The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1708 Transaction and bitter consequences!


After going through ‘science popularization’, the players understood what the Fire Demon King was doing.

Not only does it summon volcanoes to destroy the arena, but it also creates a home arena to increase its own summoning time.


From these words conveyed by Mokli, a message was revealed.

The sooner we can stop it, the better.

If you act too late, the Undercity may be doomed.

Even if the upper limit of strength is suppressed, it is still not difficult for such a super boss to destroy a city-level fortress.

A lord is different from a lord!

The gap between the Fire Demon King and ordinary abyss lords is like heaven and earth, so he can do this.

"what to do?"

All the players looked at Angry Dragon and others.

Several people have special identities, and it is completely instinctive to look at them at critical moments.

If the sky falls, of course you have to find someone tall to hold it up.

Of course, the storm collar may be stronger.

But during this period, his presence was too low, and he didn't like to participate in player affairs, so he was naturally ignored by them subconsciously.

It's just that they will ignore it, but they won't.

After several people looked at each other.

The left hand of God loudly ordered:

"Evacuate the surrounding players and mobilize the army and war machines. A mere Abyss Lord is nothing to be afraid of!"

He looked confident, as if he didn't take the Fire Demon King into his eyes at all.

But in fact, when he gave the order, the angry dragon walked towards where the Storm Leader and the others were standing.

not far away!


Looking at the angry dragon approaching, Freya snorted softly.

Because the other party has been keeping a distance from the Storm Leader for the past six months, and now he comes over whenever he encounters trouble, she is naturally extremely disdainful.

But this is reality.

Angry Dragon is the guild leader and cannot do things according to his own preferences.

Although he holds great power, his personal will cannot override the will of the Raging Dragon Guild.

Even if he is unwilling, he must carry out the will of the guild.

Unlike Zhao Hao, the Storm Leader is completely self-sufficient and does whatever he wants.

"Commander of the Memphira Army!"

The angry dragon greeted Memphela who was standing at the front of several people.

At the same time, bringing a professional title instead of calling someone by name also shows that this visit is for ‘official business’ and not a private matter.

In other words, just do business! .

Just kidding, how could the angry dragon not understand a truth?

Public affairs shall be public affairs, and private affairs shall be private affairs!

How could he use his personal friendship to do official business?

If he didn't think clearly, he wouldn't be able to sit firmly as the president of the Raging Dragon Guild, unlike other guilds where the strongest player serves as the president.

It's because his ability is so outstanding, and the King of War himself supports him that he can do this.

"What advice does President Angry Dragon have?"

Memphis reacted coldly.

She could naturally hear why the other party called her his job title.

Otherwise, given our relationship, even if we don't have much contact during this period, calling each other by name is not a problem at all.

So she also keeps things business-like.

"I wonder if you can take action?"

The angry dragon's gaze swept over several people, especially Feida and Yalvi, who stayed the longest.

There's something special about the two on this occasion!

Feida is immune to flames, this information is no longer a secret.

In Yarvi's words, it was because of her restraint against evil targets, not to mention the fact that she brought a thousand Valkyries.

The Valkyrie's strength starts at the 'quasi-epic' level.

It can be used as an epic level when facing evil targets.

Such combat effectiveness is indeed worthy of attention.

"This is your business!"

Memphela emphasized.

The enemy will know who they are coming for at a glance.

If it was against the Storm Territory, then they would have no choice but to do so.

But they didn’t come for them. If they took action forcefully, who would lose? .

"No, this is a matter for all players!"

The angry dragon shook his head in denial.

The Players Council represents all players, and the enemy is targeting the Council. He is right to say so.

"The Storm Territory doesn't need a player council!"

Memphis pointed out this fact.

Yes, even if the player council is really defeated by the Destruction Storm Leader, it will not be affected, but if these guilds do not have this joint platform, their influence will be greatly reduced.


What can the angry dragon say?

The Storm Leader really had the confidence to watch something happen to the Player Council.

But they can't!

Even though they are a hegemonic guild, their strength is completely incomparable to that of the aboriginal people. They need to stay together as a team for warmth, so the Player Council really cannot give up.

"Five thousand units of Archangel!"

Freya suddenly interrupted.

Naturally, 'someone' asked her to speak when she spoke.

As for whether this number can be completed? .

It may not be possible to switch to a giant champion class like a dragon, but it is not a problem at all to a small champion class like an archangel.

The point is that in the player guild, there are many secretly communicating with the alliance.

Do you really think Zhao Hao is blind? .

So this can be considered a warning and punishment.

It shows that the Storm Leader is aware of their little tricks.

"Impossible!" Angry Dragon reacted fiercely at first, but then explained in a low voice, "Now the alliance does not allow trading of archangels at all, and you also know it!"

Freya didn't answer, looking at Hanyue Rose.

It means let her talk.

Feeling the gaze, Hanyue Rose understood that this was not what Freya meant, but what her boss meant, so she took a step forward and said:

"The alliance just doesn't want to trade with us, but that doesn't mean it won't trade with you. And if you guys work together, the burden won't be big!"

The major forces in the alliance have been secretly wooing the major guilds.

Champion-level soldiers like Archangels are not untradeable to them.

If there are too many, you may have to worry about whether you can take them out.

But if the major guilds come together to come up with 5,000 units, it's really not a big deal.

With the strong performance of the Storm Army, the restrictions imposed on players by major forces have begun to decrease.

Because they feel that if other players are allowed to grow in power, they can break the influence of the Storm Leader among the players.

In fact, they were successful.

The major players have indeed become more ambitious as their strength increases, so they tacitly reject the Storm Leader.

You have to pay for your ambition now.

Being ambitious is not a sin, but not having the strength is.

"...I need to discuss it with the others!"

The angry dragon turned and left.

He really can't make the decision on his own.

It is indeed not a problem if all the guilds gather it, but whether to take it out is the problem.

Looking at the back of the angry dragon, Freya asked curiously.

"Master, will they agree?"

She knew that these adventurer guilds all wanted to get rid of their own influence.

"Then it depends on the Fire Demon King!"

Zhao Hao's tone was casual.

Because he really doesn't care.

Five thousand units of Archangels are far less meaningful to the Storm Territory today than before.

Now that he is not officially under Yalvi's command, the number of places he has accumulated in the lair is more than this.

If only players could take matters into their own hands.

Although he would lose one hunting opportunity and five thousand units of Archangels, that was it.

At this time, due to changes in himself and his territory, his views were completely different from before.

If it were the past.

I will definitely not miss this opportunity to improve my strength. Now it depends on my mood.


The war between the Fire Demon King and the players began while they watched.

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