The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1480 The alliance mission arrives!

Star language fortress!

At this time, prosperity was more than one level higher than before the World War.

There is no way, the players in the alliance who are qualified to participate in the world war are all active here or around, and the benefits are completely self-evident.

So much money!

However, Shinhwa also knows that it is impossible to monopolize this benefit.

So I took out most of it and shared it.

Even though this decision made most of the people in the Tianhai Alliance dissatisfied, Shinhwa did not change this decision.

Because he knows one thing very well.

How much strength can you take advantage of?

If you insist on taking benefits that exceed your own strength, it is not good news.

It can only be said that it is this sharing decision that allows the Tianhai Alliance to steadily enjoy a large number of benefits.

As for those idiots who are not yet familiar with the rules of the heroic world? .

Naturally, it is impossible to see it again.

Now the major guilds on the alliance side are cleaning up internally.

You certainly couldn't do this before because it would cause internal chaos.

But now that they had just followed the Storm Legion and had a lot of food, and their prestige was at its peak, they naturally took the opportunity to clear out those idiots who were both incompetent and greedy.

With the support of the Storm Legion behind you, you don't have to worry about getting lost.

After defeating the terrifying enemy Dragon Queen, the players all knew how powerful the Storm Legion was.

It's not on the same level as them at all.

Therefore, with the support of several major guilds, they dared to clean up the internal affairs.

Only by centralizing power can we better face dangers and difficulties.

In fact, countries are not unaware of this, and they have even done a lot of work towards this end.

But the results are few and far between.

Because no one wants to hand over their power.

But with the support of the storm leader, he can naturally do something bold.

If anyone dares to jump out and stab him, the Storm Legion will come and 'reason' with him.

If the strength is similar, then there is still a desire to resist.

But everyone's strength is completely different, so naturally no one dares to explode.

After the integration, not to mention the distribution of benefits, power is almost concentrated in the hands of a few people.

This would certainly not be a good idea in peacetime.

But in the dangerous and chaotic world of heroes, this is the only choice.

The reason why Zhao Hao did this was because there were too many nonsense things going on within the major guilds, and he would even pay a huge price for it in the future.

Although when he was reborn, the major guilds had already completed changes.

But he doesn't want his allies to suffer before making changes. Now that he is holding the battle, wouldn't it be delicious to go straight to his stomach in one step?

Well, because of this, none of the allies were online, and he was the only one who received the messenger in the fortress conference room.

Alliance Mission!

This time the specifications are very high.

Since there were so many envoys to visit, they simply did not come alone, but gathered together as a delegation to visit.

From here we can also see the changes in the attitudes of the major forces.


In the past, most people sent messengers.

Now, Zhao Hao is directly regarded as the leader of a powerful force, rather than a capable thug.

All I can say is that status is earned.

After the battle with the Dragon Queen, the Storm Territory is now in the eyes of the major aboriginal forces. Even if it is not enough to reach the 'Empire' level, it is no problem to be treated at the Kingdom level.

After entering the meeting, the head of the mission saluted and said:

"Lord Feng Liuyun, I am Joshua, the leader of the mission. I am here this time with the greetings and apologies from the alliance!"

The alliance attitude can be heard in his opening remarks.

Win over!

The reason is also very simple.

The Storm Legion continues to fight the lizardmen, whether they can stand it or not.

But all the major forces in the alliance are worried about the new underground army + the undead army entering the Buck Principality.

For this reason, the alliance did not know how many times they discussed it before finally deciding to come to Zhao Hao.

No matter what the cost, we must block the new underground army and the undead army as soon as possible. They really can't withstand a new battlefield.

Zhao Hao sat at the head of the conference table, with a number of senior officials from the Storm Legion sitting or standing beside him.

Memphira, Ellie, Feida, Freya, Beo, Black Stone, and the Cold Moon Rose who must be there for negotiation.

It can be said that it gave the mission enough face.

Face is given to each other.

They have officially sent out a mission, and no matter how unhappy Zhao Hao is with the alliance, he still has to show his attitude.

Just like the Alliance, no matter how fearful and suppressing the Storm Leader is, on the surface everyone still looks like a 'loving family'.


Zhao Hao nodded slightly in response, and at the same time looked at Hanyue Rose who was sitting on his right.

The other party is his business spokesperson and diplomat.

Naturally, he has the right to speak on his behalf.

There are some words that are difficult to say as Zhao Hao, but it doesn't matter to Hanyue Rose.

Just like before, Baal commissioned him to stab the orcs, but as the king, he naturally would not speak. Instead, the royal nobles who were the spokespersons spoke.

Zhao Hao is doing the same thing now.

If there is anything wrong, just ask Hanyue Rose to say it for herself.

With such a close distance, it is extremely easy for the two of them to communicate.

"Since it's an apology, there should be an apology!" Hanyue Rose said with a lot of gunpowder when she opened her mouth, "Or is it just a casual talk?"

One word and the group will be cornered.

You have to express your apology no matter what. You can't just say it in vain and be forgiven, right? .

All I can say is that it would be detrimental to Zhao Hao's identity to say this, but Hanyue Rose could say it.

Do you now understand the benefits of ‘spokesperson’? .

Of course, if Zhao Hao's strength is unstoppable, then he can naturally ignore all the rules and do whatever he wants. There is no need to pay attention to these rules at all.

But he doesn't have this kind of strength yet, so he naturally has to abide by some rules.

"Of course there are gifts, they will be delivered later!"

Joshua has rich experience, and naturally he will not be unable to handle such a small scene. He solved this problem in one sentence.

It’s impossible to ask what the gift is, right? .

How much someone is willing to give depends entirely on their mood, whether it is a matter of attitude and how much is a matter of heart.

"I wonder if this mission is here to mediate the war between us and the lizard people, like before?"

Hanyue Rose asked sarcastically.

Although time is on their side, they can't push people too hastily.

After all, this time I have to kill the opponent hard, and the pace has to be slowed down a bit.

Yes, Zhao Hao and the others knew very well why the alliance mission came this time.

Even if he personally facilitated this, how could he not be clear about it?

The natural disaster of the undead is about to end, so we must seize the time to make full use of the value of the undead army.

Therefore, together with the new underground army, they made a joint effort to enter the Bucks Principality through the passage. In an instant, the major forces in the alliance became as anxious as their buttocks were on fire.

You must know that before this, the Alliance ignored the Storm Legion's repeated requests to stop supporting the Lizardmen.

Now that he comes to the door in a hurry, he is completely slapping himself in the face.

However, things did not pass so easily.

Agreeing to meet the other party is actually an attitude.

Something to talk about!

This is why the Alliance sends envoys so formally.

As long as we can talk, that's fine. What I'm afraid of is that we can't talk.

Once they can negotiate, they are confident that they can play with the Storm Leader in the palm of their hands by casually throwing out some benefits.

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