The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 149 Players VS Dragon!

In the confrontation between the dragon and the player.

HP: 20

Zhao Hao only had this point of life left.

After the previous battle, there were still a few hundred health points left.

Just opening the barrier consumes 5% of the maximum health, plus the birth of vines dragging Freya away consumes another hundred, so it is normal to only have this small amount of health left.

And he dared to face the black dragon, naturally not to die, but because he had the confidence.

"Augus, the dark elves have been defeated. What you did is completely meaningless!"

Zhao Hao started talking.

At the same time, the staff of nature in his hand activates the epic ability "Gift of Nature" towards the back.

Sorry, he's just so realistic.

Usually when you have the upper hand, you can take action without making a beep, but when necessary, you can also talk loudly.

In the area pointed by his staff, all the trees, vines, grass, etc. began to wither.

A green smoke, visible only to him, poured into the Staff of Nature from the withered plants.

The life value is rising like crazy!

In just a few seconds, Zhao Hao's originally dry health was already full.

And this epic ability can not only restore full health.

The excess vitality absorbed will also remain in the staff for a short period of time.

In other words, until the life force in the staff dissipates, it can continuously replenish his life value.

It can only be said that it is indeed an epic ability!

And Zhao Hao suspected that the fact that this weapon fit him so well should be extra 'care' from the champion of the Hero Competition.

Otherwise, if he gets an epic equipment that improves other aspects, he will definitely cry and faint in the toilet.

Although Augustus couldn't see the epic ability being activated, he vaguely felt that something was wrong.

"As long as you guys are dealt with, those long ears can launch a second attack..."

The words are not finished yet.


A sudden sound broke through the air.

The long black dragon tail was thrown out of the mud pit and struck down like a heavy sword towards where Zhao Hao was standing.


Mud flew to both sides, and the dragon's tail carved a straight ravine several meters wide and several meters deep on the ground.

Zhao Hao was dragged to the side a few meters away by a vine tied around his waist.

If you resist forcefully, it will be useless without spending hundreds of life points, but if you dodge, it will only consume 1 life point at most.

Vines are inherently soft and not as hard as trees. They can be manipulated as easily as an arm or a finger, and the consumption is much less than trees, so he prefers to manipulate plants like vines.

"I really didn't expect that the majestic Black Dragon would also make a sneak attack?"

Zhao Hao teased the other party.

Not because he likes to talk nonsense, but because he is buying time.

If you look down at the ground from the sky, you will find vines growing crazily within a sixty-meter radius centered on him.






And Zhao Hao's health also fluctuated up and down like a roller coaster.

The decrease is because he is rapidly spawning vines.

The increase is because the vitality absorbed by the epic ability in the Staff of Nature is being converted into his HP under the influence of equipment.

If you don't use it quickly, the vitality will dissipate in vain, so you need to use it as soon as possible.

Talking and taunting is also to attract the other party's attention and anger the other party. Only in this way can the other party have no energy to pay attention to the surroundings.

"Damn bugs, let the flames purify your soul!"

The black dragon took a deep breath, and a blazing light lit up.

Dragon Breath!

Standard dragon's breath starting action.

‘Took the bait! ’

Not only was Zhao Hao not afraid, but he was extremely happy.

Dragon breath is not saliva, you can spit it out at will. Even if an adult dragon uses it, it will not consume too much, but it will definitely not be too small.

It's certainly not a problem when used in its prime.

But your Black Dragon is not in its prime now!

How could they not pay the price for defeating Green Claw and Freya? Now they were more than seriously injured, if not seriously injured.

Using Dragon's Breath in an already bad state is tantamount to suicide. In this situation, Zhao Hao really has no reason to be unhappy.


The fierce flame dragon breath surged in in a fan shape.

Regarding dragon breath, Zhao Hao definitely knows far more than other players. He knows that dragging himself with vines will never be faster than the swing of the opponent's head, so he is well prepared.


A vine hung down from above, pulling him into the canopy of trees above and disappearing like lightning.

The dragon's breath also came in an instant.

Compared to his dodge movements, the black dragon only needs to swing its head to make the dragon's breath move with it. It's easy to know how fast it is.

Rinse, rinse!

The sound of swaying branches and leaves continued, as if something was rushing into the canopy to the left.

The black dragon subconsciously turned his head to the left, letting the dragon's breath sweep to the left.

In fact, Zhao Hao himself was standing on a branch less than ten meters to the right of the tree crown. If Augustus was not fooled, he would ask GG not to explain.

As for why movement and dodge depend entirely on plants and he doesn't move, it's not that he doesn't want to, but that he can't.

After the natural barrier is opened, you must always focus on the barrier. At most, you can move and speak instinctively. If you are too distracted, the barrier will dissipate.

During the hero competition, he stood on top of the plant giant's head, precisely because his body had no ability to protect himself when using the natural barrier.

When Augustus' dragon breath ended, a large area in front of him had been reduced to ashes.


The power of dragon breath is indeed amazing.

Augustus looked at the area that had been burned to ashes and was about to turn around and leave.

But Zhao Hao was lowered to the ground by the vines, staring at the black dragon mockingly, saying nothing, but he said everything.


Augustus was angry.

It wouldn't matter if it was a giant dragon of the same clan. A bug could escape from his hands again and again. How could it not be angry?

So he opened his mouth again and prepared to use Dragon Breath.

It's just that this time Zhao Hao had no intention of evading.

It's not that his defense is strong enough to resist Dragon Breath, but because he doesn't need to defend himself.


Eight round-table thick vines woven from a large number of small vines sprang out from several directions, firmly binding the black dragon in the mud pit.

Even with the power of the dragon, it is impossible to break these eight vines.

With the blessing of the staff, the vines are much tougher than grass.

One of the vines wrapped around the black dragon's head and tied its mouth, allowing it to swallow the dragon's breath.

Now Zhao Hao has to consume dozens of health points every second to enhance the toughness of the vines and spawn new vines in order to control the black dragon.

However, there was no panic in the eyes of August Long who was controlled, but instead there was an extremely cold and murderous look.

I'll kill you when I get out of trouble.jpg

Augustus has this confidence.

Even if you are trapped, the other party can't do anything to you. As long as you give him a chance to escape, you can get back your capital and profits in one go.

Having strong defense and high life means you can do whatever you want.

"I know, you think even if I control you temporarily, there's nothing I can do to you, right?"

Zhao Hao seemed to be able to read minds.

If he dared to do this, he would be absolutely sure to deal with Augustus. He kept talking to stall for time just to prepare for the killer move.

All prerequisites have now been met.

Next, let the other party taste the price of arrogance.

Suddenly, the tied Augustus felt the threat of death, so he struggled wildly.

And Zhao Hao's killer move also appeared.

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