The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1605: Matching shirts!

It looks so familiar.

That's why Zhao Hao immediately lowered his head to look at him.

The two sides are "matching their shirts".

One player is wearing a black stand-up collared robe decorated with stars and a mask on his face with a 'ghost car' pattern on it.

If he hadn't seen that the uniform was still on him, Zhao Hao would have thought it was a fool's errand.

The dressing up cannot be said to be similar to him, it can only be said to be exactly the same.

There is no difference at all except that there is a green sickle missing from the back.

In fact, the time since his appearance in Greenham was too short. After a while, he might be carrying a scythe.

"Go to hell, you damn guy!"

An elite aboriginal man slashed with a long sword in his hand.


Amidst the explosion, the player who was struck exploded like a balloon.

Very interesting skill.

You can make yourself retreat instantly, leaving camouflage props in place.


"my eyes!"

"What's this!"


Several voices sounded almost simultaneously.

Because along with the explosion, there was also a large amount of pungent and spicy smell and powder.


This skill can not only save lives, but can also be used to trick people.

Who would have thought that a person who was slashed and exploded would turn into powder, and would be hit unexpectedly.

Otherwise, if you are really prepared, you can easily trick ordinary people, but you will not be able to succeed against people who are not weak.

The player team took the opportunity to rush forward and hack the team to death.

It's okay even if you're wearing armor, as long as you stab somewhere that's not protected by armor.

If it were a normal battle, playing like this would be courting death.

But now the opponents are almost covering their eyes and screaming, so there is no risk in doing so.

And looking at the actions of several players, they are completely skillful. It should not be the first time they have done this.

While thinking about this, Zhao Hao also came into the opponent's field of vision.

"who is it!"

An alert player saw Zhao Hao walking out of the fog and immediately shouted loudly.

In addition to asking, it was more about reminding several companions.

Sure enough, after hearing the reminder, several teammates who had just stabbed someone and were about to collect the loot immediately formed a fighting team.

It has to be said that as time goes by, players are becoming more and more accustomed to fighting.

For a player who had just entered, this would not be possible on the battlefield.


After seeing Zhao Hao's appearance clearly, several players also looked at their own side and similarly dressed up their teammates.

Apart from the difference between the two sides, there is a sickle, and there is no way to tell them apart.

Of course, this doubt disappeared after Zhao Hao got closer.

Because the uniforms of both sides look the same, but give people different feelings, especially when there is comparison.

Just like 'Kang Shuaifu' and 'Master Kong'.

It's hard to tell when you look at them individually, but you can tell them apart quickly when you compare them.

"No way!"

"Is it true?"

"I heard that the ghost car has come to the battlefield!"

"is that true?"


The five players' eyes were extremely complicated.

Because they really didn't expect that they would meet a real person.

Even if the camps are hostile, it does not prevent them from worshiping each other.

In other words, as long as players are players, they admire ghost cars more than they fear them.

The other party is indeed a wolf killer.

But the method is only used against the aborigines who are exploiting them. The more ruthless they are, the more it seems like they are venting their anger for them. Naturally, they will not hate the other party, but worship them extremely.

"What's the situation now?"

Zhao Hao approached and asked directly without any intention of beating around the bush.

In this battle, everyone is considered a teammate, and it is natural for him to ask each other for information.

"It's an ambush from the Eight Principalities. They want to destroy the trapped End of the End mercenary group. We are here to support them!"

The player who stabbed people the fastest just now spoke.

This player team is a wild team, that is, it has not joined any guild. It is usually squeezed too hard by the aborigines. This time, they brought their own dry food to join the battle.

Of course, the Freedom Front, which is supported by major guilds and businessmen, has also issued bounties, and contributions can be exchanged for various materials and rewards.

If there is nothing.

Then the number of players participating in the war will definitely be greatly reduced, and the will to fight will also be affected.

"I see!"

Zhao Hao finally understood why so many people gathered here.

For the mercenary group at the end of the world, which had the strongest combat power before his arrival, such a large formation was completely a basic operation.

Even if this mercenary group does not count the combat effectiveness of the 'Thunder Valkyrie', it is definitely one of the top large mercenary groups. If you include it, it is definitely the strongest mercenary group.

As long as the opponent can be eliminated, the morale of the Freedom Front will be greatly damaged, and it is not surprising that it will even be defeated.

"I'll go over and take a look!"

After Zhao Hao heard this, he was ready to go to the center of the battlefield to take a look.

He didn't let a few people leave.

You choose your own path!

If the other party is willing to join the battlefield, what qualifications does he have to ask them to leave? .

Besides, how can you get ahead in the world of heroes if you don’t fight hard?

At the same time, he had no intention of establishing a relationship with the other party.

In the past, it might have been necessary, but now instead of building a relationship with the other party, you are protecting the other party.

the reason is simple.

Part-time enemies are everywhere. Once the relationship becomes closer, the other party will be involved in the whirlpool.

With the strength of these players, they will definitely be torn apart.

So keeping a distance from ordinary players is really no joke.

It might be much better to switch to the main profession.

Several players didn't think there was anything wrong with his coldness.

Gui Che is originally the "sofa decisive" Lang Mie. If they are enthusiastic, they may even wonder if there is something wrong with the other party.

As he moved forward, Zhao Hao also discovered some problems.

That is this battlefield. The closer to the periphery, the lower the combat effectiveness and the more dispersed the number of people.

But as they get closer to the center of the battlefield, both sides of the battle are different in terms of strength and equipment. They are completely inferior to dogs and have ace everywhere.

Especially the quantity!

It's a complete melee between teams.

And in a place like this, don't even think about gathering an army, neither the terrain nor the environment allow it.

At the same time, Zhao Hao also discovered something interesting.

He had already encountered more than a dozen 'ghost cars' along the way, which almost made him doubt whether he was a fake.

But he also understood that this situation was normal.

After all, he has not registered a copyright, so there is no reason to not allow people to pretend to be him, right? .

Even if he wanted to stop it, it was too late.

But it's also good news for him.

At least you don't need to worry, someone will recognize you instantly when they see you.

It was precisely the existence of these 'ghost cars' that prevented Zhao Hao's arrival from causing too much noise.

Otherwise, how could a powerful demigod like him be so calm when he entered the arena.

Zhao Hao was not in a hurry to take action because he was waiting for the people from the Holy Church.

These players are his best helpers, how could he be willing to clear the field directly so that the opponent can retreat.

He was restrained by the Holy Light, but these players were not.

In addition, the enemies of the alliance will also be their best 'helpers'.

Whether it is used to use the corpse explosion technique, or kept as a 'blood bottle', or even used to activate undead natural disasters, it is a good choice.

With so many benefits, he wished that the battlefield would be as lively as possible.

Soon, he arrived at the center of the battlefield.

It is also the only special place in the Pinnacle Forest that is not shrouded in fog.

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