was the time to harvest honors, how could he not stand up.

It has to be said that the opponent's spells are quite satisfactory, but there are really many scrolls and props, otherwise he would have been defeated long ago.

The sense of smell is also good.


Today is destined to be a disaster day for the Holy Church.

"Really, you are the ones who have nowhere to escape!"

Zhao Hao stopped pretending and showed his cards.

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