The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1688 The black players who defected to the ‘light’!

For the next month, Zhao Hao was so bored that he wanted to die.

Because the aboriginal army has been continuously launching attacks with continuous replenishment.

The other party's plan is also very simple.


I want to use my troops to wear down the Storm Army to death.

They are indeed extremely powerful in combat, but they have a fatal weakness.


On the premise of high quality, the quantity is a little too small.


This small number is compared to the coalition forces on the alliance side.

Otherwise, the number of hundreds of thousands of units cannot be said to be "less" in any case.

And there is no chance of counterattack.

Kent, the legendary hero, allowed the Confederate army to quietly build a defensive line from the beginning.

The original probing and attacking were all cover.

Used to cover and lay out defenses.


It has to be said that Zhao Hao was also deceived by the other party.

This is not a gap in command ability, the other party is far inferior to him in this aspect.

Feng Liuyun’s command ability?

In the past, the alliance didn't care. No matter how strong the commanding ability was, it was just like that.

But when the Storm Army showed its brutal fighting power, it was another matter.

All his previous battle cases, large and small, were collected and analyzed.

Famous general!

This is a conclusion recognized by all major indigenous forces.

Because most of them defeat the strong with the weak, and their own losses are minimized.

Even if someone thinks they can do it once or twice, they can't even think about doing it all these times.

That's why Kent, the legendary hero, plays so conservatively.

The previous tests and attacks were entirely to cover up his intention to defend with all his strength.

You heard that right!

The main force of the Alliance is here solely to hold back the Storm Army.

It can only be said that Zhao Hao did not clearly realize that he was powerful.

There is a saying that goes well.

Your enemies know how terrible you are far better than you do yourself.

One against ten!

They all underestimated the Storm Army.

Not to mention the quality of the troops, the heroes alone are comparable to the empire level.

Two powerful epic heroes who follow the legendary template directly.

A hero who has the combat power of a legendary template.

The last one is also a special blue template tactical hero.

Such a gorgeous team of heroes is not easy to assemble at the empire level.

It’s not that the empire doesn’t exist!

It’s because it’s hard to get together.

Heroes are not props and can be manipulated at will. The more powerful the hero, the harder it is to command.

This is why, although there are no other legendary heroes under the command of the major forces, Kent, a legendary hero without a force, is asked to command the army.

In addition to the other party's availability, it is also because the other party's identity is suitable.

If a hero from one of their forces were to lead the army, others might wonder if the other party would take the opportunity to trick them. This happened many times.

But on the Storm Army side, several such powerful heroes can join forces to fight, and the combat effectiveness they can exert is naturally amazing.

Kent felt sour in his heart.

If you have a few top epic heroes under your command.

Even if he is no match for the two opponents, he dares to try to defeat the Storm Army head-on.

The problem is that apart from the legend himself, the only ones left on our side are blue template heroes at most.

How does this make him play?

That's why he chose to destroy it directly.

There are three axes coming up, making the opponent think that they are going to fight to the end, and then after quietly setting up the defense line, they switch from offense to defense.

It can only be said that Zhao Hao suffered a loss because he did not realize how much the other party was afraid of him.

If one had grasped the opponent's psychology in advance, he would never have allowed the opponent to build such a camp with astonishing defensive power right under his nose.

Forget about other aspects.

He only has Yarvi, an invincible hero in air combat, under his command, and the other party has set up a 'forbidden air' barrier in the camp.


It was clear that their alliance army was the attacking party, but as they fought, they became the defensive party.

Come to trick him, come to sneak attack him as a newbie.

Shameless indeed.

If his goal was to defeat the enemy, Zhao Hao would definitely choose to attack without hesitation and let the opponent understand how terrifying the Storm Army was.

The problem is, his goal is to contain and consume.

And if you attack, you will lose the home field advantage, not only the losses will rise sharply, but also easy to be counterattacked by the opponent.

With a well-prepared legendary hero and multiple alliance legions, you can never be too careful.

That's why he gets bored.

However, their main battlefield here is boring, but other places are extremely lively.

No, it can no longer be described as ‘lively’, but as ‘bloody’.

The alliance side that dispersed and bypassed the Storm Army's defense line met with the major player forces on a narrow road.

One side is to suppress future competitors and rob talents by the way.

One side is to protect the same kind and buy time for itself to absorb the population.

Neither side had the slightest reason to retreat.

As bloody as you want.

Countless casualties occur every moment.

Corpses almost filled the wilderness.

In other words, the corpses of soldiers and players will dissipate, otherwise this place would have become a cemetery.

Note that after the world is merged, although the player is still a data-incarnated body, there have been changes.

If it is not resurrected within a certain period of time, it will really die, and the body will become a real flesh and blood body and will not dissipate.

If the player wants to be resurrected, altar + resources are essential.

It is also because of this that it can be controlled by major forces.

As long as the players are bound to their own altar, the players will have no place to escape if they want to.

Because if you want to unbind, you need the consent of the lord.

The altar is not tied up if you want to, but you can tie it up if you want.

After each major force transports players back to their sphere of influence, the first thing they do is to let the other party bind their own altar.

Take advantage!

Just tie the altar.

He can completely control these previously unruly players and make them as obedient as they want.

The players who died in the interception battle were also players from all major forces.

Naturally, the resurrection altar has been bound in advance, and there are still enough resurrection resources, so there will be no embarrassing situation of real death.

But even if all the major forces go all out, a large number of players are still being plundered.

Even if the main force of the aborigines is contained by the Storm Army, the rest cannot be stopped by the player forces.

Not to mention that there are many "players" who promote the benefits of various indigenous forces, which directly attracts a large number of people.

Especially dark-skinned players, most are ready to defect to the opponent.

Although they are stupid, it does not mean they are brainless.

After more than a month, it can be seen that the players have tacitly prepared to give up on them.

Therefore, they have the strongest desire to change their families.

Now the players taken away by the major indigenous forces are almost all dark-skinned players.

Isn't it a little weird? .

Yes, this was completely intentional by Zhao Hao.

He had already stated this at the original meeting.

The natives are coming out in droves, and it is impossible for the player to stop all the enemies, so some sacrifices will definitely be made.

What else is a better target to sacrifice than dark-skinned players? .

Allowing these to take the place of other players also allows the indigenous forces to gain something and not focus on their people.

It is precisely because of the dark-skinned players who actively ‘flee to the light’ that the indigenous forces have no time to go deep into the integration area.

For them, just being a player is fine.

Win more!

It's simply a win.

When Zhao Hao proposed it, no force agreed with it, only he voted for it.

But no one objected, there was absolutely 0 votes against it.

Therefore, this plan was passed with 1 vote in a meeting attended by hundreds of players.

During this month.

The number of people in the fusion area has dropped significantly again.

However, compared with the reduction by half in the previous few days, the reduction this time is less than half.

The most deaths occur in the first few days of fusion, and the rate of death will become slower and slower after that.

And with an amazing migration data.

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