The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 15 Making a feint to the east and attacking in the west!

Both the Dark Iron Dwarves and the Dwarf Ax Throwers are both types of guards.

There are indeed only nine main camps in the hero world.

But it doesn't mean that there are only nine camps, and there are also some secondary camps.

If the nine major camps are compared to the five permanent members in the real world, the secondary camps are equivalent to countries below the five permanent members.

Although his strength is not as good as that of Wuchang, he always wants to overthrow Wuchang and replace him.

After looking at the appearance of the dwarf ax thrower, Zhao Hao took out the blindness scroll.

Although the opponent is only a third-level soldier guard, he can only carry 6 hand axes, which means that 6 long-range attacks will run out of ammunition, which almost shows the terrible attack power.

It’s okay if the quantity is small.

The number of units can be as high as 300. Once they are allowed to focus on the same target, they can definitely unleash an unparalleled attack.

Facing this kind of enemy, he didn't dare to have any reservations.

Step, step!

The first to appear were the centaurs, flanking the dwarf ax thrower.

Naturally, the Black Iron Dwarves would not sit idly by and immediately began to intercept.

If it were a narrow mine, the centaurs would definitely not be able to avoid the Dark Iron Dwarves.

But this is not a mine, and the dwarves are born with short legs, so the centaur can keep pulling like the dark iron dwarves playing hide and seek.

It seemed useless, no harm was done after all.

But in fact the task has been completed.

The first is to test the range of the dwarf ax thrower.

Very short.

It is only about half of the wood elf, which is only a few dozen meters.

But after knowing this, Zhao Hao was very glad that he didn't let Freya get in his face rashly.

Because the dwarf ax thrower has two huge weaknesses: low ammunition and short range, it will definitely be compensated in other ways.

This can also be regarded as a rule in the hero world.

If I guessed correctly, the compensation should be in terms of attack power.

After all, dwarves are notoriously powerful, and the power of the opponent's thrown attacks can be imagined.


He motioned for his pet to appear.


Freya unfolded her dragon wings and took off into the sky. The weak fluorescent reflection made her seem to be bathed in golden light, making her look divine and powerful.

After taking off and circling in the air, she accelerated towards the dwarf ax thrower.

Of course, he didn't actually enter the formation.

If it really falls, it is very likely that it will not be able to fly.

The dwarf ax thrower is only a few meters tall, while Freya is more than two meters high at the shoulders even when she is on all fours, and at least three meters tall when she raises her body up. She is simply a target with the best long-range firepower.

Growth in body size will indeed increase all aspects of strength, but it will also make it easier to focus fire from a distance. It can only be said that there are pros and cons.

Therefore, Freya only lingered outside the opponent's range, attracting the opponent's attention, and did not attack.

Not far away, the Dark Iron Dwarves realized that their friendly forces were in danger, and immediately gave up on the centaurs, which they could not catch up with, and prepared to return to defense.

It's a pity that some people won't give the other party this chance.


Zhao Hao crushed the scroll.

A crimson light enveloped 60 units of Dark Iron Dwarves, turning the opponent's eyes into crimson.


At this time, the Black Iron dwarves temporarily lost their combat effectiveness.

The effect of the second-level battle spell is completely immediate, directly kicking this squadron of black iron dwarves out of the battle. Even if they survive, it will not affect the subsequent battle.

Now that the Dark Iron Dwarves are gone, the most threatening dwarf axe-thrower can be dealt with first.

That's right, in Zhao Hao's view, the biggest threat is not the sixth-level black iron dwarf, but the third-level dwarf ax thrower.


Freya, who was hovering in the air, suddenly flapped her wings and pounced on the waiting dwarf ax thrower.

The dwarf ax throwers would not be polite when facing the golden dragon that came into range.


The air was torn apart by three hundred hand axes that burst out of the air with huge force.

Boom, boom!

A hand ax hit Freya's dragon body, and broken dragon scales and blood spilled from the air.


twenty two-



Freya's terrifying defense and domineering talent can cause such damage, which shows how exaggerated her attack power is.

If all the long-range attacks hit, even if it has more than 4,000 health points, it may not be able to withstand it.

However, Freya not only increased her flying speed to the fastest, but also kept changing directions in the air, reducing her hit rate to less than half and losing about one-third of her health.


One round of long-range firepower caused such terrible damage. It's no wonder that the dwarf ax thrower was regarded as the biggest threat by Zhao Hao.

After withstanding this round of attacks, Freya drew an arc in mid-air and flew directly out of the attack range of the dwarf ax thrower, completely denying the opponent a second chance to attack.

It looked like Freya was being beaten in vain, and it had no effect other than consuming the opponent's ammunition.

But in fact, the goal has been achieved.

Because the attack in the air is completely a feint, the real trump card lies on the ground.

The three shadow swordsmen had taken advantage of the gap between the dwarf's axe-throwing attacks and sprinted at full speed, reaching a distance of only a few dozen meters.


Steel storms formed by hand axes shot out of the sky.

The attack power of these hand axes can't even be resisted by Freya's dragon scales, let alone a weapon with weak defense like the Shadow Swordsman. Once hit, it will be torn apart instantly.


Just when the hand ax was about to hit, he found that the target had disappeared.

No, the Shadow Swordsman did not disappear, he just appeared in front of the dwarf axe-throwers.


The sound of sharp weapons tearing flesh and blood sounded, and several dwarf ax throwers turned into corpses and fell.

If the opponent is a melee-type guard, then it is definitely impossible to solve it with two swords. But if you switch to a long-range type, not only the health volume will be much lower than that of melee, but the defense will not be high, and it is not surprising to kill it with two swords.

Shadow jump!

The shadow swordsmen used this ability to directly cross the last 30 meters and reach the dwarf ax throwers.

Magical skill!

Whether attacking or escaping, this skill deserves this title.

The Shadow Swordsman is not worried about being targeted at close range. After all, the hand ax does not have the function of automatic aiming. If it really wants to attack, the chance of accidental damage is much greater than the chance of a hit.

Not to mention that the Shadow Swordsman will not stop at the same place and start killing directly.

If it were a melee-type dwarf, he might be able to survive two attacks.

However, the dwarf ax thrower's attributes and weapons are extremely unsuitable for close combat, and there is no way to block the Shadow Swordsman's attack.


With just three shadow swordsmen, it is naturally impossible to kill all 300 units of dwarf axe-throwers, but they can create chaos and prevent them from launching long-range attacks.

And Freya also seized this opportunity to pounce.


The fiery dragon's breath reduced large swathes of dwarven axe-throwers to ashes.

After dragging the dragon's breath 'plow' across the formation, it directly caused the casualties of hundreds of units of dwarf ax throwers.

The situation has gone!

At this time, the dwarf ax throwers had no hope of making a comeback.

Tread, step!

Even the centaurs who had been wandering outside took the opportunity to join the battle.

Long-range units that cannot launch long-range attacks have almost zero combat effectiveness, and naturally anyone can step on them.

With the cooperation of the three parties, the dwarf ax thrower was quickly eliminated.

At this time, the Dark Iron Dwarves returned to normal from their blindness, but they were greeted by a shameless siege.

A few minutes later.

The last Dark Iron Dwarf fell in front of the Shadow Swordsman, ending the battle.


The surrounding light changed, and Zhao Hao and his men returned to the Whispering Forest.

This means that the next step is the reward settlement.

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