The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 156 Exploring Jiaoyan Volcano!

Jiaoyan volcano!

The most dangerous and largest area of ​​the Broken Star Islands occupies almost half of the island.

To put it bluntly, as long as this area is gone, the danger level of the Broken Star Islands will be reduced by more than 90%.

But let’s not talk about whether it can be done. Even if it can be done, it cannot be done.

Because the Broken Star Islands are so rich in resources, it is precisely because of the existence of scorched rock volcanoes.

Volcanic eruptions will bring fertile ash, magma that expands the island's area, and demons transported by volcanic eruptions.

The devil is the ‘good thing’.

After death, the body will turn into energy, making the Broken Star Islands extremely rich in resources.

Nowadays, it takes more than ten days to harvest a batch of wheat. It is because of the devil's brand fertilizer. Otherwise, no matter how fertile the soil is, it would not be able to reach this level.

There has been no movement from the demon for more than a month, which makes Zhao Hao very worried.

The devil is not a 'tolerant' character. Killing and destruction are his instincts, and chaos is his nature.

No movement at all is the most dangerous.

That's why he was going to make trouble... to investigate.

Anyway, Memphis is guarding the house, so there is no need to worry about the safety of the fortress.

After arranging the defense matters, Zhao Hao led the team and set off.

Since it is mainly about exploration, it is naturally impossible to bring slow troops such as combat dwarves and deadwood guards.

Only choose to bring 120 units of Centaur Leader (cannon fodder), 60 units of Phantom Marksman (output), and 10 units of Silver Pegasus (auxiliary).

Although the Silver Pegasus still has 33 units, most of them are used to protect the citizens dealing with the dragon corpse, so they only bring 10 units.

As for why we only brought this number of troops?

It's because Jiaoyan Volcano is different from other places. It doesn't mean that the more troops, the better.

If there are too many, not only will they not be able to exert their numerical advantage in that type of terrain, but they will also not be able to escape if a volcano erupts.

"Set off!"

The team headed northwest to the Jiaoyan Volcano.

In fact, Storm Fortress and Scorch Rock Volcano are very close, but they have been expanding the Whispering Forest before and ignored the nearby Scorch Rock Volcano.

After all, without the lair in the Whispering Forest, there would be no capital to set foot in the Scorched Rock Volcano.

It took over an hour to get there.

Although I have been here once before, it was from the sky and I only came and went in a hurry. Now I have officially set foot in it.

Hot and dark!

This is the impression given by Jiaoyan volcano.

Needless to say, it's scorching. It's only because so many volcanoes are not hot that the undead scream.

It was dark because the sky was obscured by countless thick smoke.

In a place like this, there would be no plants. All you could see was dark red magma and volcanoes.

Even the ground is solid volcanic rock.

Step, step!

The centaur leaders dispersed and walked in front of the team. The Silver Pegasus broke behind and Zhao Hao led the phantom shooter in the middle.

The reason why the crossbow vehicle and supply vehicle are not allowed to come out is because the speed is too slow, and it is not suitable for use here.

After advancing for a while, we passed a lava lake.


Suddenly, a dark red figure emerged from the lava lake and dragged the nearest centaur leader into the lava lake.


The centaur leader was melted instantly, and even his bones were set on fire.

It hurts just to look at it.

"keep going!"

Zhao Hao was indifferent to this.

Because this time I am not here to level up or kill monsters. This kind of monster will leave the place immediately after being exposed and wait for a while before attacking.

In other words, now is the best chance to pass.

In fact, volcanic terrain is his least favorite environment.

Too restrained on personal strength!

If a natural barrier has a power of 10 in a forest, then a power of 1 in a volcanic environment would be good. Even without plant seeds, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it is 0.

Monsters, resources, etc. encountered along the way can be avoided completely.

He would not spend his energy and time on other things before he figured out what the demons were doing.

If it weren't for the fact that the terrain of Jiaoyan Volcano would change at any time due to volcanic eruptions, with the memory in his mind, he would be able to know this area well without any need for exploration.

After spending a few days exploring the edge and outer area, Zhao Hao led the team into the inner area.

The entire scorched rock volcano is divided into four layers in a ring shape.

Edge zone, outer zone, inner zone, core zone.

The closer to the core area, the higher the volcanic activity, the stronger the monsters and soldiers that appear, and the stronger the resources. Of course, the resources are more abundant.

The force led by Zhao Hao is only strong enough to hang around in the fringe area at best, and is barely able to survive in the outer area.

He was able to enter the inner zone entirely because he had rich experience and knew how to deal with monsters and dangers encountered on the road.

Like solid ground that looks perfectly normal.

When you step on it, you will find that it is just a thin layer of earth, and the bottom has been eroded by magma and turned into a magma lake.

Tsk tsk!

This kind of natural trap is extremely terrifying, because it is not made of magic or artificial means, so it is naturally extremely difficult to find.

Zhao Hao can tell the difference because he has countless experiences and skills. If it were another player, no matter how strong he was, he would have to kneel down.

Even if the champion soldiers fall into the lava, they will be in danger, which shows how dangerous this natural trap is.

Therefore, Zhao Haoming knew that Ellie was more suitable for the exploration mission than him, and had no intention of letting her perform the mission. It is precisely because we know that strength is not enough here.

Even he has paid a price, and the number of centaur leaders under his command is no longer in double figures.

Not long after entering the inner area.


Amidst the rapid footsteps, a centaur leader who had been scattered around to explore quickly ran back.

"Sir, we found the target!"

"Take me there!"

Zhao Hao asked the centaur leader to take him there.

After all, the purpose of coming to Jiaoyan Volcano this time is to detect and eliminate demons.

After spending some time, Zhao Hao approached the target.


Just what he saw made him take a breath.

Demons, densely packed demons!

I saw that the basin diagonally below was filled with demons.

There are monsters, mages, three-headed hounds, evil spirits, evil kings...and other demons. There are even several demons in the center whose whole body is red and whose lower body is suspended in flames.

Fire Elf!

Twelve-level demon.

If that were all, he wouldn't be surprised, let alone gasp.

The point is that at the edge of the magma flowing behind these demons, there is a vertical pupil-shaped flame light door, and demons are constantly walking out of it.

Door of hell!

It can also be said to be the passage to hell.

A temporary passage to hell.

It is said to be temporary because the channel is opened by volcanic eruptions and will close once the energy is exhausted.

Fortunately, Zhao Hao discovered something strange about the demons in time and came to investigate.

If you don't come, you may have to face a terrifying attack by a demon army in a while.

Just as Zhao Hao was silently thinking about how to deal with this demon army, he suddenly felt a chill.


The door to hell next to the flowing lava suddenly stopped pouring out demons and began to shake.

"I didn't expect that we would meet so soon!"

A voice filled with endless malice echoed around him.

And behind the gate of hell, there was a red vertical-pupil-shaped eye blocked at this time, and its gaze was locked on the hiding place of Zhao Hao.

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