The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1610 An astonishing number of high-level undead!

Too much!

There are too many high-level undead.

If it were a vampire, no one would think anything of it.

Because the advantages and disadvantages of this type of undead are extremely obvious, no matter how many there are, there is no threat at all.

for example.


Both are at the elite level, and it is good to say that the Crusader is a type of soldier. Under the data transformation body, the final damage is calculated after calculating the data of both parties.

If it were a non-army would be a tragedy.

Because it is impossible for a real Crusader to be defeated by a vampire, even if his claws are worn off.

Do you now understand the difference between arms and non-arms? .

Not the same thing at all.

Like the Paladins, they are not afraid of vampires.

Not only is he blessed with holy light all over his body, he is also wearing heavy armor, so he can completely ignore vampires.

Therefore, no one really pays attention to summoning a vampire, even if the rank will be improved with the blessing of the Death Scythe.

The problem is that what Zhao Hao summoned was not a vampire, but a high-level undead, so the situation would be different.

Bone Hound: 3024

Carrion Giant: 662

Blood Golem: 1

See, this number is truly astonishing.

The average bone hound is above the extraordinary level, with ace, champion, and epic levels. White Fang even entered the legendary level because of killing countless creatures.

White Fang, who is at the legendary level, can be regarded as a demigod in terms of combat power.

The potential of being a king at the same level allows him to fight across levels.

As for the Carrion Giant, they are born as undead at the ace level and can easily enter the champion level, so most of them are champion level.

Not to mention the Blood Stone Demon.

Legendary special undead.

Even if it is a demigod, its influence on the battlefield is far inferior to it.


A stone pillar dozens of meters high was easily bulldozed by the Blood Stone Demon and directly used as a 'weapon'.

Even the mechas in real-world science fiction movies are like younger brothers to the Blood Stone Demon, the kind that can be flattened with just one slap.

"Holy banishment!"

The three red archbishops, together with the mage group around them, cast a large war spell.


Carrying a freshly 'broken' weapon, the Blood Stone Demon 'retired' on the spot and disappeared directly from the battlefield.

It's not a kill!

Just let it leave the battlefield, and it will return after a while.

Obviously, the Holy Church has studied the ability of the ‘ghost car’.

How could the Blood Stone Demon, a big killer that had appeared in Al-Safir, not prepare a backup plan?

A variety of extraordinary spell-casting skills...only with the blessing of props can the banishment be successful.

Because size, rank, magic resistance, race, etc. will all affect the effect of the spell.

Considering the blood stone demon's size, race, and rank, the difficulty of exiling it is extremely exaggerated.

Even a strong demigod can't guarantee it.

But this time it was a success, indicating that it was specially prepared.

It has to be said that under targeted tactics, spellcasters do have countless ways to solve problems.

Of course, the price to pay is certainly not small.

But what the other party didn't expect was that the number of high-level undead under Zhao Hao was so exaggerated.

The last time Al-Safir was there, the summoning ability was nowhere to be used.

Being able to counter-cast too many spells is frustrating, and you have to fight your way out in hand-to-hand combat.

Now, facing a Holy Light spellcaster, although he is restrained, he will not be able to counterattack him.

Cool is just one word!

Zhao Hao wants to talk about it again.

However, summoning so many undead consumes an astronomical amount of mana.

He had used the Blood Demon Transformation countless times, drained out the mana stored in the Well of Stars, and drank a lot of potions.

High-level undead are good at everything, but summoning them costs a lot of money.

That is to say, the upper limit of magic value has been greatly increased now, otherwise it would be a complete dream to summon it.

It took more than ten minutes to summon them all.

The front line has long since become a battlefield.

The Bone Hounds formed a group and blocked the Paladin under the leadership of White Fang.

The other party did not dare to ignore the bone hound.

If ignored, they will collectively attack the rear spell-casting troops. The Crusaders alone cannot stop the Bone Hounds.

It's not a matter of combat effectiveness, but a matter of size.

The bone hound, which is at least the size of a passenger car, can easily knock the Crusader away, and its claws can easily knock it away.

Power crushes!

Under such premise, no matter how strong the Crusaders' defense is, they will have nowhere to show their power.

Just like the opponent's natural ability to defeat the vampire, the Bone Hound also restrains the opponent, leaving its defense power nowhere to be used.

So the Paladins must hold off the Bone Hounds.

At least not too many can break through the defense line.

Front row swap!

Zhao Hao did not dare to let the paladins get close.

Because he can't withstand the attacks of so many 'Humanoid Gundams'.

The opponent not only has strong physical attack and defense, but also the ability to use holy light spells.

Hammer of Holy Light!


All are practical and powerful spells.

Even if you have extraordinary spell resistance, you don't dare to hit it hard. If you are not careful, you may overturn.

Be careful to make a thousand-year ship!

Zhao Hao was extremely crazy when making plans, but he was always careful on the battlefield.

The carrion giants kept grabbing corpses and throwing them, constantly blowing up the formation of the Paladins, and at the same time, they also acted as the last line of defense.

If you really want to fight one on one, the Bone Hounds are really no match for the Paladins, so they need long-range firepower assistance.

Both sides fight together!

This battle seems fierce, but in fact it has nothing to do with Zhao Hao.

Because it is impossible for those Paladins, Crusaders and other troops to break through the defense line.

The biggest threats to him are several special teams.

Templar Assassin, Heavenly Archer, Ascetic!

Templar Assassin shows a different place than before.

People can really 'sneak'.

In the past, stealth was all about killing all witnesses.

But this time he disappeared from the battlefield.

The heavenly shooters were scattered everywhere, with no intention of taking action.

Neither the bone hound nor the carrion giant is the prey of these archers,

It's not that the damage isn't enough, it's that it's not worth it.

They are all large and giant undead, and it is not easy to kill them.

No matter how high the Paradise Archer's damage is, it's not worth wasting the damage on these high-level undead.

The opponent has only one goal.

Ghost car!

I won't care about anything else.

A small team of heavenly shooters, the weakest of which is the epic level, and with their professional specialties, even legendary and demigod targets have a chance to shoot.

But now is not the chance to take action. Only when the prey reveals its flaws can these heavenly shooters deliver the fatal blow.

The last unit was responsible for the frontal assault.


Wearing an old but clean monk's robe and carrying an ordinary scepter.

It was a head-on attack.

The whole body is bathed in the holy light, completely in the rhythm of blocking and killing ghosts.

Learn about the attack power of a bone hound that can crush it with one stick.

It is also extremely powerful in terms of speed and dexterity.

Try not to confront the Bone Hound head-on, and only take action unless you can't avoid it. A Bone Hound can be eliminated within a few rounds.

Faced with this kind of existence, Zhao Hao did not force the Bone Hound to intercept.

Because there is absolutely no way to stop it.

The complex terrain and size difference make the Bone Hound unsuitable for intercepting such targets, unless they are Shadow Swordsmen or Valkyries.

However, the identity he is using now is part-time, and neither army can take action, so he can only face it himself.

There is no need to count on the Carrion Giant. Hitting small targets is like whack-a-mole.

If you want to hit it, you can only rely on luck.

Even a single blow can seriously injure it or even kill it instantly, but as long as they don't make mistakes, hitting it is a complete dream.

So the location where Zhao Hao stands is very interesting.

There was nothing left around except stone pillars, and even the Carrion Giant was several hundred meters away.

If the Carrion Giant is around, it can easily be used as a shield.

And if some Holy Light system clearing move breaks out, he might even be accidentally injured.

Although there were scuffles everywhere, it was extremely quiet around Zhao Hao, which seemed a bit contradictory.

At this time, his five senses were concentrated and his mind was paying close attention to his surroundings.


Zhao Hao's eyes flashed with fierce fighting spirit.

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