The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1607 Super Artifact: Cloud City!


A loud horn sounded.

The sky also sheds endless golden light.

The originally extremely dense fog dissipated and retreated in these golden lights.

The light built a huge building in the sky with an endless sense of oppression.

With white clouds as the base, a huge city dominated by gold and white is suspended in the sky.

"...Do you want to be so exaggerated?"

Zhao Hao, who looked up at the sky, murmured to himself, his eyes straightened.

Because he is very familiar with this thing.

Cloud City!

It is also a super artifact in the hands of the angels in the ‘heaven’ plane who are the supporters behind the Holy Church.

For example, 'Heaven's Gate' is the gate to this city, but everyone knows how powerful the effect is.

Super artifact!

Although it is not a strategic artifact, its function is not weaker than that of a strategic artifact.

But if you want to cross plane restrictions and project to the main plane, everyone knows the price.

It was precisely after understanding the inside story that Zhao Hao was shocked and cursed secretly.

"Damn Leif!"

At this time, he understood that this must be where the other party tricked him.

All other information was given truthfully, but the matter of Yunzhong City was not revealed.

As soon as Yunzhong City comes out, not to mention yourself, even the gods can kill you.

Bring your own home court, unlimited reinforcements, space blockade...etc.

This is to let yourself die!

Zhao Hao had to sigh that the opponent's move was really cruel.

Once Yunzhong City comes out, summoning the undead is useless.

At least a seventh-level vampire will melt as quickly as snow under the sun as soon as it is summoned.

Even death spells are greatly restricted.

Just like the Hand of Death, you can use the breath of death to increase its power, but in this home field it is impossible to produce the breath of death, so the power will decrease.

Because the Holy Light will purify all evil.


What is even more speechless is that there is no chance of flying.

Cloud City has its own space blockade, including the ability to fly.

Fortunately, I had a trump card in my hand, otherwise I would have been doomed.

Such a battle is completely overkill.

Ho, ho!

The fog beasts in the mist roared crazily.

But facing Yunzhong City's unreasonable crushing, he could only shrink back in frustration.

But the mist is like a living thing, constantly impacting the golden light curtain.

Such a huge difference naturally caused the alliance and the freedom front to subconsciously separate.

But there is one exception.

In the barrier light curtain at the center of the battlefield, the mercenary group of the End of the End was besieged.

Not only did it not stop, but it accelerated the pace.

It seems that they are planning to deal with the other party before doing anything in the Holy Church.

It just seems a little disrespectful.

Both Zhao Hao and the Holy Church are superpowers, with combat capabilities comparable to the empire level.

It would be too rude to steal the show like this.


Zhao Hao crushed a scroll.

"Apparently, my reputation as a ghost car is not good enough, so you disrespect me like this, right?"

After the announcement, the World Devourer stretched out from behind and rushed towards the light curtain.



Directly inject 100,000 health points.


The vines that were originally as thick as eggs became as thick as a train in the air.

The point is length!

At this time, Zhao Hao was still more than three hundred meters away from the light curtain.

At such a long distance, even the Devourer of Worlds would need more than ten seconds to reach it.

It has no effect at all when used to attack the enemy. As long as it is not disabled, it can be avoided.

But it's really useful when used to attack barriers and the like that can't move the target.

Naturally, the alliance also saw it.

But there is no way to stop it!

Neither physical attacks nor spells have any effect on the World Devourer.

When they arrived in front of the light curtain, the buds at the top of the vines opened and bit hard on the light curtain.

As a result, the light curtain that was completely impossible to break began to shake, and finally disappeared into the open bud of the World Devourer.

Bang, bang!

Somewhere on the alliance side, several large magic props were broken, and a group of spellcasters fell softly.

It's not that the World Devourer attacked them, but the backlash caused by the momentary withdrawal of magic power.

"Damn it!"

The high-ranking alliance leader who directed the operation cursed secretly.

He had already cursed when Yunzhong City appeared.

He didn't know before that what was wrong with the Holy Church Church was that it was willing to send so many strong men to cross the mountain range, and yet they didn't move even after they arrived.

Now that I think about it, the opponent's target must be a ghost car.

It’s just that when you big guys fight, don’t drag us into the water!

Well now, the carefully planned operation was destroyed casually.

Without the barrier, the End of the End mercenary group wanted to retreat, but there was nothing they could do to stop it.

It's not that the combat power and numbers are insufficient, but it's because there are stone pillars everywhere and there's no way to surround them.

The End of the End mercenary group was not stupid either. They broke out as soon as they saw the light curtain disappear.

Although Leona was suppressed and beaten by the Behemoth Orcs, it was not a problem to retreat as long as there was a way out.

In the world of heroes, it is easy to defeat but difficult to kill.

Even if it is a demigod versus a legend, it is easy to defeat but extremely difficult to kill.

Do you now understand the strategic effect of Silver Wings? .

Zhao Hao's high kill rate was completely supported by him.

If there are no silver wings, unless it is a means of killing at first sight, there are endless ways for strong people to save their lives, and it is really difficult to kill.

"Send signal!"

The commander of the alliance gritted his teeth and ordered.

Since the plan failed, there was no need to waste manpower.

Boom, boom!

As the two signals took off, the pursuing Behemoth Orcs and alliance elites stopped and retreated.

The Behemoth Orcs did not rely on their fighting power to rush forward.

Because if you really dare to do that, with Leona blocking the front and cooperating with the rest of the mercenary group, it will not be too easy to counterattack.

As a result, this final battlefield also calmed down.

This is the influence of a powerful demigod!

Of course, it is a small-scale battlefield.

If it is a large-scale battlefield, let alone demigods, even true gods will be slaughtered for you.

A battlefield with dozens, millions, or even tens of millions is simply not something that an individual can contend with, especially after being organized.

That's why heroes are the protagonists of the world, but gods are not.

At this time, both sides on the battlefield were staring at the figure who was slowly retracting the green vines.

Ghost car!

The strongest individual player and mobile natural disaster are his titles.

At the same time, he also needs to add an identity as the ‘Lord of the New Underground Army’.

Both personal strength and power are at the pinnacle.

It’s hard not to pay attention to such a big guy.

And Zhao Hao also walked slowly towards the bottom of Yunzhong City, which was the area covered by the light curtain before. That was the center.

Yunzhong City has now sealed off the surrounding areas, so there is no need to think about leaving.

The stage is set!

Next comes the protagonist.

Among them, he is the protagonist, and it is natural that the other protagonist should also appear.

Yunzhong City does not mean invincibility. Zhao Hao also knows a lot about intelligence and shortcomings.

The most important point is consumption.

And the more power you use, the more exaggerated the consumption will be, and as time goes by, the consumption will continue to rise.

In other words, he doesn't need to worry about Yunzhong City being there all the time.

If he really wants to do that, I guarantee that the Holy Church will cry to him on the spot.

Because even the power with this amazing foundation will definitely not be able to sustain it if consumed.

Anyway, just one sentence.

Yunzhong City is more of a trump card and blockade. The real main force in the battle is definitely the team sent from the headquarters of the Church of Heaven Mountain.

And the other party also arrived at this time.

Under the gaze of countless eyes.

The troops assembled on the Alliance side slowly separated towards the two sides, revealing the rear troops.

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