The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1720 Hell camp: Negon!


It was a place that Zhao Hao had seldom... or even never been to.

At the same time, the opponent is also the representative force of the hell camp among the nine major camps.

One of the three giants of the evil camp!

The hell army is also a frequent invader.

What needs to be understood is that the armies of hell are also different.

The demons from the Abyss Hell are also the army of hell, but they are qualitatively different from Nigon's army of hell.

Negon's hell army aims to conquer other forces, killing and plundering along the way.

The demons from the abyss hell aim at destruction and destruction, and want to pull the main plane into the abyss and become one of its layers.

It will be like this.

Naturally, this is because Negon is mainly composed of demons, while Abyss Hell is pure demon.

This also leads to huge differences between the two even if they belong to the same camp.

There are many such situations.

For example, this is the relationship between the heaven plane and the church.

In general, the relationship between the plane and the main plane forces is complicated and cannot be understood by ordinary people.

Although it is an evil camp, Nigon does not prohibit outsiders from entering.

The prerequisite is that you can leave alive.

Anyway, on this land, killings, natural disasters, chaos... and the like are everywhere.

Logically speaking, no businessmen should go there.

But in fact, there are quite a few businessmen who are willing to go.

Because for businessmen, as long as there are enough benefits, they are willing to take no matter how big the risk is.

And the benefits gained from one trip to Negon were enough for them to make a lot of money.

Some merchants even find ways to rob and destroy other caravans, just to monopolize or have fewer competitors.

It can only be said that there are all kinds of magical real-life operations.

As long as you can't think of it, there is nothing you can't do.

Negon is located deep in the sea to the northwest of the Silver Federation, and is extremely far away in a straight line.

If you pass through the maelstrom, ordinary ships can come and go within a few days.

If we don't take a sea passage like the Great Whirlpool, it will take at least half a month to make a one-way trip.

The point is danger!

There are more dangers at sea than on land, and they are also more unsolvable.

The reason why the Storm Territory is so successful at sea is entirely because of Nagahena's leadership.

Any dangers will be solved directly.

Even if the Naga Siren and the Red Gorge tribe can't solve it, they can still let the Storm bombard them with the Explosive Flying Dragon.

But other forces do not have this advantage, so the sea is extremely dangerous to them.

Taking the Great Whirlpool route is also the only route to Negon.

If you don't leave, how many lives will you have to die for?

Although Zhao Hao is not afraid of danger.

But there is no thought of wasting time.

So he took a boat from Pale Collar as a part-time worker, and it took him almost three days to get to Negon.

I have never been there before, so it is naturally impossible to leave the teleportation coordinates, so I can only go there honestly.

Fortunately, this is no longer the early stage of advent, and time is not so precious.

We have widened the qualitative gap in all aspects, which cannot be easily bridged by time.

And this is why, in the past, Zhao Hao was not willing to waste half a second, but now he is not so eager.

In the distance, the coastline can already be seen.

"Finally we're here!"

Zhao Hao sighed softly on the deck.

This time he didn't bring any subordinates with him.

And before coming, as the leader of the new underground army, he issued a meeting request to a force in Negon.

This is not a private visit, so it is naturally impossible to come secretly.

Although that would be more secretive, it would be extremely difficult to see the senior management of Nigon, and it would also cause misunderstandings.

A strong person like him cannot enter other spheres of influence at will.

The pinnacle of demigods!

If placed in the real world without integration, it would be equivalent to a big killer. If it appears in the territory of other forces without permission, you can imagine the reaction it will cause.

If there is no other purpose, entering secretly is just entry.

But this time there is an important purpose, so it is naturally impossible to cause conflict.

Zhao Hao didn't want internal strife to start before the world war started.

Of course, because they knew that the alliance forces had spies in Nigon, the forces they contacted were extremely extraordinary, and they were a demon family that could not have any problems.

At least before Zhao Hao was reborn, this family had never heard of any problems.

Do you really want to send a note request through open official channels... Do you believe it, the alliance might know the news earlier than Negon? .

Soon, the merchant ship docked.


It looks shabby and shabby.

But there is no way, in this kind of natural disasters and chaos everywhere on the island, no matter how good the port is, it cannot stay.

The area of ​​the island is extremely exaggerated and can almost be regarded as a small continent.

But except for the demons, no other race wanted to come.

There is only one reason.

The environment is really bad! .

Even a swampy place like Greenham is countless times better than here.

Although it is a swamp, plants can grow, and there are many places where food can be grown, so barely surviving is not a problem.

But here in Nigon? .


Except volcanoes are volcanoes.

The entire world is dark red, and there are endless volcanic ash floating in the sky, making everyone's vision gray.

Let alone growing food, not even weeds can grow in this environment.

Now do you know why Negon is so close to the Silver Federation but has never been invaded? .

Because this extremely harsh natural environment is its best talisman.

The three giants of the evil camp all avoided being invaded because of the extremely harsh natural environment.

Otherwise, do we really think that other camps are harmless and good babies?

If it is really fertile and suitable for living, other camps are guaranteed to invade directly.

In general, the reason why islands like Negon, with most of the volcanic area occupied by demons, have been occupied by demons is entirely because other forces simply look down on it.

The armies of hell have plundered and invaded the Old World many times, and they may not have no need for a living environment.

Because this volcanic environment is very comfortable for the demons, but for the demons, it is complete torture.

After landing.

Zhao Hao immediately left in a low-key manner.

This visit must be kept secret.

Once his whereabouts are revealed, it is very likely that strong men from the alliance will come to 'send warmth'.

Don't forget that as Gui Che, he is the most wanted brother in the alliance.

If the news is confirmed, maybe the Pope, the Lord of Mysteries... and the like will also be present.

Although everyone is a peak demigod.

But Zhao Hao knew very well that he was better at group fighting and crushing.

If faced with a siege by a large army, he can become stronger as he fights and can easily fight back, but peak demigods like the Pope can only retreat and may even be killed.

This is not a difference in strength, but a difference in the direction of expertise.

But in small-scale battles and duels, he will be faintly suppressed if he mainly relies on summons.

Therefore, he really doesn't want those big guys to come to his door to 'give warmth'.

After leaving the dilapidated and crude port, Zhao Hao unfolded his devil wings and took off.


After taking off, I felt the extremely hot temperature and the smell of sulfur hitting my face.

"Nigon, here I come!"

Zhao Hao flew towards the depths of the land at full speed.

Just trying to fly in Negon is extremely risky.

If not, there wouldn't be so few flying creatures in the sky.

If Zhao Hao dared to fly, he would naturally have absolute confidence in his own defense power.

The pinnacle of demigods!

Plane ceiling combat power.

As long as you don't want to die, it's hard to die even if you want to.

This idea was abandoned within a few hours.

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