The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1693: Counterattack and huge disparity in strength!

Hell Alliance!

As you can tell from the name, it is a coalition army dominated by the army of hell.

There are countless high-level demons among them.

Commanded by a great demon commander from Negon.

Note that this big demon is not a hero, but he has semi-god-level combat power.

"Martin, how's the progress?"

Wearing a pair of goat horns, wearing black armor, and exuding a terrifying aura, the big demon stood on top of a dirt bunker arranged as a command post and asked the people around him.

The person being questioned looked shrewd and was a human, but there were dark magic lines on his cheeks, indicating his identity as a demon.

"Thirty million adventurers (players) have been teleported back to Negon in the past few days. The plan is very successful. I believe you will be put into great use after you return, Mr. Xikli!"

Martin answered respectfully.

The other party is notoriously moody.

A valley could be filled with people who died in the hands of the other party. He would not think that the other party was this kind of person just because of his gentleness at this time.

"No, this amount is far from enough!" Xikli shook his head and said in a cold tone: "Let everyone hunt for me, I need more blood and souls to expand the passage to hell!"

If you want to expand the hell passage, if you are not willing to invest precious resources, you must invest enough flesh, blood and soul.

As for where the blood and soul come from, the demons no longer care.

Do you really think their evil alliance was called for nothing? .

Although Nigon's position is somewhat different from that of the demons of the Abyss Hell, killing is indeed a common occurrence for them.

Just two kilometers in front of the hillside where the two are located is the red vertical pupil-shaped hell passage.

Through this passage, people can be teleported to Negon.

This is only possible because of advance planning and the investment of massive resources.

From time to time, you can see teams of the Hell Alliance, driving a large number of dark-skinned adventurers into the transmission channel.

Adventurers' potential and souls are precious resources, otherwise Nigon would not have invested so much.



The warning magic horn suddenly sounded in the camp, causing everyone in the Hell Alliance to subconsciously look around.

Unfortunately, no enemies were seen.

"What's going on?"


"Isn't it a mistake?"

"With our strength, who dares to cause trouble?"

These are pretty much their thoughts.

In their opinion, if there is an enemy attack, at least they will be notified first, instead of directly blowing the warning horn to remind them.

Compared to what these people thought, Sikli, the commander of the coalition forces at the headquarters, was the most surprised.

"what happened!"

He asked angrily, but no one around him could answer the question.

Fortunately, a demon rushed over.

"Enemy...enemy attack!"

Before anyone even rushed to the command post, they were already reporting loudly.

Magic communication!

It turned out that I was able to get the news in advance because I received a magical communication that was luckily uninterrupted.

Otherwise, the Flying Messenger is not as fast as the Valkyrie at full speed.

Unfortunately, it is too late to warn.

The distant sky!

A dense group of black spots are flying quickly.

The atmosphere was torn apart, forming wind tracks behind it, which looked spectacular.


The sound of approaching rolling thunder made it clear what the black dots were.

He has blond hair and blue eyes, and wears a red winged helmet decorated with white feathers.

Wearing gold-red scale armor and combat boots, he held a small bird shield in his left hand and a spear in his right hand.

These figures were approaching at high speed with small red dragon wings spread out behind them.

It took less than a minute from the time he saw the opponent to the time he came to kill him.

too fast!

The terrifying speed firmly grabbed everyone's attention.

"Ready to fight!"

Xikli roared loudly, then lifted into the air with his war sickle.

As a great demon with semi-god-level combat power, he is not afraid of fighting.

Following his voice, a great demon followed him from all over the camp, as did a large number of fire elves.

The warlike demons have long had enough of this boring life.

When they heard the enemy was coming, it... Their first reaction was not panic, but excitement and excitement.

I can finally get rid of this boring life.

Yes, this is the devil.

Chaotic and belligerent!

If there were no higher-level demons to suppress them, they might even kill their own people.

Perhaps because of this, even the leaders of Nigon, the ‘Demons’, reject pure demons and have a vaguely antagonistic relationship with the Abyss Hell.

Big devil!

It is also a championship-level race, starting from the championship level, and its combat power is extremely exaggerated.

At the same time, there are no restrictions like military templates, and there are various abilities, including epic and legendary levels.

Number tens of thousands.

This number is already quite large.

Because this is not a type of soldier, but a real demon.

The Great Demon Legion has a total of 100,000 units.

The size difference between small-sized soldiers and large-sized soldiers gives them a huge advantage in terms of numbers.

Just like Archangel can easily maintain hundreds of thousands of units, but the dragon may not be able to withstand tens of thousands of units.

Bone dragon!

There are also a large number of bone dragons, black dragons, poisonous manticores and other flying troops, but they are all some distance away from the hell passage and the command center, so there is no way to get there quickly.

And the top leaders of the Hell Army don't think they need the support of the undead lords and dungeon lords. They can handle it themselves.

As the commander-in-chief, Sikli roared loudly:

"Follow me and make them regret it!"

He was really angry at this time.

The opponent dared to attack with such a small number and did not take him to heart at all. How could he not be angry?

After roaring, he led tens of thousands of great demons, more than 50,000 fire elves, as well as 100,000 units of great demons, and 300,000 fire elves armies, and rushed towards the direction of the Valkyrie.

In terms of quantity, the two sides outnumbered each other by more than ten to one.

Not to mention the quality.

There are a large number of strong men in the hell army, as well as real high-level demons. The combat effectiveness of these demons is not comparable to that of the soldiers.

In terms of strength on paper, even if the Valkyrie is a 'quasi-epic' unit, it is far inferior to the flying troops of the Hell Army.

It’s just that fighting is not based on paper strength.

You will know who is strong and who is weak only after fighting.


The spear in Alvi's hand ignited with golden and red flames.

"The storm is coming!"

She accelerated her fighting spirit again and charged towards Xikli who was holding the war scythe.

The other party's aura was the most terrifying, so she was naturally responsible for dealing with it.

Even if his own combat power is only at the legendary level, confrontation is not a problem at all.


The Valkyrie Ten can defeat evil targets, so even if she fights across levels, it's no problem at all.

"The storm is coming!"

Amidst the chants that resounded in the sky, the Valkyries and the demon troops were about to engage in battle.


Fire Spear!

Shadow Spear!

Countless spells were thrown at the Valkyrie overwhelmingly.

The Great Demon is a race of 'double magic and martial arts'. As a soldier, he will definitely not be able to use other abilities.

But aren’t there a large number of non-army high-level demons!

Many of them possess innate spells, which must be used in advance before fighting.

Especially since these spells are talents, you don't need to chant and cast them at all. You can just hit them out instinctively.

The same is true for the fire elves.

Before engaging in battle, you must blast it with various fireballs.

The combat mode of a true high-level demon is not as fixed and rigid as the arms.

Boom, boom!

The sky was flooded with explosions and flames.


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