The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1636 Eternal Sleep Conference (Thanks to the boss for the tip!)

The first is the Bone Gryphon Flag.

Then there was a death knight riding on the back of a white bone war horse, his whole body covered in pale armor.

By the way, these armors are not ordinary armors.

It is armor carefully crafted by the Storm Leader and then corroded by the power of death.

Death knights are not a type of soldier, so they naturally cannot come with armor.

Although Mia can also make armor during manufacturing, the quality is not guaranteed.

Just like ordinary armor and military heavy armor, after being eroded by the power of death, they look the same, but there is a huge gap in their defensive power.

Seeing these knights, many undead bosses who were observing almost drooled.

Death knight!

The information is now known to all major forces.

Not only can he carry and fight, but he also has the ability to lead. This is the most valuable thing.

That is to say, the maker is Mia, the newly rising giant and governor.

In the past, all the major forces had joined forces to devour it.

mouth watering!

This is the unanimous idea of ​​​​all the forces in Dia.

Behind the death knight, there is a figure hidden under the robe, with red hair vaguely exposed.

Blood Angel!

Champion level undead.

The combat effectiveness is extremely powerful.

Compared with the Bone Dragon, there are not too many advantages.

These two undead races alone were a feast for the eyes of the observing undead.

Not to mention Mia riding on the back of an elephant-like shadow cat, and the resurrected powerhouses surrounding her.

"So many epic heroes!"

"very scary!"

"There are actually demigods!"

Various exclamations continued to sound.

The resurrected strong men showed their strength without hiding anything, so they could be seen by these undead at a glance.

There is no way, the Eternal Sleep Conference is called a meeting.

But in fact, it is just a dance show to show your strength. Naturally, you can show as much strength as you have.

The more you show your strength, the more say you get.

Anyway, Mia didn't hide at all and just moved forward with full aura.


She was about to challenge the King of Decay head-on and take the position of Chief Consul, how could she hide.

The stronger your performance, the more support you will receive.

Anyway, after seeing the strength of her command, and then thinking about the other consul's troops, I always feel that the style of painting is different.

Because there are not many legends under the command of the consuls, not to mention the demigods.

Step, step!

Mia jumped off the Shadow Cat, stood in front of a passage, and said loudly:

"I am Mia, and I will make Diya great again!"

After saying something loudly, she led the team and moved on.

In saying this, it is natural to seize the opportunity to promote your own ideas.

She was determined to sit in that position, so she naturally wanted to show off her face, or at least let others understand her philosophy.

It doesn't seem to help the plan.

But once she got into position, the philosophy was helpful.

At the very least, countless undead souls could be brought under her command.

Make Dia great again!

Just like the 'pure world for the sake of blue' dreamed up by the black clouds when the Dragon Queen invaded the earth's surface.

It was this slogan that allowed the underground army to wipe out the lizard people.

If not for the sudden emergence of the Storm Legion led by Zhao Hao, the Dragon Queen would have been able to integrate the underground world with this slogan and create a miracle.

Mia's slogans or ideas are used to win over the undead.

This natural disaster of the undead was a complete shame for the undead people of Diya. Not only did they gain nothing, they were also severely damaged by the church.

The Lord of Decay must be held responsible!

This dissatisfaction spread among the top management of Diya.

If no one jumps out, then relying on one's own prestige and strength, the matter will be over.

But when Mia took issue with this and showed that she would wash away the shame and make Diya great again, the situation became interesting.

Well, Zhao Hao told her this strategy.

In the real world, the moves have been badly played by people in all countries.

But it works!

So just let Mia copy the homework.

If you don't have enough strength, you will completely cheat yourself by playing like this.

But when you have enough strength, this method is extremely suitable.

Anyway, Mia's reputation is now increasing in an unknown but 'impressive' way.

Once she raises a challenge, she immediately creates a sensation.

Even some forces that originally wanted to support the King of Decay may choose to remain neutral because of her ideas.

Yes, this is why Mia wants to promote her own ideas.

In order to try our best to win over all major forces! .

Even if there is no way to bring him to his side, he cannot let him easily join the King of Decay.

Propaganda war!

This time Zhao Hao will attack with dimensionality reduction.

Although the world of heroes is full of fists, it makes sense.

But not only is the fist big, but the voice is also loud, isn’t that even better? .

Mia entered the castle stuck in time.

So when she entered the conference hall, which was as wide as a square, she found that seven consuls of different shapes had already arrived under the nine giant white bone pillars.

Giant pillar of white bones!

It is at least tens of meters thick, and even the bone dragon looks 'slender' in front of it. There are huge bone thrones in front of it.

Of course, only humanoid or humanoid figures can sit.

It looked like a bone dragon the size of a mountain range, crawling directly in front of the white bone pillar.

Bone dragon!

The opponent's race is a bone dragon, and he is also a powerful semi-god.

His individual combat prowess is extremely unparalleled, and coupled with his appeal to the bone dragon, he is able to sit in the position of consul.

In other words, he has a lazy personality, otherwise he would not be ranked in the second half.

Although the Eternal Sleep Council has the same number of people as the Silver Federation, there is one difference.

That is in the Silver Federation, the powers of the speakers are almost the same, except for the chief speaker who is somewhat special.

But in the Eternal Sleep Parliament, ranking also represents status.

Just like the 'Third Consul', it means that the other party's power is in the third position in the parliament.

Like Mia, who is now the ‘Ninth Archon’.

Who told her that when she first joined the Eternal Sleep Council, no matter how strong she was, she would still have to slowly move up the rankings.

Of course, the quickest way is to challenge, but the risk is too high, and generally no one will take this approach.

"It's really arrogant to make so many of us wait for you alone!"

A lady-like woman said something malicious.

The sound was not loud, but anyone in this vast and boundless conference hall supported by nine giant white bone pillars could hear it.


The other party dared to choke, naturally because he was also a consul.

Scarlet Sucker-Elaine!

The other party is also the Fourth Consul, otherwise he would not dare to taunt him.

There is no way, who made Mia grow up too fast.

He has grown to this point in just a few years, and it's hard not to make people jealous.

Not to mention that during the previous world war, the Eternal Sleep Council harvested nothing, but the other party made a huge profit, which would indeed make people jealous to the point of separation.

"No, I'm not the last one!"

Mia came to stand in front of her own white bone pillar, retorted calmly, and pointed at a huge white bone pillar with no one in front of it.

It's not that she has no temper, but it's not the time to get angry yet.

"what happened?"

A walking zombie with a huge body, like a giant, was a little impatient.

Red tyrant!

This is the opponent's title and ranks fifth at the same time.

However, this ranking is because the force is not too strong, otherwise it would not be a problem to be ranked in the top three.

As for why the force is not strong?

Naturally, this is because when he is furious, he often does not distinguish between friend and foe.

In other words, most of his subordinates died in his hands.

How could such an old man become so powerful without the undead following him?

Others were also a little confused, but they had no intention of speaking.

After Mia pointed out this fact, she sat on the throne in front of the giant bone pillar and looked at an old man wearing a mage's robe with an old face.

Next, it’s time to look at the other side.

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