The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1643 Archimonde wants to kill someone with a borrowed knife!

"Rotten fellow!"

Feeling the gaze leave him, a trace of disgust flashed across Archimonde's originally calm face.

Even if others didn't say it, he felt the greed of the other person.

But he said nothing about it.

It's not that he can't trust his subordinates, but because he doesn't know what the other party has done to him.

By now, he has understood a lot of things.

For example, during the Bloody Griffin Festival, why did the Death Embracer appear? .

And after he entered Diya, it was completely smooth sailing, as if there was an invisible force helping him.

I didn’t know it at first, but I figured it out later.

The Lord of Decay!

Even if the other party didn't help him openly, he definitely made many moves secretly.

Otherwise, he would not have grown so fast.

He had even noticed what the other party wanted to do, and had prepared a backup plan.

But this is all done in secret.

On the surface, he is still 'loyal' and serving the Lord of Decay.

Just like this time when he was asked to participate in the war and act as the opponent's deputy, he did not hesitate to bring his entire family.

But the other party's gaze was becoming more and more unsettling, suggesting that he might not have much time left.

‘Maybe this is an opportunity, if the other party fails...? ’

This thought suddenly flashed through Archimonde's mind.

He knew Mia very well.

A lich who was perfectly transformed from nowhere, became a disciple of Hruf, a very famous academic giant within the undead, and was accepted as a disciple.

Rise like a comet!

The 'abomination' that greatly improved the combat effectiveness of the undead lords was created by the other party.

Coupled with the powerful undead such as Death Knights, Blood Angels, and Death Chanters behind it, it is enough to make it the strongest in terms of undead creation.

Let alone now, even in history, no one has such terrifying creative ability.

And just like the creative ability, the opponent's power is like a volcanic eruption.

He has continuously created many miraculous results, harvested massive amounts of souls, flesh and blood, and countless resources.

With these things, he can cooperate with the other party's academic ability to transform it into his own combat effectiveness, and he can take the position of consul.

It's still the kind that once he sits down, his power is close to that of the King of Decay.

By the way, he is the King of Decay after losing most of his strength.

But this is amazing.

Not to mention that the other party is also on good terms with 'Ghost Che' and 'Grave Light Goddess', and can befriend these two superpowers who belong to the cemetery camp at any time but are outside Diya.

envy, jealousy, hate!

Whenever he thinks about this, Archimonde will be so envious that he will be separated from the wall.

Everyone joined Diya at the same time, and he developed better at the beginning, and was even called the "Twin of the Undead" with the other party.

But now, no one calls this title.

Because they call each other more ‘death reapers’.

It will be like this.

Naturally, it’s because I don’t deserve it.

He is only at the legendary level, and he has one legend and more than a dozen epics under his command.

But not to mention his own strength, he even has demigod subordinates under his command. The legends start in double digits and have hundreds of epics. If those undead races are included, the strength is even more exaggerated.

Such a big gap!

It’s no wonder that no one mentions the other party’s title of ‘Twin of the Undead’ anymore. This title is completely insulting to it, unless it is called together with the King of Decay.

"but why…?"

Archimonde didn't know why, but he always felt familiar with Mia.

Now, he can only take a gamble and put his hope of getting rid of the King of Decay on the other party.

If Mia can win, then it's not like he can't rebel on the spot.

Although I have prepared a backup plan, it is too dangerous. If I am not careful, it will only make things worse. This way is more reliable.

Suddenly, there were some changes at the end of the field of vision ahead.


Archimonde suddenly stopped thinking in his mind and stared into the distance.

Although there is an eternal canopy of death over Diya, it has no impact on the vision of the undead, and it can see farther than normal.

That’s why we can clearly see the situation more than ten kilometers away with the naked eye.

Of course, it was also because the movement was too loud that it could be seen easily.

Just like another different color is slowly eroding on the originally pale canvas, it is naturally easy to detect.

The boundless wave of undead is slowly approaching.

Faced with this scene of a natural disaster.

If it were a living creature, it might be frightened to the point of weakness in the legs.

Of course, the King of Decay would not do this, but he also put away his previous contempt.

There are many undead lords who have the impression of Mia in their minds as just a 'newcomer' who has just emerged. Now this impression is instantly put away.

Is this mud horse called a newcomer?

The real newcomer is this one here!

Facing a large number of cryptic looks, Archimonde felt extremely aggrieved.

You know what they are thinking without asking.

It's just that he couldn't argue out loud, he could only say, "The baby feels bitter, but the baby doesn't say anything."

More than ten kilometers away!

It takes less than a few minutes to fly.

But if they were marching from the ground and it was still a wave of undead, the speed would be speechless.

Because what determines the movement speed of the undead tide is not the fastest undead, but the slowest undead.

For example, undead such as ‘walking corpses’ have a lower speed limit.

Even if these guys move forward at full speed, their speed is not much faster than normal people walking.

The good news is that with unlimited physical strength, you can keep moving forward, and it is not too slow if you march for a long time.

Click, click!

In addition to the walking undead, there are also the white bone undead, which will make fine sounds when bones collide when walking.

There are also figures floating above the undead army.


Also a special flying undead.

Overall, these three types of undead account for more than 99% of the undead army.

The originally cold air seemed to freeze the battlefield as this undead army entered the scene.

If a living being were present, he might not be able to bear it right away.

But if it were an undead, it wouldn't be affected at all, and instead it would feel that this temperature is extremely suitable.

The breath of death!

The gathering of two such huge undead armies attracted the breath of death like a whirlpool.

If expressed in terms of data, the concentration of undead magic power here is as high as over 100, while in other places it is only about 10 points at most. As for outside Diya, it is only about 1 point at most.

The gap is so exaggerated!

Here, undead casters can even recover their magic points much faster than elsewhere.

The power of undead spells will also be increased.

The home field advantage is completely enhanced in all aspects.

If there is a war in a place like this, even if the Holy Church comes, they will have to kneel down.

Therefore, Diya was never afraid of causing public outrage and having people knock on her door. Instead, she was eager for all major forces to come and attack.

Because the more they come, the more they die, it’s completely a ‘door-to-door’ rhythm.

After getting closer, you can clearly see the undead army led by Mia.

Let alone cannon fodder, neither side took it to heart.

The focus is on the number and types of high-level undead.

Just after seeing it clearly, the King of Decay was instantly shocked.

Because he really didn't expect that the number would be so exaggerated.

According to his intelligence, the opponent's number should only be a fraction.

And when did so many undead lords and giants get together with each other? .

At this time, he finally came to his senses, put away the contempt in his heart, and regarded Mia, an opponent he had looked down on before, as a life and death enemy.

Because Verus knew very well that if he was not careful, he would probably lose this decisive battle.

Of course, war is not about playing house, it is just about comparing one's strength on paper.

It wasn't like he didn't have a trump card in his hand, so he still kept calm, blessed himself with spells and then slowly flew up.

In order to boost his morale, he had to shed some blood.

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