The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1671 Shocked players!

"what is that?"

"It seems to be a high tower, no, it seems to be a mage tower!"

"Mage Tower? Are you sure you didn't wake up?"

"…No way!"

Seeing the increasingly obvious tower at the end of the field of vision, which seemed to reach straight into the sky, the players on the deck could no longer keep their cold expressions.

If you were an ordinary player, you might not understand what the Mage Tower represents.

But for those of them who are either guild presidents or top players, they naturally don't know what the Mage Tower represents.

Even in the Silver Federation, a mage holy land, the number of mage towers is only double digits.

Most of them were 'inherited', and only a few were actually built by oneself. It takes hundreds of years to build one on average.

Even the 'Mage Holy Land' is like this. You can imagine how precious the Mage Tower is.

As for the players? .

Not to mention the Mage Tower, not many people even enter the Mage Tower.

Who would have expected that this kind of spellcaster's ultimate dream could actually be seen in the Storm Territory.

So well hidden!

At this time, this idea appeared in the minds of all players.

Because no one thought that a strategic building like the Mage Tower would be owned by a player territory.

As the ship continues to approach.

Players also saw a lighthouse and port.

There was nothing much to say about the lighthouse, they had seen a lot.

I just didn't expect the port to be so huge.

It is no worse than those main city-level fortresses.


It should be said that it is even bigger.

The huge port is filled with ships so densely packed that there is no end in sight.

There are also coolie puppets constantly loading and unloading cargo, and a large number of sailors shuttle between them.

Behind the port, there are scattered buildings extending inland, with various workshops lined up in rows.


Some big players are upset.

Because there are not so many buildings and workshops in their territory.

Especially the workshop!

It attracted countless envious and jealous eyes.

Because the workshop represents production capacity.

There are many logistics players among the players, but most of them are 'losers'. They simply produce a little bit at a loss, and no matter how much materials they have, they are not enough to waste.

Unless they are those that the big guild has used resources to destroy from a very early stage.

It's just that most of these players choose to go it alone after their wings are hardened, leaving a lot of feathers everywhere.

Of course, things like the Star Language Business Group are another matter.

Since they are together in real life and have signed a contract at the same time, they firmly control the production players under their command.

It's just that the production capacity of the Star Language Merchant Group is a drop in the ocean compared to this port city with countless workshops.

Just seeing it, Stormport shocked these visiting players countless times.

No one is stupid.

Naturally, we understand what such terrible productivity means.

Not to mention the existence of a mage tower, the ultimate fortress for spellcasters, so there is no need to worry about safety.

To be productive, we must be productive, and to be able to protect ourselves, we must be able to protect ourselves.

Such a territory was completely beyond their imagination.

I originally thought that the so-called 'strongest player leader' was just a military fortress, so I created the Storm Legion, an invincible ace army.

But I didn’t expect that Storm Realm would be such a place.

It didn't take long.


This medium-sized warship docked at the dock.

"Welcome to Stormport, the Lord has been waiting for you for a long time!"

A man wearing a close-fitting work uniform with a pattern representing the storm collar on it, led a group of heavily armored Viking warriors to salute.

Under the leadership of the other party, the players disembarked from the deck and walked towards the city center.

No one would think there was a problem if Feng Liuyun didn't come to greet them.

What is the other party's level, and what is your own level? .

Everyone naturally knows this.

Regardless of personal strength or power, they may be at the top level among players, but they are not at the same level as others, so it is normal not to come to greet them.

Forget about private occasions.

In such a formal occasion, if the other party takes the initiative to greet you, it will completely lower your level.

After entering the city.

Only then did they realize how lively this seaport city was.

There are countless crowds of people, including humans, Naga Sirens, half-elves, Vikings, dragons... etc. It's like a hodgepodge.

However, these races are not at all defensive of each other as in other places, but live in harmony.

It’s so prosperous!

If it were an aboriginal city, they would still understand.

But this is just a player territory, and it is a territory that players are not allowed to enter. It is really confusing for them to have such a large population.

In their territory, there are not many indigenous people at all.

Even if there were some aborigines in the past, they will eventually become non-existent.

It can only be said that they do not understand the correct way of opening the Aboriginal people.

Where did the people from the Storm Territory come from? .

First slaves and captives, then refugees.

Especially refugees!

Whether humans, half-elves or Vikings, they can all be considered refugees.

Under the premise of being homeless, coupled with the fact that the Aboriginal people of the Storm Territory are the majority, and they can ensure food, clothing and safety, they will naturally regard this place as their home.

If players dominate the game, then the indigenous people will naturally become uneasy and migrate away.

And this is why, in the early days, the aborigines and players were not compatible.

This problem will change after the world merges.

Because by that time, everyone will become "aboriginal people", and the players will only behave a little strangely.

After walking through the streets and looking at the workshops, everyone was silent.

Because they clearly felt that the leader was deliberately taking a detour.

You can guess what the reason is.

Show your strength!

This is to show them strength.

There is no need to show off your combat prowess at all.

The Storm Legion alone is enough to amaze people, not to mention the Storm and the Mage Tower.

When these things are added up, not to mention the players, not even the indigenous forces can compare with them.

So it was to show them the strength of the Storm Territory in other aspects.

Show off your power!

A very good move.

At least, at this time, they have realized that the gap between them and the Storm Leader is not just in combat power.

Finally, the team arrived at the Lord's Mansion and Administration Hall.

Of course, it is not the administrative hall on the first floor, but the second floor from the side stairs.


After the middle-aged man who led the way opened the door, he turned around and left with the Viking warriors, with no intention of entering.

Step, step!

The players slowly entered the room.

It is said to be a room, but the area is extremely amazing. Not to mention holding meetings, it is not impossible to even play football here.

There is a long wooden table in the middle of the room.

And there were several rows of chairs against the wall, enough to accommodate them all.

Of course, this was just prepared yesterday.

In the past, the layout was more like a living place, but there weren't so many chairs.

And at the top of the long wooden table.

Sitting there was a figure wearing a storm collar uniform with an aura as deep as the sea.

Feng Liuyun!

He is also the strongest player lord and the master of the Storm Legion.

A legendary boss.

The opponent and the ghost car are called the player twins.

He is also the convener of today’s meeting.

No one was talking nonsense, they were just silently looking for a place to sit down.

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