The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1677 Arrival with the Sand Beast!

Endless land!

It is in the northeast of Rannar, and all kinds of natural and man-made disasters are completely endless.

There, no matter how strong the fighting ability is, you may not be able to survive.

After passing through several underground passages, Zhao Hao and the others finally arrived at the target area.


The Endless Land is a Gobi environment, full of various potholes and ditches, with only a few traces of green occasionally, and it looks extremely desolate.

But in fact, there is no life here.

Only when you step inside do you realize how lively it is.

At least ordinary mercenaries dare not come here, even if they know that there are many ruins here.


Zhao Hao returned to his human form, stood on a high place with Freya and Feida, looked down at the ravines and potholes in the desert in front, and frowned.

"Is this right here?"

If it is a flat area, you can also find targets from high altitude.

But in this kind of terrain, there is no way to find the target from high altitude, not to mention there is no way to rise to high altitude.

Too dangerous!

There are a large number of invisible, yet extremely dangerous space cracks in the sky.

If you bump into it accidentally, you may have to experience the "Drifting in an Alien Plane".

Anyway, Zhao Hao doesn't have the ability to teleport through planes.

Even if he had it, he wouldn't dare to experience it.

Because the dangers of the alien plane are not comparable to those of the main plane, especially if there is no preparation.

"Separately search?"

Freya looked over and asked.

Since we can't take off to search, this is the best way.

If you search separately, the efficiency will be increased by three times.

"Okay, keep your distance and send a signal when you find it!"

Zhao Hao nodded.


A pair of dragon wings spread out behind him, and then he dived and flew forward.

If you want to fly, you don't have to transform into a dragon.

This attitude is more convenient for flying at low altitude.

"Let's go!"

Feida also entered the half-dragon queen state, unfolded her red dragon wings and left.

Freya finally spread her golden dragon wings.

Yes, she can fly in human form.

As Zhao Hao's pet, how could he not be able to master the humanoid flying ability after such a long time?

It couldn't be done before because of the rules, not because it couldn't be done.

Now that the world is merging and the restrictions on players are loosened, her pet will naturally be affected as well, and the restrictions are getting looser and looser.

A three-person team!

At this time, they all have the ability to fly in human form.

The ability to fly, which is extremely rare for other strong men, is not worth mentioning to them.

Note that what was mentioned earlier was that flying at ‘high altitudes’ is dangerous, not that it has a restricted air effect.

When flying at low altitude, just be careful not to be shot down by monsters.

The Expanse is truly vast.

But before they came, Zhao Hao and the others knew from intelligence that the howling mercenary group composed of orcs was targeting the ruins of Ogma.

Of course it wasn't what the other party said, but the other party couldn't deceive anyone by looking up information and preparing supplies.

All I can say is that it would be nice to have help from a local snake like the Raging Dragon Guild.

As an individual, I don't know how long it will take to find the other party without telling me, let alone know this information.


While flying close to the ground, Zhao Hao unfolded the map prepared for him by the Furious Dragon Guild in his hand.

Very detailed, definitely for internal use.

In the heroic world, maps are ‘strategic materials’ and will not be given out easily.

But it’s another story if it’s Zhao Hao.

Regardless of his status or strength, he is qualified to get this map. In the Raging Dragon Guild, only a few people can get the map.

After looking at it for a few times, Zhao Hao put away the map and flew towards Ogema.

If he missed it halfway, he would definitely be depressed to death.

A few minutes later.

Whoosh, whoosh!

The almost inaudible sound of breaking wind made Zhao Hao feel a pain in his body.

Take a closer look.

The wooden thorns that are as long as fingers and as thick as rice grains are currently being blocked by the dragon scales.

If there were no dragon scales.

The leather armor alone cannot block these long-range attacks.


There are several giant cacti on the ground, with fine wooden spines constantly shooting out.

Obviously, this is the 'culprit'.

But even if he saw it, Zhao Hao had no intention of solving it on the ground.

He wasn't here to farm monsters or take risks, so how could he waste time on the other party?

Along the way, he was directly attacked countless times by various attacks.

If his defense hadn't been strong enough and his health points were frighteningly high, Zhao Hao might have knelt down long ago.

Just when they were approaching the edge of the Ogma ruins.

boom! !

A violent explosion came from a distance, causing Zhao Hao to stop flying forward and look in the direction of the explosion.

Because along with the explosion, there was also a signal flare that was launched into the air.

Target found!

The meaning of the flare is clear.


Zhao Hao's pupils narrowed slightly, and then he flew away in that direction with all his strength.

A few kilometers away.

It's far from the ground, but it only takes a few minutes to fly.

the other side!

"Run away!"

"Damn it, how could the Sand Beast Lord appear!"

"Be careful, don't get caught in the quicksand!"

In the Gobi passage hundreds of meters wide.

A dozen orcs were running away quickly, shouting.

Behind them, there was a figure bathed in flames, who was constantly bombarding the ten-meter-tall beast behind him with fireballs.

Yes, the figure is Feida.

The giant beast in front of her looked a bit like a cat, with black stripes on its body. It looked dangerous and mysterious.

However, the thick sand shield surrounding the opponent made people understand that this was not an ordinary beast, but a magical beast that mastered magic.


Sand spears covered the hundred-meter-wide ravine in front of them like raindrops.

Faced with this terrifying attack, a soft drink suddenly sounded.

"Resist the Ring of Fire!"

Violent flames suddenly broke out.


The extremely blazing flames blew up everything around them, including those sand spears.

It's just that... to compete with such a giant beast for explosive power, you can only rely on weak attacks to gain strength.

But there was no way, Feida understood one thing. The Howling Mercenary Group behind them was their target this time, and they must not let anything happen to them.

So even though she knew that she would suffer losses when confronting such a giant monster, she could only force herself to do so.

Fortunately, her strength at this time has long since changed.

In the past, when he had just been promoted to epic, he might have knelt down.

But now, both her equipment and strength have made a huge leap forward.

Legend level!

This is her current rank.

The focus is on combat effectiveness!

In the past, she could fight legends with epics, but now after advancing to the next level, her strength is completely on par with demigods.

The first dragonborn!

But with the dual bonus of profession + talent, the advantage should not be too great.

But what Feida didn't expect was that the enemy was not just the lord-level sand beast in front of her.

Smaller sand beasts sprang out from everywhere, blocking the orcs' retreat.

I don't know if these orcs stabbed the sand beast's den and sent out the whole den to block the people.


The Sand Beast Lord roared.

The ground began to shake.


It doesn’t just shake!

The surrounding solid desert is transforming into gravel.

If it had been anywhere else, this sand beast lord would not have been so powerful.

But a place like Gobi can be regarded as half of the opponent's home court, so it can create such a big scene.

If the surrounding area turns into sand, Feida will have no problem protecting herself, but it will be difficult to save others.

But her expression didn't change at all, and she was still as confident as ever.

Because...reinforcements have arrived.

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